Nursery Mirai Tamago

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

株式会社未来創造 -

私たちは、子どもたち自身の「したい!」「やりたい!」という気持ちを大切にしたいと考えています。 一人ひとりの主体性・自発性を引き出せるよう努めています。子どもたちが子どもたちらしくのびやかに過ごし、いきいきと未来を創造する健やかなこころを育む場所として、私たちが存在していられるよう力を尽くしてまいります。

About Nursery Mirai Tamago



ちゃぷちゃぷ♪ と水の音が心地良く、





#保育園みらいたまご #みらいたまご #24時間保育園みらいたまご #24時間託児所 #託児所 #認可外保育施設 #一時預かり #一時預かり保育 #一時保育 #夜間保育園 #縦割り保育 #園児募集 #はたらくママを応援 #長堀橋 #心斎橋 #東心斎橋 #大阪 #osaka...

Contact Nursery Mirai Tamago

住所 :

Higashishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0083 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Higashishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0083 Osaka,Japan
Y M on Google

The child was crying because of anxiety at the first place at the age of one, but left unattended immediately after depositing. I couldn't move because of anxiety, and I heard about the situation in about 5 minutes, but I left it even if the staff went in front of the child or the child asked for help. An excuse that you won't be able to get lost and tell the staff. I took it home.
中島ゆりか on Google

以前、こちらの園の系列園を利用していたことがあり、大阪で予定があった際に一時保育で利用しました。 心斎橋駅から徒歩でそんなに遠くなかったです。 短時間の利用でしたが、受付に出てきてくれた保育士さん(?)の対応も丁寧でしたし、事前に電話予約した時の対応も良かったです。
I used to go to a temporary nursery when I had a plan in Osaka before, when I was using the affiliated garden of this garden. It was not far from Shinsaibashi Station on foot. It was use for a short time, but correspondence of childcare person (?) Who came out to the reception desk was polite, and correspondence when we made telephone reservation in advance was good, too.
ぺこ on Google

初めて一時保育を利用しました。不安でしたが、hpを見て雰囲気も良さそうだったので決めました。が、受付にいた若い女性は愛想もなく、男性が出てくるまで無視されました。男性もどこか頼りない感じ。迎えに行くと、グレーのカラコンをした女性がでてきてこれまた愛想全くなく、、。 ミルクを飲んだのか聞くと、えー、、とあやふやな返事。ほんとに見ていてくれたのか不安になりました。 私があたったスタッフの人が良くなかったのかわからないですが、、 でもスタッフの身なりや愛想はどうにかできると思います。これから利用する人の為にも改善してほしいです。
I used temporary childcare for the first time. I was worried, but I decided because the atmosphere looked good when I saw the hp. However, the young woman at the reception was unfriendly and was ignored until a man appeared. I feel that men are also unreliable. When I picked him up, a woman wearing gray colored contact lenses came out, and she wasn't very friendly. When I asked him if he drank milk, he replied uncertainly. I was worried that he was really watching. I don't know if the staff I hit wasn't good, but ... But I think I can manage the appearance and friendliness of the staff. I want you to improve it for those who will use it in the future.
Aya M on Google

It's like a nursery school in a busy downtown building, but in the daytime, infants are allowed to play in front of the building. There are about eight children for each teacher, and the children are on the sidewalk in front of the building, and if you take a step off, you will be on the road, but the teacher crouched down at the entrance of the building. Even if a child suddenly runs and goes out on the road, it is definitely not in time. As you can see on the map, there is a lot of cigarettes walking in the bar area during the day. I can't help but worry that all the children are playing with dark faces and there is no teacher who will take care of them kindly.
森下朋子 on Google

最悪です。二度と預けません。まずホームページとは全く雰囲気違いまして暗いし不気味。そして対応されたスタッフは保育士ではないと思います。2歳の子を預けましたが迎えに行ったら女のスタッフが強引に手を引っ張りまたおむつも私が迎えに行くまで変えてなかったみたいです。そして服にうんちの匂いしました。そして夜になり子供がほっぺをたたくそぶりをします。 まだ言葉がうまく、話せないのですが叩かれたような事を訴えてくるのですが。。そしてベビーカーでいきましたが階段しかありません。
It's the worst. I will never deposit it. First of all, the atmosphere is completely different from the homepage and it is dark and creepy. And I don't think the staff who responded are nursery teachers. I left my 2-year-old child, but when I picked him up, the female staff forcibly pulled my hand and it seems that I hadn't changed my diaper until I picked him up. And I smelled poop on my clothes. Then, at night, the child taps his cheeks. I'm still fluent in words and I can't speak, but I'm complaining about being hit. .. And I went with a stroller, but there are only stairs.
hana hana on Google

私の地域の一時保育はとても親切だったため、 大阪にきた際、一歳の息子を一時間だけ預けました。普段泣かない人見知りもない子ですがお迎えに行った時もまだ大泣きをしておりとても不安になってしまいました。その後こちらの口コミを拝見して納得しました。
The temporary childcare in my area was so kind that When I came to Osaka, I left my one-year-old son for only one hour. I don't usually cry, but I'm a shy child, but when I picked him up, I was still crying and I was very anxious. After that, I saw this review and was convinced.
あんり on Google

息子の幼稚園がコロナで休園になり、職場から近かったので利用させていただきました。 予約の後にクチコミがチラッと見えて少し心配になりましたが、入り口もとても広く中も綺麗でした。 息子が次の日も「みらいたまご行きたい」と言っていたので居心地が良かったのかなと思います。 また利用させていただくと思います。
My son's kindergarten was closed in Corona and I used it because it was close to my workplace. After making a reservation, I was a little worried because the word-of-mouth was glimpsed, but the entrance was very wide and the inside was beautiful. My son said "I want to go to Mirai Tamago" the next day, so I think it was comfortable. I will use it again.
Magi Ray on Google

I took my 6 months baby there for a short time care.In these 4 hours I was really worried cause I had no confidence in the staffs there.From the time I walked in,the staff in front seems really distracted,she gave me a lot paperwork to sign, I have to stand there on the counter to do all the papers with one hand while holding my baby and mommy bag on the other,but she doesn’t seems to notice or care.After all the papers done I walked inside to see.It was 8pm,there was only one staff inside,some babies are so tired so they were sleeping on the play mat,some are running and screaming around, some are crying in the corner,but the staff was not able to take care of all the kids.They don’t have zone for younger babies, so basically they put 6 months baby until 4 years(or even older)kids in the same area to play.Before I leave, I saw the mattress there was very dirty, guess it was pee?Anyway,Good thing is after this time,I won’t consider to put my baby in any 保育園 anymore.

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