Nissan Rent-a-car - Hachioji

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nissan Rent-a-car

住所 :

京王八王子西口ビル 1 4 Chome-9-7 Myojincho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 192-0046
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–8PM
Sunday 8AM–8PM
Monday 8AM–8PM
Tuesday 8AM–8PM
Wednesday 8AM–8PM
Thursday 8AM–8PM
Friday 8AM–8PM

京王八王子西口ビル 1 4 Chome-9-7 Myojincho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0046, Japan
渡辺孝志 on Google

I rented a non-smoking car, but the room was filled with the smell of cigarettes. There seems to be no guarantee that a decent non-smoker can rent at this shop.
高橋一生 on Google

初めて利用させて頂きました 久しぶりに車に乗ったので、利用中に初歩的な問題で何度かお店に電話して聞いてしまいましたが、電話での応対が少し無愛想でした。 その後お店に戻った時も男性のスタッフさんが応対してくれましたがやはり無愛想でしたので二度と利用しないと思います。
I used it for the first time I got in the car for the first time in a long time, so I called the shop several times because of a rudimentary problem while using it, but the telephone response was a little unfriendly. After that, when I returned to the shop, the male staff responded, but it was still unfriendly, so I don't think I will use it again.
花子山田 on Google

Men in their 2s and 30s with black masks are unfriendly. Never use it. unkind. Driving a car is rough. The basics of the hospitality business are not established.
H7 on Google

とても親切にしていただきました。 今後も利用したいと思います。
Thank you very much for your kindness. I would like to continue using it in the future.
ねこねこ on Google

とてもテキトーな電話対応をされたり、店頭でも男性店員が頭を掻きながら登場したり、やる気の無さそうな派手な女性店員が髪やネイルを気にしながらだらだら会計してたり、だらしない接客態度をする方ばかりでした。 唯一バイトらしい人達にきつく指導している女性の社員っぽい方だけがまともでした。 店員さんみんなが「もしまた当店を利用してくれるなら~」と何度も言っているのが違和感でしたが、二度と利用しないと思うお客さんが多いんだろうなーと思いました。
A very techie telephone response, a male clerk appearing while scratching his head at the store, a flashy female clerk who seems to be unmotivated makes a sloppy accounting while worrying about hair and nails, and a sloppy customer service attitude There were only those who did. Only the female employee-like person who gave tight guidance to the only part-time workers was decent. It was strange that all the clerk said "If you would like to use our shop again", but I thought that many customers would never use it again.
A S on Google

最低な対応でした。事前のチェックインを済ませていたのに20分ほど待たされ、挙げ句ゴミのような態度で接客されました。 返却の際も横柄な態度でした。 余程の事情がなければここで車を借りるのはやめた方がいいです。価格も他のレンタカー店と比べて割高です。 ここは早く潰れて欲しいですね。
It was the worst response. Even though I had checked in in advance, I had to wait for about 20 minutes and was served with a rubbish-like attitude. I was arrogant when I returned it. Unless you have a very good reason, you should stop renting a car here. The price is also higher than other car rental stores. I want you to collapse here soon.
i i on Google

レンタカーは初めてだったのですが、自宅から近かったので八王子店を利用しました。 評価の低い口コミを見て不安でしたが、スタッフの皆さんとても明るく親切に対応していただきました。 初めてだったので分からないことも多々ありましたが、丁寧に説明していただいたので安心して借りることができました! 車も綺麗でした!また利用したいと思います。
It was my first time to rent a car, but I used the Hachioji store because it was close to my house. I was worried when I saw the low-rated reviews, but the staff were very cheerful and kind. Since it was my first time, there were many things I didn't understand, but I was able to borrow it with confidence because I was given a detailed explanation! The car was also beautiful! I want to use it again.
Drew Gilpin on Google

No fuss, best rates I could find, make sure you get an ETC card if you plan on any inter-city driving

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