カブ シンフォニープラザ店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カブ シンフォニープラザ店

住所 :

Numadate, Hachinohe, 〒031-0071 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878779
Webサイト : https://www.beny.co.jp/store_info/hachinohe/cub_symphony/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Aomori

Numadate, Hachinohe, 〒031-0071 Aomori,Japan
南部185 on Google

クレジットカードと電子マネー対応で使いやすいスーパーマーケット。 屋根付駐車場(ケーズデンキ)有り。雨の日も安心。 オーザックもあるよ(←ここ重要) 他では見かけない、珍しい商品があります。仕入れ担当の個性とセンスが輝くお店です。 肉・野菜は悪い所ありません。青森県産の商品も豊富です。 冷凍国産鶏ガラも近隣店より安いです。 ただ、惣菜・弁当は価格とボリューム重視なので、唐揚げと大学いも以外はおすすめしません。(それでもローソンよりはおいしいです) ポテトサラダは100g158円となかなか強気の価格設定です。 ?見切り品の値引は円単位だったりパーセント値引だったりします。担当者の気まぐれ? ? 酒     ? なんかやけに酒の種類が豊富なんですよ。 この会社は酒好きが多いのでしょうね。 小さい店舗ですが、酒の品揃えがめちゃくちゃ良いので集会等の買い出しには重宝します。 酒のつまみも大量にあり、ここは酒屋かと。 津軽衆が酒に強いというのは本当のようです。 決済方法によっては、ポイントの付与率が悪くなります。 Wi-Fiスポット: d Wi-Fi 決済: 各社クレ, 楽天Edy, iD, QUICPay ,PayPay ポイント: dポイント、紅屋 商品券: はちのへ共通(利用・販売)/信販系 駐車場: 無料・屋根付
An easy-to-use supermarket that supports credit cards and electronic money. There is a covered parking lot (K's Denki). Safe on rainy days. There is also Ozak (← important here) There are rare products that you won't find anywhere else. It is a shop where the individuality and sense of the person in charge of purchasing shines. There is nothing wrong with meat and vegetables. We also have a wide variety of products from Aomori prefecture. Frozen domestic chicken gala is also cheaper than nearby stores. However, since side dishes and bento boxes emphasize price and volume, we do not recommend them except for fried chicken and Daigakuimo. (Still tastier than Lawson) Potato salad is a fairly bullish price of 158 yen per 100g. ? Discounts on closeouts can be in yen or percentages. The whims of the person in charge? ? Sake ? There are so many kinds of sake. I think this company has a lot of liquor lovers. It's a small store, but the assortment of sake is insanely good, so it's useful for shopping at meetings. There are a lot of liquor knobs, so I think this is a liquor store. It seems true that the Tsugaru people are strong in alcohol. Depending on the payment method, the point award rate may be worse. Wi-Fi spot: d Wi-Fi Payment: Each company Kure, Rakuten Edy, iD, QUICPay, PayPay Points: d POINT, Beniya Gift certificate: Common to Hachinohe (use / sales) / Credit system Parking: Free, covered
モフ on Google

買い物してる分には楽しい。 毎月1回、コストコ、10%オフの日があり イベント盛り沢山♩ だがしかしもうここでは働きたくないw
It's fun to shop. Once a month, Costco has a 10% off day Lots of events ♩ But I don't want to work here anymore w
ピンクリボン on Google

The liquor store is fun.
ふなばかずえ on Google

There is an escalator when going upstairs in the store, but it is very inconvenient to have only stairs when getting off. The store is large, so if you refurbish it and add an escalator, the number of customers will increase and you will be able to shop a lot.
Y “いちご大福” on Google

I love the rice cakes in the side dish corner! It's big and the bean paste is delicious. I will eat it with sweetness.
GOAT BLACK on Google

生鮮食品の品質があまりよくないように思います。 パサパサのオレンジ、緑色のネットから出したら黒くなったオクラ。 ただし、その旨を連絡するとちゃんと店長が対応してくれるのでそのあたりは良いと思います。
I don't think the quality of fresh food is very good. Okra that turned black when taken out of the dry orange and green nets. However, if you contact me to that effect, the store manager will respond properly, so I think that is good.
Guru Guru at青森 on Google

生産者から直送の野菜を置いてあり、特にミニトマトが好きです! エスカレーター近くに八戸プレミアム商品券の応募用紙があります。
We have vegetables sent directly from the producer, and I especially like cherry tomatoes! There is an application form for Hachinohe Premium Gift Certificate near the escalator.
Jackson Hale on Google

My favorite part of Cub is maybe the beer. Please enjoy many beers with an open heart.

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