Noshiro City Hall - Noshiro

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Noshiro City Hall

住所 :

1-3 Kamimachi, Noshiro, Akita 016-8501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 016-8501
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:15PM

1-3 Kamimachi, Noshiro, Akita 016-8501, Japan
Masak Sa2K on Google

建物が素晴らしい 清潔感のある窓口、見渡せる開放感 所々に使われている木 南側はガラス張りで日当たりも良い 聞くと古い庁舎のリノベーションらしい 何か役所感を感じさせずとても落ち着く場所である スタッフさんのネームプレートも木 これまで様々な役所を見たが とても素晴らしい役所だ
The building is wonderful Clean window, openness overlooking Trees used here and there The south side is glass-walled and sunny I heard that it seems to be a renovation of an old government building It's a very calm place without feeling any sense of government. The staff's nameplate is also made of wood I've seen various government offices so far It ’s a very nice government office.
kumiko on Google

SNSで沢山取り上げられていたので 行ってみました。 さすがに桜は大分葉桜化していましたが、 よく手入れされていて、テラスは綺麗で桜を堪能できるように作られているように思えました。
Because it was covered a lot on SNS I went. As expected, the cherry blossoms had turned into Oita Hazakura, It was well maintained and the terrace seemed to be beautiful and made to enjoy the cherry blossoms.
株式会社新規開拓 on Google

The building design is beautiful and the staff are envious.
田口誠 on Google

Of course, the new government building is magnificent, and the symbolic old government building remains, and the beauty is well-balanced. As for administrative services, the window is very easy to understand, and information counters are also set up and are substantial. I am relieved.
あう on Google

It was so long next to me that I didn't feel like a city hall. I thought the lighting was a little dark inside.
Syogo s on Google

It's really good to use plenty of wood. However, I think there is a problem with the counter operations of each department. You should speak out when the citizens come. I think the business will be quick, but I have pointed out this.
0309 Fujiyaman on Google

奇麗で素敵ですね。中に入るとほんのり木の香りが心を落ち着かせてくれます。そのせいか、職員の方々もなんとなく樹木に見えます。 駐車場はゴミ等もなくいつもキレイキレイ。ただ、「ゆずりあい駐車場」が解りずらい。看板は掲げられているのですが、間違って駐車してしまいそう。せめて、駐車場所の色だけでも、一般とかえれくれたらと思うのは私だけ?
It is beautiful and nice. When you enter, the scent of the wood will calm your heart. Because of that, the staff members look somehow trees. The parking lot is always clean without any trash. However, "Yuzuriai Parking" is hard to understand. The signboard is raised, but it seems to be parked by mistake. At least, is it only me who wants to return to the general public by just the color of the parking place?
auaumusi on Google

市役所の水道課の業務を、ヴォエリア・ジェネッツに委託するのはいかがなものでしょうか。 ライフラインを外資企業に売り渡すのは駄目でしょ。 日本海中部地震の時の新聞に、能代市水道局の給水車が市内を回って水を配ってる写真が載っていましたが、現在そのような事が出来るのでしょうか。 これだけ住民税を取ってるのだから、上下水道無料、保育園幼稚園無料化、ゴミ袋無料化ぐらい出来そうなもんだと思うのですが。
How about entrusting the work of the water services section of the city hall to Voelia Genets? You can't sell your lifeline to a foreign company. In the newspaper at the time of the Nihonkai-Chubu Earthquake, there was a picture of a water truck of the Noshiro City Waterworks Bureau going around the city and distributing water. Is it possible now? Since I am taking this much residence tax, I think that it seems possible to make water and sewage free, nursery school kindergarten free, and garbage bag free.

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