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Contact ラムザクリニック内科

住所 :

Numakage, Minami Ward, 〒336-0027 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Saitama

Numakage, Minami Ward, 〒336-0027 Saitama,Japan
荒井伶奈 on Google

星1も付けたくないくらいヒドい病院。 ほかの近くの病院をオススメします 【行った経緯】 湿疹が止まらず手足口病の可能性を示唆され、前日皮膚科に行くも原因が分からないといわれ、近くの武蔵浦和整形外科内科クリニックでも「大きな病院で見てもらって欲しい」と言われるも、仕事の中抜けで時間がなかったため埼玉県救急電話相談に連絡した所ここを案内されました。 【待ち時間】 9:45頃行き、診察が始まったのは12:30でした。 【私が診察以外でヒドイと思った理由】 診察待ちの3席の椅子があり、呼ばれてから診察まで45分程かかりました。 その合間に医者と看護師のような女性とのやり取りで「5分も見ないで終わりにしようとしないで」「みればいいんだから!」など看護師が医者に叱っているような内容が聞こえました。その間診察室に患者はいません。 私はあまりにガッカリし、もう帰らせて欲しいと言った所「薬を処方するだけですから!」と帰らせてもくれませんでした。 【診察内容】 血液検査も時間がかかるからと「水痘」と診断されました。 薬の出し方について周りからとても指摘を受けました。まず薬だけでかかった費用は6000円(3割負担) 下記は医学に詳しい方からのアドバイスです。 クラビット→前日皮膚科でマインベースを処方されてるため必要なかった。 トランサミン→前日皮膚科でエバスチンが処方されている為必要なかった ムコダイン→膿を出しやすい作用はあるけれど気道が主なので皮膚症状で出すには通常ありえない カロナール→痛みも痒みもないと伝えたが何故か出される 既に出された薬の活用もできず、本当に医師の知識残ってんのか?という位の高齢医者。 きちんとした知識でストレスフリーできちんと直されたい方はほかの病院をオススメします。本当に。
A hospital that is so horrible that I do not want to put the star 1 either. Recommend other nearby hospitals [Circumstances which went] It is suggested that eczema does not stop, and it is suggested that the possibility of hand-foot-and-mouth disease goes to the dermatologist the day before and it is said that the cause is unknown, and it is also said that I want you to see in a large hospital in the nearby Musashi Urawa orthopedics clinic. I was guided through the place where I contacted Saitama Emergency Telephone Consultation because I had no time in the middle of a job. [Wait time] I went around 9:45, and it was 12:30 when my medical examination started. [Reason why I thought that it was not good except medical examination] There was a 3-seat chair waiting for a medical examination, and it took about 45 minutes for a medical examination after being called. In the meantime, I can hear the contents that nurses talk to doctors such as "Don't try to finish without looking for 5 minutes" and "I'm looking forward to it" in communication with women like doctors and nurses. The Meanwhile, there are no patients in the examination room. When I said I was disappointed and asked me to go back, I could not let him go, saying "I just prescribe the medicine!". [Content of medical examination] The blood test was also time-consuming, and I was diagnosed with "water-flood". I received a lot of indications from the people about how to take medicine. First of all, the cost for the medicine alone is 6000 yen (30% burden) Below are some tips from people who are familiar with medicine. It was not necessary because I was prescribed mine base in the dermatology → the day after the rabbit →. It was not necessary because transastamine → Ebastine was prescribed in the dermatology the day before Mucodyne → It is easy to put out pus, but it is usually not possible for skin symptoms due to the main airway Karonal → I told that there was neither pain nor itching Are you unable to use the medicine already given, do you really have the knowledge of the doctor? An elderly doctor of the order. If you want to be stress-free and properly fixed with proper knowledge, I recommend other hospitals. truly.
倉田洸幸 on Google

急な腹痛による終了時刻ギリギリの駆け込みで、初診なのにも関わらず対応していただきました。 診察はもちろんなのですが、薬や会計を待つ時間にもホントに色々親切にしていただきました。 病院といえば、診察とお薬の処方と簡単な助言程度かと思っていたのですが、それ以上に親切にしていただいたのがとても嬉しかったしありがたかったです。 自分の認識では診察後にふつうに帰宅するつもりでいたのですが、私の生活を加味して救急車の検討なども考えてくれていたのも嬉しかったです。 ホントにありがとうございました。
The end time due to a sudden abdominal pain I was able to respond to it despite being the first medical examination due to the rush of the limit. Of course, I do not have medical examinations, but I really appreciated the time to wait for medicine and accounting. Speaking of the hospital, I thought it was about consultation and medicine prescription and simple advice, but I was glad that I was more than happy to be more kind. I intended to return home after my examination at my own discretion, but I was also happy that I thought about examining ambulances, taking into consideration my life. Thank you very much.
松村道子 on Google

The afternoon medical examination started at 3 o'clock, so I went there exactly, but the teacher came after 4 o'clock. The medical treatment actually started at 4:30. Even if I contacted the man at the reception, he said, "The medical treatment will start from now on," and there was no particular apology or explanation. I was surprised at how bad the response was, although it was mentioned in other people's reviews. If there is an urgent need and there is no teacher, you should explain it at the reception! There are many hospitals around, so I should have gone elsewhere.
たか on Google

患者いないのに待ち時間は長い 呼ばれたと思いきや症状は全然聞いてくれない 喉が痛いと言ったら声帯の部分を強く押されて驚いた。聴診も当ててるのか当ててないのかわからないし、あんなに胸にダイレクトにやられたのは初めて。喉が痛いと言ったが痰は出てないのに聴診をする意味はあったのか?聴診中、痰出てないのに聞くんですかと聞いても無視。不快すぎて息をするのも忘れてしまっていたのに問題無しみたいな態度。 薬について聞いても説明はない。前回の症状の時この薬が出たから欲しいと言っても出さないの一点張り。大学病院なら出すかもしれないと言われてこちらも困惑。抗生剤も飲んだ方がいいのかわからないから聞いたのに、じゃあ出しません。何もかもが不快すぎて触診されたくないくらい。 診察中も看護師に腕を抑えられたり、聴診の際服を思いきりめくろうとする素振りがあり大変不快な思いをした。 接遇というか今時の医療者とは思えないデリカシーの無さ。
Waiting time is long even though there are no patients I don't think I was called or hear any symptoms When I said that my throat hurts, I was surprised that the vocal cords were strongly pressed. I don't know if I'm auscultating or not, and it's the first time I've been hit directly on my chest. I said that my throat hurts, but did it make sense to auscultate when I didn't have sputum? During the auscultation, even if I asked if I heard it even though I didn't have sputum, I ignored it. The attitude seems to be okay even though I forgot to breathe because it was too uncomfortable. There is no explanation when asked about medicine. Since this medicine came out at the time of the last symptom, even if I asked for it, I wouldn't give it. I was also confused when I was told that I might put it out at a university hospital. I asked because I don't know if I should take antibiotics, but I won't give it out. Everything is so uncomfortable that I don't want to be palpated. I felt very uncomfortable because the nurse was holding my arm during the examination and I was pretending to think about my clothes during the auscultation. There is no delicacy that I can't think of as a medical professional at the time.
ほうじ茶 on Google

待ってる患者が誰もおらんのに何故か長時間待たされた。 入ったら こっちも見ないし、「唾飲むと喉痛い?」って言われて「いや、飲まなくても痛いです」って答えてたら「痛くないんだ」って!!いやいやいやいや!!痛いんだわ。そのやり取りを3回ぐらいしたけど伝わったかわからない。ボケているのかもしれない。私には医師免許がないからそんなことは全く分からないけど、何かが絶対にマズいのだけわかった。 そして出来上がった処方箋が手書きで 時代を感じた。大正時代か?あと甲骨文字すぎる。読めない。 薬局に行ったら薬剤師に「これもう生産が終わってる薬ですね」ってやつを処方されてた。
For some reason, I had to wait for a long time even though there were no patients waiting. When I entered, I didn't see this either, and when I was asked "Does it hurt my throat when I drink spit?" And answered "No, it hurts even if I don't drink", "It doesn't hurt"! !! No no no no! !! It hurts. I exchanged it about 3 times, but I don't know if it was transmitted. It may be out of focus. I don't have a doctor's license so I don't know that at all, but I just knew something was absolutely wrong. And the completed prescription was handwritten and I felt the times. Is it the Taisho era? Also, the oracle bone script is too much. can not read. When I went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist prescribed me, "This is a drug that is no longer in production."
stone stone on Google

ここには行かない方がいいです。 他の方も書かれていますが、診療開始時間に医師が来ていないことが普通のようです。 私の行った日は午後15時からの診療が16:30に始まりました。 大幅に時間が押しても診療が始まらない、なのに受付のスタッフがなんの説明もしない。 この医院ではこれが日常であることの何よりの証明だと思われます。 働く人全員の感覚が麻痺しています。 ちらほらと受付に来る患者さんもいましたが、診察ナシで薬を出してもらうだけのかかりつけの人のみ。 こういった方は10分ほどで帰っていきました。 新患で診てもらいたい、という人はここには絶対に行かない方がいいです。
You had better not go here. Others have written it, but it seems normal that the doctor does not come at the start of medical treatment. On the day I went, medical treatment started at 15:00 pm at 16:30. The medical treatment does not start even if the time is pushed significantly, but the reception staff does not explain anything. At this clinic, this seems to be the best proof of everyday life. The senses of all the workers are paralyzed. There were some patients who came to the reception desk, but only the family members who just got the medicine out without a medical examination. These people returned in about 10 minutes. People who want to see a new patient should definitely not go here.
M K on Google

ヤブ医者です。 他の方も書かれている通り時間通りには始まりません。平日16時頃伺いましたが、受付のみで診察は始まっていませんでした。待っていた女性の方は常連なのか、入ってから長く談笑が聞こえてきてきて30分ほどかかっていました。私の診察開始は17時頃。 ちなみに、受付の派手な年配の女性の方もとても感じが悪い。この時期過敏になるのは仕方ないですが、思い切り顔をしかめて体調が悪いの?的なことをハッキリ言ってきます。だから来てるんです。 医師の人格や腕が良ければ我慢できることですが、肝心の診察もお粗末。 咳喘息で伺いましたが(前にも一度こちらで診断、薬処方されたことあり)、喘鳴音がないため咳喘息ではないとの診断。古くからある飲み薬やうがい薬をずいぶんな種類出されて終わりましたが、症状は良くならず。 呼吸器の専門医を調べて後日伺ったら「喘鳴がないのが咳喘息の特徴なんだけどな」とのこと。そちらで吸入器を出してもらい、すぐ治りました。 毎年咳喘息で吸入器をもらっているので、だろうなという感想ではあります。 今時聴診器を当てるのに上着を上までまくらされるのにもドン引きです。 ちなみに初回の時も咳喘息の診断はご自身ではされず、「毎年咳喘息と言われてるんですけど…」と伝えたら馬鹿にしたように笑いながら「どこで言われたの。自分で診察したんじゃな〜」と言われました。「毎年呼吸器の専門医にかかっていました」と伝えたところ黙って咳喘息の診断とし、それに伴う処方をしてくれましたが、まさか2回目でもこんなだとは。 仕事を早めに切り上げれば帰りに行ける時間、距離なのでここに伺いましたが、何があろうと3度目はないなと思いました。 もちろん、他の人にも勧めません。感じも悪い上に(少なくとも呼吸器疾患では)まともな診察もできない、薬ばかり異常に出してくる最悪なクリニックです。
I'm a quack doctor. It doesn't start on time as others have written. I visited around 16:00 on weekdays, but the medical examination had not started only at the reception. Perhaps the woman who was waiting was a regular customer, and it took about 30 minutes for me to hear a chat for a long time after I entered. My examination starts around 17:00. By the way, the flashy elderly women at the reception are also very uncomfortable. It's unavoidable to be irritable at this time, but are you feeling sick with a frown? I will say something clearly. That's why I'm coming. If the doctor's personality and skill are good, I can put up with it, but the important examination is also poor. I asked about cough asthma (I had been diagnosed and prescribed medicine here before), but I was diagnosed as not having cough asthma because there was no wheezing. I ended up with a lot of old medicines for drinking and mouthwash, but my symptoms didn't improve. When I checked with a respiratory specialist and asked him later, he said, "The characteristic of coughing asthma is that there is no wheezing." I had an inhaler taken out there and he was cured immediately. I get an inhaler for coughing asthma every year, so I think it's probably the case. It's also a good idea to have your jacket covered up to hit the stethoscope. By the way, even at the first time, I didn't diagnose cough asthma by myself, and when I told him "I'm said to have cough asthma every year ...", he laughed like a fool and said, "Where did you see me? I was told. When I told him that he had a respiratory specialist every year, he silently diagnosed cough asthma and gave me a prescription for it. I visited here because it is the time and distance that I can go home if I finish my work early, but I thought that it would not be the third time no matter what. Of course, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. It's the worst clinic where you can't get a decent medical examination (at least for respiratory illness) and you'll get abnormal medicine.
JPS Raga on Google

Despite the diving, I was able to respond firmly. The explanation was also polite and the pain in the chest area, which was painful, was improved. There was no need to worry about the waiting time written in the word-of-mouth communication, and the ECG X-ray and diagnosis were smooth.

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