Nogiwa Park - Aomori

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nogiwa Park

住所 :

Nogiwa-58-2 Hajiro, Aomori, 038-0058, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 038-0058
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Nogiwa-58-2 Hajiro, Aomori, 038-0058, Japan
AomoriTube青森チューブ 青い森大学ウェルビーイング学部スマートシティ学科実装体験感想専攻 on Google

9月中旬の日曜日に訪問。奥の駐車場付近は芝生も刈られて整備されており、人も少なくて、気持ち良く過ごせるかと思いきや、喫煙可なのか、タバコを吸う人がちらほら。良く見ると、タバコの吸い殻の投げ捨てや、ベンチや切り株を燃やそうとした跡があり、あまり治安が良くないのかも。 入口の駐車場の近くは、遊具コーナーがあり、家族連れが多くいました。
Visited on a Sunday in mid-September. The lawn is cut and maintained near the parking lot in the back, and there are few people. If you look closely, you may have thrown out cigarette butts and burned benches and stumps, so it may not be very safe. There was a playground equipment corner near the entrance parking lot, and there were many families.
上野法行 on Google

The cherry blossoms are almost in full bloom. It's nice to be quiet with few people.
田中洋一 on Google

Did Noki sum park in Aomori-shi oil river district hide? It is a famous spot of cherry blossoms. Unlike other Hanami parks, it's nice to have no parking fee. The Noki Wa Walk Bridge, the Kogami Ohashi Bridge, the Mikaeri Bridge, the Lucky Bridge and the Four Bridges stand on Lake Noki, and you can take a walk around the lake. If you feel that the music of cherry blossoms is loud, you can watch cherry blossoms in a quiet place. By all means, why not take a walk around the pond? Lake Nogi is a mecca for "Heerbuna Fishing".
GENKI RUM on Google

青森市の花見スポットの1つ。 他の場所より少し寒いらしく、遅れて咲きます。 公園は意外と広くて、奥の方など数種類の桜があるので、花が終わったと思っても、八重桜など長い期間桜が観れるスポットです。
One of Aomori city's flower viewing spots. It seems a bit colder than other places and blooms later. The park is surprisingly wide, and there are several types of cherry blossoms such as the back, so even if you think that the flowers are over, it is a spot where you can see cherry blossoms for a long period of time, such as double cherry blossoms.
典康 on Google

静かで避暑地のようです。子供公園もありお弁当を持って来たい自然公園です。湖では魚が跳ねてました。駐車場は3ヵ所有るようです。ペットの散歩には最高です。ペット禁止にならないよう糞の持ち帰り、おしっこは水で流す等ルールは守りましょう! 2021年5月訪問 まだ桜が咲いていました。静かでのんびりと散歩が出来ます、湖を一周歩いて約30分弱位で丁度良い運動になります。森林浴での美味しい空気を吸いながら心と体をリフレッシュしましょう。子供用の遊具の有る広場も有ります。
It's a quiet and summer resort. There is also a children's park, which is a natural park where you want to bring your lunch. Fish were bouncing in the lake. It seems that they own 3 parking lots. Great for pet walks. Observe the rules such as taking out feces and flushing pee with water so that pets are not prohibited! Visited May 2021 The cherry blossoms were still in bloom. You can take a quiet and leisurely walk, and it will be a good exercise in about 30 minutes walking around the lake. Refresh your mind and body while breathing in the delicious air of the forest bath. There is also a plaza with playset for children.
鶴谷美佐江 on Google

運動不足の母ちゃんは、散歩に行って来ましたよ。昔から住んでいる、錦鯉 今日も元気でしたよ。 アカシアのお花もきれいでした。
My mother, who lacks exercise, went for a walk. Nishikigoi, who has lived for a long time, was fine today. The acacia flowers were also beautiful.
Car寅次郎 on Google

I have been walking for several years. I really like the scenery that gives you a sense of the seasons.
Gerardo del Caz Esteso on Google

Astonishing park. Full of nature. Lovely

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