Nostalgia - Tsukuba

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nostalgia

住所 :

1 Chome-12-17 Hanabatake, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-3261, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89879
Postal code : 300-3261
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–8PM
Sunday 12–8PM
Monday 12–8PM
Tuesday 12–8PM
Wednesday 12–8PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 12–8PM

1 Chome-12-17 Hanabatake, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-3261, Japan
須田満 on Google

There are many catalogs and books of old cars that are difficult to obtain
田島春樹 on Google

自分にとって貴重な資料が揃っている いいお店です
I have valuable materials for myself It is a good shop
Koumori on Google

自動車のカタログを入手したいとなればここ。 店主さんも気さくな方ですし、品揃えも良すぎるので車好きには堪らない良いお店です。
If you want to get a car catalog, here. The owner is also a friendly person, and the product lineup is too good, so it is a good shop that car lovers can not stand.
齋藤和也 on Google

There is a tremendous variety of old car catalogs. Domestic cars and foreign cars.
池田洋司 on Google

If you are looking for a car catalog, here is an assortment. The price is also cheaper than flea market (parts exchange meeting). There are also car related magazines (books) besides catalogs.
2800 Brougham on Google

The catalog of old domestic cars is full of stock. The shop owners were excited about the memories of old nostalgic cars and were very happy! I want to go again.
高谷和幸 on Google

It is a specialty store that loves old cars and motorcycles ☆ Mi
TちゃんKちゃん on Google

まず手に入らない旧車のカタログが売っている。 電気代を削ってあり夏は暑いが買い物をしに行く場所であって涼みに行く場所ではないので正解 穏やかな店主の人柄が出ているいい感じのお店。
First of all, there are catalogs of old cars that are not available. Corrected because the electricity bill was cut and the summer was hot but it was a place to go shopping and not a cool place A nice shop with a gentle personality.

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