カイロプラクティック整体 寛

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Contact カイロプラクティック整体 寛

住所 :

Noda, Kita Ward, 〒700-0971 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://chiro-kan.jp/
街 : Okayama

Noda, Kita Ward, 〒700-0971 Okayama,Japan
もつ鍋 on Google

上がらなかった肩が、施術してもらった後こんなに上がるの!?ってぐらい上がり、身体がふにゃふにゃになりました!! 身体がスッキリして過ごしやすいです♪ 皆さん是非行ってみてください! ありがとうございました!
The shoulders that didn't rise will rise so much after being treated! ?? I went up and my body became fluffy! !! Your body is refreshing and easy to spend ♪ Please come and visit us! thank you!
トムとジェリー on Google

どこの整骨院やカイロに行っても治らなかった背中の痛みが1回の治療で目に見えて改善され不思議と呼吸もしやすくなりおどろきました!!! 元々月経前症候群もありましたが、何回か通い骨盤矯正すると、劇的に改善されました! 本当に出会えて良かったです!!! ありがとうございました!
I was surprised that the pain in my back that didn't go away no matter where I went to the osteopathic clinic or Cairo was visibly improved with a single treatment, and mysteriously it became easier to breathe! !! !! Originally I had PMS, but after a few visits to my pelvis, it improved dramatically! I'm really glad to meet you! !! !! thank you!
ロールキャベツ on Google

施術前にキツかったズボンが施術後にはゆとりができていてビックリしました! 気になってた左右の眉毛の高さの違いも頭の調整をしてもらい治りました。 期待以上の結果に大満足しています。
I was surprised that the trousers that were tight before the treatment were relaxed after the treatment! The difference in the height of the left and right eyebrows that I was worried about was healed by having my head adjusted. I am very satisfied with the result that exceeded my expectations.
Sakae on Google

I heard about it because of a prolonged backache. I had my shoulders and neck adjusted as well as my lower back, and the days when I felt back pain gradually decreased. I have a comfortable day every day ♪
kumiko i on Google

1回の施術でも、逆流性食道炎や肩こりが楽になりました✨ 最近は顔のマッサージも追加して、小じわがなくなってきました。エステ行くよりも、全身楽になるので通ってます。
Reflux esophagitis and stiff shoulders have eased even with a single treatment ✨ Recently, I added a facial massage to eliminate fine wrinkles. I go there because it makes my whole body easier than going to a beauty treatment salon.
J M on Google

過去の事故で高次脳機能障害になりました。物事がスムーズに進まない時はパニックになって周りに迷惑をかける事も多々ありましたが先生にお世話になってからはその回数も減りました。 頭痛薬を飲んでも治らなかった頭痛も良くなりました。薬を飲む事がなくなりました。
I had higher brain dysfunction in a past accident. When things didn't go smoothly, I often panicked and inconvenienced people around me, but since I was taken care of by my teacher, the number of times has decreased. The headache that didn't go away even after taking the headache medicine has improved. I no longer take medicine.
yuko okazaki on Google

I started to take care of my postpartum pelvic correction. My pelvis has improved, and I have also been able to get rid of pain in my lower back and shoulders, which is very helpful. It's not a crazy treatment, so that? I'm always surprised when I notice it. Thank you for your continued support.
かずこ on Google

坐骨神経痛で一年半! 家の中で歩くのもままならず… 整形外科に通ってレントゲン、MRI、リハビリ 痛み止め、点滴? 内科に通って漢方薬!トレーニングに通ってみたり、鍼にも通いました。 痺れと痛み?上を向いて寝ることはできませんでした。お尻からふくらはぎの痛みはかなりのものです。 痛みに慣れて痛いのが普通という状態でした。 昨年末に知り合いに勧められて、少しでも良くなればと通い始めたのですが、痛みなく歩けるようになりました! 痛みだけでもなくなればと思っていましたが、今、しびれもありません! 通うのに1時間かかりますが、楽しみに通っています。 受付の女性にも癒されています!
One and a half years with sciatica! I can't even walk in my house ... Going to orthopedics for X-ray, MRI, rehabilitation Painkiller, IV drip ? Go to internal medicine and take Chinese medicine! I went to training and also went to acupuncture. Numbness and pain ? I couldn't sleep facing up. The pain in the buttocks and calves is considerable. It was normal for me to get used to the pain and hurt. At the end of last year, I was recommended by an acquaintance and started going to see if I could get better, but now I can walk without pain! I was hoping that it wouldn't be just pain, but now I'm not numb! It takes an hour to go, but I'm looking forward to it. The lady at the reception is also healed!

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