
2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 星整形外科クリニック

住所 :

Numakage, Minami Ward, 〒336-0027 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : http://hoshiseikei.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Saitama

Numakage, Minami Ward, 〒336-0027 Saitama,Japan
すな on Google

上から目線の物言いをする先生、2流3流通り越し、5流過ぎて2度と行かないしお薦めしません。 裏表が有ると言うか美味しい客を選り好みしてるとしか思えない。 整体師等については詐欺師くらいの言い方をします。 兎に角人格的には最低のねじ曲がった人。 ある意味可哀想な人ですが患者にはなりたくないですね。
I don't recommend it because the teacher who talks from the top, passing through the 2nd and 3rd streams, and passing the 5th stream and never going again. I can only think that there are front and back sides, or that I prefer delicious customers. When it comes to chiropractors, we use the same words as fraudsters. Rabbit is the worst twisted person in terms of personality. I'm a poor person in a sense, but I don't want to be a patient.
Gmail picasamyk on Google

I went there more than 8 years ago, and it was just a matter of my age. I stopped going because the feeling was so bad. I realized that there are still no changes to the similar reviews. There was one nice person at the reception, but there is no examination ticket here in my house.
うっかりゆみたん on Google

この病院が人によって評価が分かれるのは、先生のご機嫌を損ねていないかどうかだと思います。 ある時、この病気は治りませんよ、とここで診断された手の関節の病気を、藁にもすがる気持ちで遠くの整形外科を受診し、ずっと薬を貰っていました。 肩の痛みでここを再受診したときに、別の病院で薬を貰っていることをうっかり話してしまったら、「この病気は治らないと言ったのに、他で訳のわからない薬を貰っているなら、こちらでは一切診られません。お帰りください」と言われました。 その時点でレントゲンも撮っていたのに、結局薬や湿布も貰えず、レントゲンと診察料はしっかり取られ、いわゆる見せ損です。 確かに他所の病院に通っていると知ったら、いい気はしないとは思いますが、ここまでキツい対応は普通はなかなかしないと思います。 他にも「他所に行け」と言われた人を知っていますので、先生の考えに少しでも逆らうと来るなと言われる、つまりセカンド・オピニオンを認めない先生だと思います。
I think that the evaluation of this hospital is divided according to whether it is not detracting from the teacher's mood. At one point, I was diagnosed with a hand joint that was diagnosed here, and I had to go to a distant orthopedic surgeon with a feeling of jealousy. When I revisited here because of shoulder pain, if I accidentally told me that I was taking medicine at another hospital, I said, “I told you that this illness will not be cured, If you are, you will not be able to see me here. Please come home. " Although I was taking X-rays at that time, I didn't get any medicine or poultry after all, and the X-rays and examination fee were taken well, so it was a so-called failure to show. I think that if you know that you are going to a hospital in another place, you will not feel good, but I think that it is usually difficult to respond so hard. I know other people who have been told to "go elsewhere", so I think they should not come against the teacher's ideas, that is, they do not accept the second opinion.
さいがななこ on Google

Just taking an X-ray at the first examination, the second examination is completed in about 20 seconds. When I told him that I couldn't get rid of the pain, I was given two weeks of pain relief. I felt like I wouldn't come anymore.
メーリングリスト/アプリ“giraffe” on Google

googleに書かれた評判は良くないものが多いですが、私にとっては非常に良かったです。どんな方が書かれているか分からないですから、まずはかかってみることをお勧めします。 腰痛が酷くなったため伺いました。ざっと症状を説明したのち、すぐにレントゲンをとっていただきました。 レントゲンの結果、椎間板ヘルニアなりかけということが分かりました。その際の説明も、素人にも非常に分かり易かったです。原因(と思われること)と生活上の注意点について伺い、痛み止めの薬を処方いただきました。ハキハキ話される先生なので、キツいと受け止める方がおられるかも分かりませんが、全く悪い印象を受けませんでした。 平日16時台ということもあったかもしれませんが、混雑しておらず、スムーズに進みました。
There are many bad reviews written on google, but it was very good for me. I don't know who is written, so I recommend trying it first. I asked because my backache became severe. After briefly explaining the symptoms, I had an X-ray immediately. As a result of X-ray, it was found that the herniated disc was about to occur. The explanation at that time was very easy for an amateur to understand. After asking about the causes (probable causes) and precautions in daily life, I prescribed a painkiller. Since I am a teacher who speaks well, I don't know if there are people who accept it as hard, but I didn't get a bad impression at all. It may have been around 16:00 on weekdays, but it was not crowded and proceeded smoothly.
知未福井 on Google

機嫌を損ねてしまうと、必要な説明さえしてくれないという、なんとも責任感のない大人気のない先生という印象です。 骨折が治り、何かの処置のあとに日常生活を送る上での注意事項、体操等教えてくれるということでしたが、途中何かで機嫌を損ねたようで教えてもらえませんでした。経歴だけはご立派です。
I have the impression that if you are in a bad mood, you will not even give the necessary explanations, which is a very unpopular teacher with no sense of responsibility. He said that he would be able to heal his broken bones and teach him what to look out for in his daily life after some treatment, gymnastics, etc., but he didn't seem to be in a bad mood on the way. Only the background is excellent.
さつきめい on Google

高齢の母が腰椎圧迫骨折でお世話になりましたが、コルセットで安静にするがだんだん悪化、車椅子にも座れなくなったため、通院できないので私が今後の相談として伺ったら… 本人が来なければ何もコメントできないとはねつけられた上に 「ここまで酷くなったらもう無理でしょう、このまま死んでしまいますね。」という医師とも思えぬ言葉を投げられ… 違う病院への紹介状も書けない。 もし家族がどこか見つけてきたら書いてやらないでもないと言われました。 あまりの言葉に悔し涙を流しながら帰宅しました… その後、必死で自力で(紹介状なしで)受け入れ病院を探し、母は手術 リハビリを経て杖で歩けるまでに回復しました。 自分も骨折で通院しましたが、多少癖がある先生と思うものの、問題なく治療していただきましたが… 特に高齢者の治療には向いていない先生だと思います。 自分の病院では手に負えないと思ったら、次の段階の病院を紹介するのが医師の務めだと思うのです。
My elderly mother was taken care of by a compression fracture of the lumbar spine, but I couldn't go to the hospital because I couldn't go to the hospital because I couldn't sit in a wheelchair because I couldn't sit in a wheelchair. In addition to being rejected that I can not comment anything unless the person comes "If it gets so bad, it won't be possible anymore, I'll die as it is." I can't even write a letter of introduction to a different hospital. I was told that if my family found something, I wouldn't write it. I went home with tears of regret over the words ... After that, I desperately searched for a hospital to accept (without a letter of introduction) on my own, and my mother recovered to the point where she could walk with a wand after surgery and rehabilitation. I also went to the hospital because of a broken bone, and although I think the teacher has some quirks, he was treated without any problems ... I think he is not particularly suitable for treating the elderly. If you find yourself out of control at your own hospital, I think it's your doctor's job to introduce you to the next stage of the hospital.
Ashesh Vasalya on Google

After visiting this doctor several times and done what was requested xray, MRI, i dont think this doctor knows anything what he is doing, I always received inconclusive vague and confusing answers, (he can understand English but wont speak english with you, you need to bring someone who can help you translate, so rude) Total waste of time and money, absolutely useless

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