デコホーム 川崎ルフロン店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact デコホーム 川崎ルフロン店

住所 :

Nisshincho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0024 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://shop.nitori-net.jp/nitori/spot/detail%3Fcode%3D0000005248
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nisshincho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0024 Kanagawa,Japan
久美子 on Google

It was made in the building where Marui entered. I handle a lot of miscellaneous goods in the company of Nitori and affiliated companies. Duvet cover and kitchen utensils were put and felt assortment better than deko home of Tressa Yokohama. There was a cosmetic pouch that I had not put on Tressa.
ふるやこゆき on Google

駅近、人も少なくて ゆっくりみて探して選ぶことができた。 昼前に行ってよかった。
Near the station, there were few people, so I was able to look slowly and search for it. I'm glad I went before noon.
むぎひめ on Google

There are various products and it's fun just to look at them ? Forget the time ?
レバ刺し大好き on Google

I visited the store for the first time. Wide and wide selection
クミクミ on Google

There are many shops in Ruflon, so just going there. It's fun just looking at it. I want to go again. What time can I go next? I'm looking forward to it ????
バラゴン on Google

店舗が広くて 品揃えが良かった。 見つからない商品があって 店員に聞いたら取扱があるか探してくれた!
The store is large The assortment was good. There is a product that cannot be found When I asked the clerk, he looked for me to handle it!
お〜いお茶 on Google

品揃えはそこそこ。 売ってないものも多い。 色々と買いたいなら産業道路のほうのニトリに行くほうが良い 小物はある程度おいてあった印象
The assortment is reasonable. Many are not sold. If you want to buy various things, it is better to go to Nitori on the industrial road Impression that small items were left to some extent
背古井唯安 on Google

大型家具類はありません。日用品、インテリア小物に特化した新しいコンセプトの店舗です。音楽もジャズが流れて雰囲気も落ち着いた感じです。 種類は多くありませんが、何でもあればよいというのでもないので、そこそこ便利だと思います。
There is no large furniture. A new concept store specializing in daily necessities and interior accessories. Music and jazz play and the atmosphere is calm. There aren't many types, but I don't think it's all right, so I think it's reasonably convenient.

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