
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact デントワークマン・コンドウ

住所 :

Oboramidoriyama, 〒501-3125 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.dentworkman-k.com/
街 : Gifu

Oboramidoriyama, 〒501-3125 Gifu,Japan
加藤すすむ on Google

Thank you for your help the other day. The personality of the contractor, the work content, and the finish are all good. I would like to ask if something happens again
Ta Ke on Google

前車に続き2回目です。私も車が好きで前回もそうでしたが、しばらく趣味の車の話しで盛り上がってしまいました(^^; 気になっていた凹みもキレイに直して頂き、とても信頼のできるお店です!
This is the second time following the previous car. I also like cars and it was the same as last time, but for a while I got excited about my hobby car (^^; It's a very reliable shop where you can clean up the dents you were worried about!
DS3 CITROEN on Google

ルノー、カングー の助手席側ドアに駐車場でドアを当てられた凹みがあり、こちらのお店に修理お願いしました。 板金で塗装すると色合わせが上手くやってくれるか不安でしたが、デントリペアの技術は裏側から凹みを押し出して直す為、塗装が要りません。 自宅まで出張修理してもらえ、1時間ぐらいで綺麗に直して頂けました。 また何かあったらお願いしようと思います。
There was a dent in the parking lot at the passenger side door of Renault and Kangoo, and we asked for repair at this shop. I was worried that the color matching would work well when painted with sheet metal, but the dent repair technique does not require painting because it pushes out the dent from the back and repairs it. We had you repair on business trip to home and were able to fix neatly in around one hour. I would like to ask if there is something again.
ホワイトアウル on Google

Door punch on the rear fender. It's a small dent, but I thought it would be annoying and the price was quite good if I estimated it at the sheet metal shop. I asked about this time because I remembered about dent repair. I am grateful that I was grateful for the high quality of the product. Also, Mr. Kondo's ease of talking and good personality made me more satisfied. In addition, I would appreciate your favor.
Yasu Fuji on Google

CX-8のリア部分の数センチの傷に対応してもらいました。 板金では塗装含め10万円ほどと言われましたが、その必要性がわからず、ほんの少しの凹みを直したいだけでしたのでこちらに依頼しました。 結果にはかなり満足です。素晴らしいお仕事をしていただけました。ありがとうございました。
I had them deal with a few centimeters of scratches on the rear part of the CX-8. It was said that it was about 100,000 yen including painting for sheet metal, but I didn't understand the necessity and just wanted to fix a slight dent, so I asked for it. I'm pretty happy with the result. You did a great job. Thank you very much.
林義人 on Google

仕上がりはもちろん仕事に対する姿勢に感動しました。 この技術をもっと皆さんにも知ってほしいと思いました。
I was impressed not only by the finish but also by the attitude toward work. I wanted everyone to know more about this technology.

新車のデリカにドアパンチされ縦に15cm程のへこみ…。幸い塗装までいってなかったので近藤さんにお願いしました。スライドドアの端で難しいところでしたがきれいにリペアして頂きました。近藤さんの技術も人柄も最高です! また機会があればぜひお願いしたいです!
The door was punched by the new Delica and a dent of about 15 cm in length. Fortunately, I didn't even paint it, so I asked Mr. Kondo. It was a difficult place at the end of the sliding door, but it was repaired cleanly. Mr. Kondo's technique and personality are the best! If you have another chance, I would love to hear from you!
滝本幸大 on Google

ランドクルーザー 70のエクボ3カ所ほどを施工してもらいました。 納車したばかりでしたが古い中古の車両ですので数カ所凹みがあり気になっていました。 できるところは少しずつキレイにしたいなと思ってお願いしました。 とても人柄の良い感じの方で、安心しておねがいできました。 作業も数時間で終わり、もとても満足できる キレイな仕上がりにビックリでした。 また凹みができたらお願いしようと思います。
I had them construct about 3 dimples on the Land Cruiser 70. I had just delivered the car, but since it was an old used car, there were some dents and I was worried. I asked him to clean up what he could do little by little. He has a very good personality, and I was able to ask with confidence. The work is completed in a few hours, and I am very satisfied. I was surprised at the beautiful finish. I would like to ask if there is a dent again.

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