
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉百母灯

住所 :

Nobuto, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0032 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.townchiba.com/shop/momotei/momotei.html
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Nobuto, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0032 Chiba,Japan
G G on Google

仕事都合で連れて行かれたが正直マズイ 頼んだ以上は出されたものは食さねばと半ば無理に飲みこんだ 昼の焼肉定食だけはマシな様子(自分でたのんだことはないが同伴者のものを見た限りでは恐らく) 自分の払いでは絶対に行かない
Although I was taken with work circumstances, but honestly Masui I asked for what I was served Must be eaten by midnight I had baked meat settlement at midday Only the meat looks like a good thing As far as you saw things you probably will not go with your payment absolutely)
北河和子 on Google

It is a very delicious grilled meat, and it has become a reservation system from this year.
H M on Google

Mino was particularly delicious. ️
ちょこびっつ。 on Google

このような悪い評価は初めてですが… 家族3人で行って サイコロ炒め キムチラーメン 焼き肉丼を頼みました(すべてランチ) 最初はキムチが出てきました…ですが…美味しい…とは言えなかったです。酸味が強くただ辛い感じでした。そのつぎにコロッケと野菜炒めが小皿にのせられ出てきました、野菜炒めは味がほとんどしませんでした…(私は濃口なので好きな人は好きかもしれないです)コロッケは恐らく冷凍コロッケですね…(違ったらすいません)キムチラーメンと焼き肉丼は注文してから10分ほどできましたがサイコロ炒めはいくらたってもこず帰ろうかと思った時にやっときました。…がサイコロ炒めは野菜炒めにサイコロ状のお肉が何個か入ってるものなんですがお肉が焦げていてカリカリそれに脂がお皿にたまっていて脂っこく完食はできませんでした。焼き肉丼とキムチラーメンも正直イマイチでした…接客も良いとは言えません。 短くまとめると接客態度は悪く味も悪く来るまでが遅すぎる。ここまで悪い評価をつけたのははじめてです。すいませんがもう二度といく予定はないです…
This is the first time I have had such a bad evaluation, but ... Go with 3 family members Stir-fried dice Kimchi ramen I ordered a yakiniku bowl (all lunch) At first, kimchi came out ... but ... it wasn't delicious. It was sour and just spicy. Then the croquette and stir-fried vegetables came out on a small plate, the stir-fried vegetables didn't taste much ... (I'm so rich that you might like it) The croquette is probably a frozen croquette ... (I'm sorry if it's different) I ordered kimchi ramen and yakiniku bowl for about 10 minutes, but I did it when I thought I'd go home no matter how much I fried dice. ... but stir-fried dice is a stir-fried vegetable with some dice-shaped meat in it, but the meat was charred and crunchy, and the fat was accumulated on the plate, so I couldn't finish it greasy. The yakiniku bowl and kimchi ramen weren't really good either ... The customer service isn't good either. To summarize briefly, the customer service attitude is bad and the taste is bad, too late. This is the first time I have given such a bad evaluation. I'm sorry, but I have no plans to go again ...
M I on Google

Whatever you eat, it ’s very delicious! The meat is soft and the sauce is delicious. If you ask, you will only use Japanese beef. I am very grateful for the service. This is so delicious! And reasonable! The shop is also kind and friendly, and I am very happy with the thoughtfulness! Although it seems that there is no parking lot from the front, there is a parking lot on the back side.
ふつ on Google

Impression that it comes to me in quantity rather than quality. First of all, "not good". The lunch buffet set-up that the companions ask each time was relatively decent. I can not afford to go out in a relationship, but I will never go in an individual.
安藤司 on Google

何度か付き合いで行ってますが、美味い不味いの変化が激しいお店です。 不味いと評価してる方は運が無かったと思います。 でも運で左右されるお店ってどうなんでしょうか? 辛さでの誤魔化しもいい加減にしてほしい。
I've been going out with them several times, but it's a restaurant where the taste and taste change drastically. I think those who evaluated it as unpleasant had no luck. But what about a store that depends on luck? I want you to be sloppy with spicy deception.
子龍 on Google

初めて行きました。第一印象は家庭的な焼肉屋さんって感じで、お客さんも常連さんが多いようで、地元に根付いたお店のように感じました。 メインのお肉ですが、牛タンは、肉厚で、ネギ乗せが美味しかったです。そして、このお店の看板は骨付きカルビでしょうか。この骨付き肉は、ハサミで切って頂くほどの大きさで、甘めのタレが絡み付いたジューシーなお肉は食べる価値ありかと思います。その他、ちょっとしょっぱ目のカルビクッパや薄味で上品な冷麺も頂きました。特に、夏らしいしゃりしゃり氷りが入った冷麺は、細麺で、本場韓国の麺って感じでした。 帰りには、韓国海苔や梨まで頂いてしまって、家族のお土産にできました。ご馳走様でした。
I went there for the first time. The first impression was like a home-style yakiniku restaurant, with many regular customers, and it felt like a shop rooted in the local area. The main meat, but the beef tongue was thick and the onion was delicious. And is the sign of this store a boned rib? This bone-in meat is large enough to be cut with scissors, and I think that juicy meat with a sweet sauce is worth eating. In addition, I received a little bitter-skinned kalbi kuppa and light and elegant cold noodles. In particular, the cold noodles that had summer-like crispy ice cream were thin noodles that looked like authentic Korean noodles. On the way back, I got Korean laver and pears and made a souvenir for my family. It was a treat.

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