障害者向け就労移行支援フロンティアリンク 岡山キャリアセンター

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Contact 障害者向け就労移行支援フロンティアリンク 岡山キャリアセンター

住所 :

Noda, Kita Ward, 〒700-0971 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : https://career.frontier-link.jp/
街 : Okayama

Noda, Kita Ward, 〒700-0971 Okayama,Japan
トビハネ on Google

host local on Google

駅から遠い ハローワークから近い
Far from the station Close to Hello Work
金紀人 on Google

I couldn't use it due to the system, but I would like to use it if I have the opportunity.
ワークス藤山 on Google

When I visited you last year, he helped me carry my luggage and talked to me kindly. I learned from the blog that he got a job. I am sure that you will be active in your new workplace. Please do your best
N K on Google

職員Yは、精神の職員としては対応がかなり雑。具体的には、通所中に以下のような対応をされた。 ・私がしんどい事について話をしている時に、一般論で押さえ込むような事を言われた。私の様々な事情やどれだけ悩み苦しんでいるかも知らずに。 相手の言葉をまずは受け止める事や、慎重に配慮するために最初から一般論をかぶせない事は対応の基本のはず。しかも、当時こちらが「一般的にはそうだとしても、個人的にはこうなんですよ」とわざわざ言っても、「今、世の中はこうなので」と言ってあくまでも相手を受け止めない。これは、利用者の苦しみを否定し受け止めようとしていないと感じられる対応。 ・彼女とあるワークを始めて間もなく、精神的にあまりすぐれなかったので、この先のワークの内容によっては取りやめにしてもらおうと思いタイミングを見て内容を聞こうとした所、「あーっ!えーっと!」と、余計な事を言うなとばかりに、話の途中で強引に遮られ話をそらされた。相手を尊重しない。実際、馴染みがある類のワーク内容で、自分にとっては無理して行う必要性は無かった。 ・「相対的評価!難しい言葉を知ってますねー」等、小中学生に言っているかのような言い方をされる事があった。彼女はおろか所長より年齢が上のいい大人に対して。もし所長が精神をわずらい利用者として来た場合、同じような対応をするだろうか。 私は20歳以上若く見られる事があるので、もしかしたらかなり年下のように思われていたかもしれないが、仮にそうであったとしてもこの対応はどうか。利用者は、ITスキルを学びに来ているような相応の知識を持っているような人間である。 以前ニュースサイトに上がっていたある記事で、精神障害者施設に通っていた人が、その施設で、一般的な大人であれば全然大した事がなく誉められる事はまず無いレベルの簡単な作業をした際に、「良くできましたー!」と職員に誉められて通うのを辞めたといった話が書かれていたが、まさにそれと同じような対応だと感じた。 ・私に関係する事について彼女が言った事に対し私が違う事を言うと、それについて受け止めるのではなく、守りに入るような態度をされた。「だって〇〇じゃないですか!」といった自己弁護的な言葉が先に来る。相手の言葉をしっかり受け止めず、また、その言葉を受けてヒアリングしていくといった姿勢も無い。 ・こちらから何も相談していない事について、朝の挨拶後唐突に、向こうから一方的に、「雨の日は休めばいいんですよ!」等、「〇〇したらいいんですよ!」と、人の事情も苦しみも分からずに勝手な判断かつ断定的な語尾でアドバイスを度々された。一つも役に立つ事が無なかったどころか、触れられたくない事情に関わってくる内容をオープンな場で話された事もあり、人がいる所やそこで話をする事自体が緊張する事も相まって(その事も職員には事前に伝達済み)、とても反応に苦慮した。 アドバイスする事は、生活指導という職務上の責任感や親切心もあったであろうから仕方がない部分もあるにせよ、利用者側として反発心を抱くのは、人の詳しい事情や辛さも分からずに、独り善がりで上から目線の言い方や押し付けがましい感じの強めの口調。「〇〇するのはどうですか?」など、語尾や話のもっていき方を工夫すべき。 こういった対応が人を心理的に圧迫したり追い込むことになりかねず、基本的にNG対応であるという事、もっと言えばカウンセリングマインドを理解していない。まさに素人がよくやってしまうような対応の典型。 つまり、「この人は分かって無いから教えてあげるべき、指導するべき。」といった上から目線で対応するのではなく、対等な目線で相手を尊重し、また、相手の表面だけを見て「この人はこんな人、こんな事情、こう考えているのだろう」と判断するのではなく、寄り添う形で丁寧に話を聞き、もしアドバイスがあれば、まだ知り得ていないあるいは本人が言いたくない事情や辛さがあるかもしれないといった点にも配慮し、押し付けがましくならないよう本人の意思を確認しながら提案をしていく、といった基本姿勢が全然身に付いていないと感じた。 職員Sにも、事情によりあえて休み時間に連絡事項を伝えておいた方が良いと判断し話しかけたのに、キツい言い方で話を聞く事なく遮られた。他の職員は利用者の連絡事項を休み時間に受けている事が多いので、同じように言おうとしたのだが。結果、伝達できなかったせいで、その後の学習に一定時間支障が出た。他にも、事情を知らずに高圧的態度を取られた事が何度かあった。 また、所長Tには以下のような対応をされた。 ・当初、保証人がいないと契約できないと言っていたが、その後、契約書にはどうしても保証人がいない場合にはその限りではない旨書いてある事が分かりこちらから指摘した所、違っていた事に対して謝罪の言葉は無く、「本社から保証人は必要と言われていたので・・・でも契約書にはそう書いてあるので、このまま本社へ"しれっと"送っておきます。」その後の手続きでも似たような対応があり不信感を感じた。 ・私の席を決める際に、彼女がある席の利用者の事を「あの人ブツブツうるっさいからなー!」とキツく強い口調で言い放った。他の利用者の前でその言い方はどうか。利用者は何かあればそのように言われかねないという事。他の会話の端々に出る言葉からも、精神の職員のわりには批判的・毒舌傾向が強く、人に対しあまり受容的ではない雰囲気が感じられた。 ・何より指摘したいのは、話を聞く際に受容的な姿勢が乏しく、仏頂面で相槌や反応・確認等の言葉が延々とほとんど無い事が度々。 精神的に非常にしんどい中、他人に話したくない個人的な内容を頑張って話さなければいけない事が多かったのだが、仏頂面の無反応は、話を聞き飛ばされているように感じられるので、言いたいポイントがちゃんと伝わっているのか不安になり話が長くなってしまうし、また、私の事情や苦しみを冷ややかに軽くあしらわれたように感じられるので、度重なるととてもこたえた。 ニュートラル・慎重・相手への配慮という意図もあるのかもしれないが、話の内容に全て同意しなくとも、適切な相槌・確認は相談業務の基本のはず。確認がしっかりできないということは、しっかりしたヒアリングができないということでもある。 実際最後には、人の話をキチンと聞いていないとハッキリ分かる場面があった。具体的には、雨の日でも休むとは限らない旨を、言いたくない個人的事情も添えて伝えたのに、ある時「いつも雨の日は休みですよね」と言われ唖然とした。 全体的に、相槌・確認等言葉が足りない事も含め、何かにつけて守りに入る感じの対応で気持ち良いやり取りとはならず、ストレスを感じる事が続いた。 各職員の以上のような対応を最初は流せていたが、継続的に積み重なってくると、毎日鬱や自殺念慮、人がいる所に行く事への極度の緊張感と戦いながら、重い体を引きずりながらも通所していた私にはとてもストレスがたまり、あるきっかけで感情が爆発し、症状が悪化して中途退所する事となった。 家の環境が整っていなかったため、在宅受講ではなく通所にしたが、多分在宅にしていれば、職員との接点は大幅に少なくなるためここまでのダメージは無かっただろうと思う。 しかしながら、いずれにしても、上記は精神・心理の対応研修等では基本的にNG対応とされるような内容ばかり。精神の職員なら、最低このような基本は押さえておくべき。現場に就く前に専門家監修の対応研修をしっかりしておいてほしい。 昔、私の友人も別の福祉施設に通っていて、そこでの折り合いがあまり良くなかったことも後押しとなり、自殺してしまった。対応次第ではこういった可能性もあるのだから、職員は細心の注意が必要なはずである。 本施設のメインのサービスとなるITスキルのレクチャー動画の内容も良く、また、職員の人間性そのものについては基本的には悪い人達ではないので、施設全体で見れば良い所の方が多いはずであるが、上記のような対応を受け、精神障害の症状が悪化し退所することとなったことから、評価は最低評価となる。精神障害者施設であり配慮を謳っているのだから。 私自身も、精神障害者施設に一年半職員として勤務経験があり、また、転職後も長年に渡り、たくさんの精神・知的障害当事者(自殺未遂や精神病院閉鎖病棟入院等)やその家族から、プライベートで相談を受けたり、長期的に心理カウンセリングに近い形でサポートすることになった経験がある。 プライベートで相談を受けた際に、恐らく他人には(家族・友人、医療・福祉関係者であっても)話さないであろうセンシティブな本音の話をたくさん聞いてきた。 そして今では私も障害当事者となり、本施設に通う事になった訳だが、結局短期で退所する事となり、その後どん底に落ちた精神状態が再びある程度安定して、このように当時を振り返り言葉にする事ができるようになるまでかなり時間がかかったし、退所後随分経った今でも、上記対応について時々夢でうなされる事があり、自分でも初めての経験で驚いている。 長年、精神・心理関係に就く人と多く接してきたし、福祉サービスを継続して受ける機会もたくさんあったが、今回のように不快になり症状が悪化し、その影響が長期に渡って継続する程の経験は一度も無かった。 このような私自身の実体験や、プライベートで相談を受けた際聞いた内容等から、周囲の不用意な言動がどれだけ当事者を追い込み危険な状況になるか身に染みているため、クチコミの内容をこのように詳しく書く動機となった。 職員も非常にストレスを抱えた環境の中で、人間であるから完璧ではないのも分かるし、お互いの相性もある。また、就労支援の場なのだから、精神障害者であることに甘え過ぎるなという意見もあるだろうが、後進の事も考え率直な意見を書いた。
Employee Y is quite sloppy as a mental employee. Specifically, the following measures were taken during the outpatient service. ・ When I was talking about difficult things, I was told something that would be suppressed by general theory. Without knowing my various circumstances and how much I'm suffering. It should be the basis of the response to accept the other party's words first and not to cover the general theory from the beginning in order to be careful. What's more, at that time, even if I bothered to say, "In general, even if that is the case, this is what I personally do," he says, "Because the world is like this now," and does not accept the other party. This is a response that makes us feel that we are not trying to deny and accept the suffering of users. ・ Soon after I started a certain work with her, I wasn't very good mentally, so I decided to cancel it depending on the content of the work in the future, and when I tried to listen to the content at the right timing, "Ah! As soon as I didn't say anything extra, I was forcibly interrupted in the middle of the story and distracted. Do not respect the other person. In fact, it was a kind of work that I was familiar with, and I didn't have to force myself to do it. ・ Sometimes I was told as if I was telling elementary and junior high school students, such as "Relative evaluation! You know difficult words." For adults who are older than the director, let alone she. If the director comes as a troublesome user, will he do the same? I may have been seen as younger than 20 years old, so it might have seemed quite younger, but if so, what about this response? The user is a person who has the appropriate knowledge as if he / she is coming to learn IT skills. In an article previously posted on a news site, a person who attended a facility for the mentally ill is a simple task that is unlikely to be praised by a general adult at that facility. When I did, there was a story saying that the staff praised me and quit attending, saying "I did it well!", But I felt that the response was exactly the same. ・ When I said something different from what she said about something related to me, I wasn't accepting it, but rather defensively. Self-defense words such as "Because it's OO!" Come first. He doesn't take the other person's words firmly, and he doesn't have the attitude of listening to those words. ・ Suddenly after the morning greeting, I unilaterally said, "I should take a rest on a rainy day!" He often gave advice with arbitrary judgment and affirmative ending without understanding the circumstances and suffering of people. Far from being useful at all, I was told in an open place about the contents related to the circumstances that I do not want to be touched, and the fact that there are people and talking there is nervous ( I had already told the staff about it in advance), and I had a hard time reacting. Although there may be some unavoidable parts to give advice because there may have been a sense of responsibility and kindness in the job of life guidance, it is difficult for the user to have a repulsive feeling because of the detailed circumstances and pain of the person. Instead, he is selfish and has a strong tone that makes him feel uncomfortable with his eyes and pressure from above. You should devise a way to bring the ending and the story, such as "How about doing OO?". I don't understand that such a response can psychologically put pressure on or drive people, and that it is basically an NG response, or more specifically, a counseling mindset. This is a typical example of how amateurs often do it. In other words, instead of responding from the top, such as "I don't know this person, I should teach you, I should teach you." Instead of judging that this person is such a person, such a situation, I wonder if he is thinking like this, he listens carefully in a close-knit manner, and if he has any advice, he does not know yet or does not want to say it. Considering the circumstances and the fact that there may be some pain, I felt that I did not have the basic stance of making proposals while confirming the intention of the person so that the imposition would not be overwhelming. I decided that it would be better to inform the staff S about the matters to be communicated during the break due to circumstances, but I was interrupted without listening to the story in a difficult way. Other staff members often receive user information during breaks, so I tried to say the same thing. As a result, I couldn't communicate, which hindered my subsequent learning for a certain period of time. In addition, there were several times when I was taken a high-pressure attitude without knowing the circumstances. In addition, Director T took the following actions. ・ At first, I said that I couldn't make a contract without a guarantor, but after that, I found out that it wasn't the case if there was no guarantor, and I pointed out that it was different. There was no word of apology to him, "I was told by the head office that I needed a guarantor ... but the contract says so, so I'll just send it to the head office." I felt distrust because there was a similar response in the procedure. ・ When deciding on my seat, she said in a strong tone that she was a user of a certain seat, saying, "That person is so noisy!" How do you say that in front of other users? If there is something, the user may be told that way. From the words that appear at the end of other conversations, I felt that the mental staff had a strong tendency to be critical and poisonous, and that they were not very receptive to people. ・ Above all, I would like to point out that there is a lack of receptive attitude when listening to the story, and there are often endless words such as aizuchi, reaction, and confirmation on the top of the Buddha. While I was mentally very tough, I often had to do my best to talk about personal content that I didn't want to talk to others, but the unresponsiveness on the top of the Buddha seems to have been skipped. I was worried that the point I wanted to say was being conveyed properly, and the story became long, and I felt that my circumstances and suffering were treated coldly and lightly, so I responded very often. There may be an intention of being neutral, cautious, and considerate of the other party, but even if you do not agree with all the content of the story, proper aizuchi and confirmation should be the basis of consultation work. If you can't confirm it properly, it means that you can't hear it properly. In fact, at the end, there was a scene where I could clearly understand if I didn't listen to people's stories. Specifically, I told him that he didn't always take a rest even on a rainy day, along with personal circumstances that he didn't want to say, but at one point he was stunned when he said, "It's always a holiday on a rainy day." As a whole, I felt stressed because I didn't feel comfortable with the response, including the lack of words such as aizuchi and confirmation. At first, each staff member was able to respond as described above, but as they continued to accumulate, they struggled with depression, suicidal ideation, and extreme tension in going where there were people, and became heavy. Although I was dragging, I was very stressed, and at some point my emotions exploded, my symptoms worsened, and I was forced to leave the office. Since the environment at home wasn't in place, I decided to go to the office instead of attending at home, but I think that if I stayed at home, the number of contacts with the staff would be greatly reduced, so there would have been no damage so far. However, in any case, the above is basically only content that is considered to be NG in mental and psychological response training. If you are a mental employee, you should at least keep these basics in mind. I would like you to have a thorough training for specialist supervision before you go to the site. A long time ago, my friend also went to another welfare facility, and the fact that the negotiations there were not so good helped me to commit suicide. There is a possibility of this depending on the response, so the staff should be very careful. The content of the lecture video of IT skills, which is the main service of this facility, is also good, and the humanity of the staff itself is basically not bad people, so there should be many places where you can look at the entire facility. However, due to the above-mentioned measures, the symptoms of mental illness worsened and he was discharged from the hospital, so the evaluation is the lowest. Because it is a facility for the mentally handicapped and it is proclaiming consideration. I myself have worked as a staff member for a year and a half at a facility for the mentally ill, and for many years after changing jobs, many persons with mental and intellectual disabilities (attempted suicide, admission to a psychiatric hospital closed ward, etc.) and their families Therefore, I have experience of receiving consultations in private and providing long-term support in a form similar to psychological counseling. When I was consulted in private, I heard a lot of sensitive real stories that I probably wouldn't tell others (even family / friends, medical / welfare personnel). And now that I am also a person with a disability, I have to go to this facility, but in the end I will leave the facility in a short period of time, and after that my mental state that has fallen to the bottom has stabilized to some extent again, and I look back on that time. It took me a long time to be able to do it, and even now, even after a long time since I left the office, I am sometimes dreamed about the above measures, and I am surprised at my first experience. For many years, I have had many contacts with people who have mental and psychological relationships, and I have had many opportunities to continue to receive welfare services, but like this time, I became uncomfortable and my symptoms worsened, and the effects continued for a long time. I had never had enough experience to do it. From my own actual experience and what I heard when I was consulted in private, I am familiar with how careless words and actions around me can drive the parties into a dangerous situation. It motivated me to write the content in such detail. The staff are also human beings in a very stressful environment, so I understand that they are not perfect, and they are compatible with each other. In addition, there may be an opinion that it is a place for employment support, so it is not too easy to be a mentally handicapped person, but I wrote a frank opinion considering the younger generation.

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