Obako - Edogawa City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Obako

住所 :

4 Chome-33-6 Matsushima, Edogawa City, Tokyo 132-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 132-0031
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10PM
Sunday 5–10PM
Monday 5–10PM
Tuesday 5–10PM
Wednesday 5–10PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 5–10PM

4 Chome-33-6 Matsushima, Edogawa City, Tokyo 132-0031, Japan
goro SKI on Google

Speaking of motsu-yaki in Shin-Koiwa, here. Although it is a short skewer, it has a lot of volume. Fresh because the rotation is good
saki 101 on Google

お店に入った瞬間、不穏な空気。どうやらお客さんが揉めてたようで、タイミングがわるかったかな、、 でももつが美味しくて満足 ただドリンクには氷を入れて欲しいかなと、やたら酔っ払いました。安く酔えていいんですけどね。
The moment you enter the shop, the air is disturbing. Apparently the customer was rubbing and the timing was wrong, But it’s also delicious, and I’m satisfied. However, I was drunk asking if I wanted to add ice to the drink. You can get drunk cheaply.
江戸ベンチャー on Google

店の外がかすむほどのケムリ。 香ばしい香りに誘われ暖簾をくぐると昭和の雰囲気が色濃く残る店内。 おひとりさまにはハーフサイズの半煮込みがオススメ。 串焼きの塩味は山椒も振ってあってナイスアクセント◎ 個人的には酎ハイ&レモン。カシラ、シロ、レバー、ナンコツがイチオシ!! 2020年6月 新型コロナウィルス対策のためパーテーション完備。 特にイチオシは「にんにく(時価)」。
Gem that makes the outside of the store hazy. The atmosphere of the Showa period remains strong when you pass the goodwill by being invited by the fragrant scent. We recommend half-size, half-boiled dishes for one person. The saltiness of the skewers is also shaken with Japanese pepper, which is a nice accent! Personally, it's shochu high & lemon. Kashira, white, liver, Nankotsu are the best choice!! June 2020 Complete with partition to prevent new coronavirus. Especially recommended is "garlic (market value)".
田嶋馨 on Google

昭和の面影残る名店です。やきとんも大きなサイズで食べ応えもあり、とても美味しい。 品数は豊富とは言えないですが、それぞれのクオリティーは非常に高いです。 店内もノスタルジックな雰囲気でとても落ち着くので、1人飲みにも最適です。
It is a well-known store that retains the remnants of the Showa era. Yakiton is also a large size and has a satisfying taste, so it is very delicious. The number of items is not abundant, but the quality of each is very high. The inside of the store is also very calm with a nostalgic atmosphere, so it is ideal for drinking alone.
二代目こうめ on Google

この日は歴史研究家の沼田先生と一緒に、「かど鈴」、「しげきん」と2軒ハシゴして参りましたが、2軒目の「しげきん」で呑んでいる時に沼田先生の後輩から連絡が入り、「やきとり おばこ」で合流することになりました。 偶然にも新小岩で呑んでいたようでつ。 お店の場所はJR総武線の新小岩駅南口から6分程のところですね。 この日は午後5時21分に到着。。。 ここは1958年(昭和33年)創業の老舗のもつ焼き屋さん。 お店自体は何度も改装したのでしょう。見た目は全く古さを感じません。 でも、お店を62年間も続けているって凄いですねぇ。 店内は昭和なイキフン(雰囲気ねww)!! ただ、手入れが行き届いている為、整然としております。 席はカウンター7席に4人掛けテーブル席が2卓。 沼田先生の後輩君2名は既に到着していました。 何気なく壁に掛けられた木札のメニューを見ると、どれも安くて庶民価格。 私のような貧乏人には助かります。 ◆今回いただいた物 ・『虎徹(500円)』 この日は季節外れの雪が降り寒いので、芋焼酎のお湯割りにしました。 やはり、寒い日は焼酎のお湯割りですよ。 ・『お通し』 お通しは自家製のお新香。。。 メニューに「おしんこ大」(460円)というのがありますが、たぶん、それだと思います。 内容は、ナス、キャベツ、キュウリ、人参。。。 個人的にはもう少ししっかり漬かっている方が好みかなぁ~ ・『かしら(1本 130円)』 いやぁ~、1串がデカいですねぇ。他店の1.5倍はありますよ。 早速食べてみると、とっても柔らかくてジューシー。 焼き加減も塩加減も良い感じでつ。 ・『あぶら(1本 130円)』 これはカシラのアブラではなく腸についているキクアブラ。 焦げた部分が香ばしく、脂がジュワーと口中に広がります。 これは甘辛い醤油だれによく合うなぁ~♪ ・『しろ(1本 130円)』 しっかりシロの食感を残していますが、決して硬いわけではないですね。 そして、鮮度も良く下処理が丁寧なため、シロ独特の臭みやクセもありません。 それにしても1串がデカいよね(笑)  (^_^; アハハ… ・『ればー(1本 130円)』 これはねぎ間になっています。 焼き加減はミディアム。。。ねぎとの相性も良いですよ。 しかし、ここのもつ焼きは大きさも切り揃えられており、見た目も綺麗!! 値段は安いし、デカいし、美味しいし、ほんと、良い店だわ。 お店を62年間続けられた理由が分かりますね。
On this day, I went to two ladders with "Kadosuzu" and "Shigekin" with historian Numata, but when I was drinking at the second "Shigekin", Numata's junior I got in touch with him and decided to join him at "Yakitori Aunt". It seems that he was drinking at Shin-Koiwa by chance. The location of the shop is about 6 minutes from the south exit of Shin-Koiwa Station on the JR Sobu Line. This day arrived at 5:21 pm. .. .. This is a long-established grilled restaurant founded in 1958 (Showa 33). The shop itself may have been renovated many times. It doesn't look old at all. But it's amazing that the store has been running for 62 years. The inside of the store is Showa Ikifun (atmosphere ww)! !! However, it is in order because it is in good condition. There are 7 counter seats and 2 table seats for 4 people. Two juniors of Mr. Numata have already arrived. If you look at the menu of wooden bills hung on the wall casually, they are all cheap and popular prices. It helps poor people like me. ◆ What I received this time ・ "Tora Toru (500 yen)" It was cold with unseasonable snow on this day, so I used hot water for sweet potato shochu. After all, on a cold day, it's a hot water split of shochu. ・ "Through" The izakaya is homemade new incense. .. .. There is "Oshinko Dai" (460 yen) on the menu, but I think that is probably the case. The contents are eggplant, cabbage, cucumber and carrot. .. .. Personally, I prefer to soak it a little more firmly ~ ・ "Kashira (130 yen per bottle)" No, one skewer is big. There are 1.5 times as many as other stores. When I tried it immediately, it was very soft and juicy. The roasting and salting are good. ・ "Abura (130 yen per bottle)" This is not Kashira's Abra, but Kiku Abra attached to the intestines. The burnt part is fragrant and the fat spreads in the mouth with the dewar. This goes well with sweet and spicy soy sauce! ・ "White (130 yen per bottle)" It retains the texture of white, but it's not hard at all. And because the freshness is good and the preparation is careful, there is no odor or habit peculiar to white. Even so, one skewer is big (laughs) (^ _ ^; Ahaha ... ・ "Liver (130 yen per bottle)" This is a green onion. The degree of baking is medium. .. .. It goes well with green onions. However, the grilled offal here is also cut in size and looks beautiful! !! It's cheap, big, delicious, and really good. You can see why the store has been open for 62 years.
Rosso ES30 on Google

駅から離れているが足を運ぶ価値あり 丁寧に下処理されたモツはタレ・塩共に絶品 チューハイは下町仕様で濃いので注意
Far from the station but worth a visit The carefully prepared offal is excellent in both sauce and salt. Please note that Chu-Hi is a downtown specification and is dark.
おたずねものムシ on Google

It is a restaurant that makes you want to eat because of the good smell of skewers. It's easy for one person to enter, so it's perfect when you want to drink lightly! Corona's infectious disease countermeasures are perfect, so I was able to eat with peace of mind!
t yam on Google

terrible restaurant

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