NISSAN PRINCE Kamiuma - Setagaya City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact NISSAN PRINCE Kamiuma

住所 :

4 Chome-25-26 Kamiuma, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 154-0011
Webサイト :

4 Chome-25-26 Kamiuma, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0011, Japan
藤野真 on Google

It was a clean and comfortable environment with a large space.
村久 on Google

noteをこちらで買いました。 担当者の方は、良く気のきくいい方で良かったです。
I bought a note here. It was good that the person in charge was a nice and friendly person.
Isao Y on Google

日産とは無関係ながら、目の前の環七運転中にもらい事故で2時間ほど日産前で足止め食らい、目的地到着が遅れた(泣) 車線変更中にカーナビに気を取られた前方不注意のドライバーに後方からぶつけられて当方のリアバンパー破損… 当然の事ながら相手が100%過失を認め相手の保険で損害賠償されることになったが、警察による現場検証、保険会社との話合い、修理工場への持ち込み等々、貴重な時間が浪費されていく… みなさん、くれぐれも安全運転に心がけてください!
Although it is not related to Nissan, I got while I was driving around the wheel in front of my eyes and got stuck in front of Nissan for about 2 hours in an accident, and my arrival at the destination was delayed (crying) Our rear bumper was damaged by being hit from behind by a careless driver who was distracted by car navigation while changing lanes. Naturally, the other party was 100% negligent and the other party's insurance compensated for the damage. However, valuable time was wasted, such as on-site inspection by the police, discussions with an insurance company, bringing to a repair shop, etc. Go ... Everyone, please try to drive safely!
村久 on Google

我が家の車は、こちらで点検を受けています。 当たり前ですが、ネジ一本に至るまで確実に見てくれます。 だから安心して運転できます。 長く乗ってきた我が家の車も車検を受けるか、買い換えるか?????迷いに迷って、家族会議→¥安くするには今しか?→担当者に泣いてもらって、決まりました。花も車も今しかの時があるかな✨???
Our car is inspected here. Obviously, it will surely see even one screw. So you can drive with confidence. My car that I have been riding for a long time has to undergo a vehicle inspection or buy a new one?????? I wonder if there are times when flowers and cars are only now ✨???
ダマ10マーボー on Google

The showroom is large and the exhibition cars are easy to see. The service factory is also on the second floor, and there are no clean maintenance vehicles, so it is easy to park when you come to the store.
ランまこと on Google

31年前にこちらの販売店で7thスカイラインを購入しました。 スタッフの方は親切に応対していただいた記憶があります。 店内がリニューアルされて綺麗になったと思います。
I bought 7th Skyline at this store 31 years ago. There is a memory that the staff kindly responded. I think the store has been renewed and cleaned.
Nobuhiko Sato on Google

ナビの会話しながら目的地設定してくれるオペレーター機能は最高。充電スタンドの場所が地図に表示されるのも電気自動車なら必須の機能だね。 お店の中に高機能マッサージチェアがあって、無料で使い放題だった!
The operator function that sets the destination while talking about navigation is the best. Displaying the location of the charging station on a map is also an essential function for electric vehicles. There was a high-performance massage chair in the shop and it was free to use!
yukotajima 888 on Google

環七沿いにあり反対車線側から来る場合ちょっと迂回しますが広い店舗で駐車場もとめやすいです。急速EVステーションあります。 キッズコーナーもありお店の方は親切です。
If you come from the opposite lane side along the circle 7, it will be a little detour, but it is easy to find a parking lot in a large store. There is a rapid EV station. There is a kids corner and the shop is kind.

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