スーパーマーケットNISHIYAMA 三田フラワータウン店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スーパーマーケットNISHIYAMA 三田フラワータウン店

住所 :

Mukogaoka, Sanda, 〒669-1544 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : http://www.k2nishiyama.com/
街 : Hyogo

Mukogaoka, Sanda, 〒669-1544 Hyogo,Japan
昭彦森田 on Google

How was it Even if I was told, I didn't have any particular impressions from the neighborhood or anytime. However, for drinks such as liquor, AEON nearby is cheaper. The point is a little closer to the house than Aeon.
YUKIKO 358 on Google

最近になって曜日別の割引とか特売がなくなり、全く魅力なくなり残念です 駐車場問題も何がしたかったのか…このツケの精算が売り場にまわってきたのか… だんだん活気がなくなってます わざわざ行く気になりません このレタスには正直びっくりした ちんちくりん、粗悪 不作はわかる このような品を売る意味がわからない 消費者は買うのか?? ここまでして売りたいのか?と思う 以前もあった
It's a pity that it's not attractive at all these days because there are no discounts or special sales for each day of the week. What did you want to do about the parking lot problem? Was the settlement of this bill coming to the sales floor ... It’s getting less and less lively I don't feel like going I was honestly surprised at this lettuce Chinkurin, poor I know the failure I don't understand the meaning of selling such a product Do consumers buy? ? Do you want to sell this far? I think There was also before
しょうじのぶあき on Google

ここのお惣菜やお弁当が気に入っているのでよく利用します 閉店間際には焼き立てパンコーナーも割引価格になりお得です
I like the side dishes and bento boxes here, so I often use them. Just before the store closes, the freshly baked bread corner is also a great deal at a discounted price
Kajitani Junko on Google

とても新鮮な食材置いてはります。 客層は年配の人が多いです。 9時の開店直後に行くと、陳列終わってなくて残念な感じです。 お願いすると奥から出して来てくれますが… いつも思うのですが、鮮魚売り場開店直後切り身等全然出てないのにお刺身揃ってたりして、朝から刺身需要あるのかなぁ?といつも思います? お肉売り場も見切りとかしないで当日賞味期限の物しか出てなくて…あまり行かなくなってきた?
I put very fresh ingredients. Many of our customers are elderly. When I went right after the store opened at 9 o'clock, it was a pity that the display was not over. If you ask, it will come out from the back ... I always think that there is a demand for sashimi from the morning because there are no sashimi etc. right after the opening of the fresh fish section. I always think ? I didn't give up on the meat department, and only the ones with the expiration date on the day were available ... I'm not going much ?
アサシン on Google

伊勢屋の漬物をここで初めて買ってファンになりました。 買い物しやすいちょうど良い大きさ お薦め♪
I bought Iseya pickles for the first time here and became a fan. Just the right size for easy shopping Recommended ♪
伏木大輔 on Google

Station Chika is a convenient supermarket.
seiji hanada on Google

Costco visas and other items that can only be purchased at Costco are often sold as fairs. You can get rare sweets and seasonings that are not found in other shops. The whole shop is a fun place to shop.
N N on Google

The customer service of the male clerk is too bad. Also, the parking lot is being used by station users, but it's a suspicion that I don't see it. The cashier and the products are good.

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