Nyoiji Temple - Kyōtango

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nyoiji Temple

住所 :

1845 Kumihamacho, Kyōtango, Kyoto 629-3410, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 629-3410
Webサイト : https://www.nyoiji.com/

1845 Kumihamacho, Kyōtango, Kyoto 629-3410, Japan
平田悦夫 on Google

綺麗なお寺でした。 たまたま前を通り、寄りましたが。 ツヅジが有名なお寺で、残念ですが、つぼみでした。ただ、散策路には、ツヅジが一杯で満開時には、凄く綺麗だろうと想像出来ます。また来たいです。
It was a beautiful temple. I happened to pass by, but stopped by. Tsuji is a famous temple, sorry but it was a bud. However, you can imagine that the walkway is full of azaleas and when they are in full bloom they will be very beautiful. I want to come again.
Norihiko Maruyama on Google

関西花の寺二十五箇所霊場第7番礼所 4月の如意寺はとにかく綺麗です。 桜、みつばつつじ、石楠花やイカリソウなど、 ピンク系のお花が沢山です! ゆっくりお花を見ながら、参拝するには1時間くらいの滞在時間をみてる方がいいと思います。 山道も歩いてあがりそこから見るお花と空と海の景色はとても綺麗なので歩きやすい靴が良いと思います。 こちらのお寺は、手入れもとても良くされており、住職も本を出版されてたり、お花のInstagramもされてたり、御朱印も新元号バージョンを発行されたりと、とにかくステキです!
Kansai Flower Temple 25th Remembrance Center No.7 Memorial Hall The Royo-ji Temple in April is beautiful anyway. Such as cherry blossoms, honeybees azalea, stone flower and ikari sous Lots of pink flowers! I think that it is better to look at the stay time of about 1 hour to visit the temple while watching the flower slowly. I think walking shoes are good because walking on the mountain path and the view of flowers, sky and sea seen from there is very beautiful. This temple is also in very good condition, and the priests have been publishing books, being instagrams of flowers, and being issued a new era version of Oshoji, it is just amazing!
Sakura M.Y on Google

花の寺7番。もう一度行きたいお寺。目の前が久美浜湾で展望が素晴らしい!また休憩所が有り難い。 4月頃のミツバツツジが有名ですが 境内は年間通して花や緑が手入れされていて心地良いかと思います。最高の極楽浄土! 御本尊は十一面観音。また一木造りの阿弥陀如来の木目がなんとも美しいです。更に日切不動尊の不動堂の形が素晴らしい。是非、願掛けおすすめします。 予約すると住職のありがたい楽しい法話が頂けます(志納)。 駐車場あり。
Flower Temple No. 7. The temple you want to go to again. The front is Kumihama Bay and the view is amazing! Thank you for the rest area. The bee azalea around April is famous, but I think the grounds are comfortable with flowers and greenery throughout the year. The best paradise! Mihonson is an eleventh Kannon. In addition, the wood grain of Amitabha Nyogi is beautiful. Furthermore, the shape of Fudodo by Hikari Fudoson is wonderful. I highly recommend it. If you make a reservation, you will be able to enjoy a fun tale of the priest (Shino). Parking available.
的場晴斗 on Google

As you walk, your mind will be refreshed and you will forget your tiredness. The Kumihama Bay that spreads further in front is also wonderful
ムーミンママ on Google

関西花の寺の七番札所です。 久美浜の海が見えるロケーション最高のお寺です。 ツツジの見頃には早いかなって思っていたけど、綺麗に咲いてました。満開になったらどんなにか綺麗なんだろう、、、 桜が満開で、椿、馬酔木、シャクナゲとまさに百花繚乱でした。
It is the 7th bill place of the Kansai flower temple. It is the best temple in the location where you can see the sea of ​​Kumihama. I thought it was early when the azaleas were in full bloom, but they were in full bloom. I wonder how beautiful it will be when it is in full bloom ... The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and there were camellias, Japanese andromeda trees, and rhododendrons.
とろろ on Google

Trans-word plus TGM on Google

Nyoiji Temple is located along the coast of Kumihama Bay in Kyotango City. The temple is designated as one of 25 spiritual temples with flower garden in Kansai region. It is great view being next to the water with a grand Sanmon Gate welcomes visitors. It is free of charge for the entrance. You can enjoy beautiful flowers all around the year. The greatest highlights of the temple is Mitsuba Azalea bloom simultaneously in April in its precincts. The temple belongs to Shingon sect of Buddhism of Koyasan. The temple was originally established in here in 8th century by Saint Gyoki. The current structure of the main hall was built in 18th century and designated as an important cultural asset of Kyoto Prefecture. The main object of worship in this temple is a statue of Kannon Bosatsu. Trans-word+ : TGM Kyoto Guide
Randy F on Google

One of the most beautiful and peaceful places I have ever experienced!

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