
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact グレイスカーズ

住所 :

Obaracho, Ota, 〒379-2304 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87799
Webサイト : https://www.glacecarz.co.jp/
街 : Gunma

Obaracho, Ota, 〒379-2304 Gunma,Japan
桒原愛果 on Google

Very responsive, I bought a Passo red! . In addition, it is a shop that I would like to ask if there is an edge.
新井雅恵 on Google

I bought a cube of Nissan ❗ I was able to buy a car very well with the correspondence of the person in charge. I would like to use Mr. Grayskers if I have the opportunity to buy a car again
山田新也 on Google

It was the first purchase of a car here from my house very close. The person who responded was very polite. Also I would like to use it if there is opportunity.
奎吾横地 on Google

We were able to buy the car with peace of mind, as we were able to respond promptly until delivery, and the coating and maintenance were solid. I would like to ride for a long time!
ろんま on Google

去年の4月頃にレガシィのツーリングワゴンを購入させていただきました。 夜のギリギリなのに親切な対応をしていただき 試し乗りもせずに購入しました。 現状販売のお店という事で特に問題もないたもろうとおもい、いざ、車を取りに行き お店を出て一発目の信号が赤信号でした。 ブレーキを踏んだ瞬間ハンドルがガタガタガタガタと? ブレーキパットが4箇所(全箇所)ズタボロでした。タイヤが中古屋でヒビが入ってるのはまだ分かります。 ただ、命に直結するブレーキパットがズタボロなのは、如何なものなのかと その説明も一切無し 楽しみにしてた納車が最悪の日になりました。 仕事でなかなか行く機会が出来ずに1ヶ月 連絡をする前に書類を見たら1ヶ月保証? 40万ちょいくらいの車なのでいたしかたないのかもしれませんが命があって良かったです。 非常に怖い思いをしました。 あと、ここで購入された方ならわかるとは思いますが 契約書を書き終わるとその場で評価をしてくれといわれます。無理矢理感があり高評価をつける方が多いのではないでしょうか。 まぁ、それはいいとしても二度とここでは買いません。 社長さん含め従業員の方の対応はとても良いと思います。きちんとされていました。 その為に星が2つです。
I bought a Legacy touring wagon around April last year. Even though it was the last minute of the night, please kindly respond I bought it without a test ride. I think that there is no particular problem because it is a shop that sells at present, so I went to pick up the car The first traffic light after leaving the store was a red light. The moment you step on the brake, the steering wheel rattles and rattles ? Brake pads were smashed in 4 places (all places). I can still see that the tires are second hand and cracked. However, what is it like that the brake pads that are directly connected to life are sloppy? No explanation at all The delivery I was looking forward to was the worst day. One month without the opportunity to go to work 1 month warranty if you look at the documents before contacting ? It's about 400,000 cars, so it may be unavoidable, but I'm glad I had a life. I was very scared. Also, if you bought it here, you'll know. When you finish writing the contract, you will be asked to evaluate it on the spot. I think there are many people who have a feeling of force and give high marks. Well, even if it's okay, I'll never buy it here. I think the response of employees, including the president, is very good. It was neat. Therefore, there are two stars.
しおてら on Google

Although he was a distant person, he was very kind to me and was very helpful. I felt that there are many cars with good cost performance.
汰斗村山 on Google

免許をとって、1台目の車?️をグレイスカーズさんで購入しました。 この車と、決めては行ったものの、たくさんならんであってどれにしようか迷い?ました。 が、やっぱり第一印象?で決めていた車に、決めました。 距離も少なくて、車もキレイ✨、価格も他店と比べてお手頃価格。迷っていたらほかの人に買われてしまう。 と、思い、すぐに決めました。 " 即 決 " です。 納車の日程も、相談にのってくれて、ジャストなタイミングで納車。 納車の日もドキドキ?しながらお店に行くと、 「初めての車?️は、思い出に残るから。」 と、す―ごくピカピカ✨?✨、キレイに仕上げてあり " 感 謝 " ?⤵️ 傷をつけたりしない様に、安全運転を心がけて大切に乗っていきたいです。 大満足?です。 ありがとうございました。?⤵️
I got my driver's license and bought the first car ?️ from Glacier's. I decided on this car, but I wasn't sure which one to use because there were so many ?. However, I decided on the car that I had decided on in my first impression ?. The distance is short, the car is beautiful, and the price is reasonable compared to other stores. If you get lost, someone else will buy you. I decided immediately. "Prompt decision". The delivery schedule was also consulted, and the car was delivered at just the right time. When I went to the store with excitement on the day of delivery, "The first car ?️ will be memorable." And, it's very shiny ✨?✨, it's beautifully finished "Thank you" ?⤵️ I want to drive safely and take good care of myself so as not to damage it. I am very satisfied ?. Thank you very much. ?⤵️
Tomita Nobuo on Google

パジェロミニ購入しました。 納期等無理を申し上げましたが、迅速な対応を頂き感謝致します。15年経過の古い車ですがレジャー用途で大切にします。ご丁寧な対応で気持ち良く購入出来ました。今後とも宜しくお願いします。
I bought the Pajero Mini. We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your prompt response. It is an old car that is 15 years old, but I will cherish it for leisure use. I was able to purchase it comfortably with a polite response. Thank you in the future.

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