サンディ つつじヶ丘店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サンディ つつじヶ丘店

住所 :

Nishitsutsujigaoka, Chofu, 〒182-0006 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://www.sundi.co.jp/shop/details-k-tsutsujigaoka.html
街 : Tokyo

Nishitsutsujigaoka, Chofu, 〒182-0006 Tokyo,Japan
J R on Google

A store that is so important for people living in a housing complex that they cannot live if they disappear
ちーたん on Google

At discount supermarkets, there are many good-value items, which is useful, but the number of parking lots is small and you have to wait for a long time, which is a scratch on the ball.
nezun on Google

QRコード決済に対応しました。 ブラジル産鳥もも肉100g29円セールには驚愕。味は値段相応ですが…
Supports QR code payment. Brazilian bird thigh 100g 29 yen sale is amazing. The taste is reasonable for the price, but ...
su Kuriyama on Google

The handling is very reasonable and the vegetables are surprisingly fresh. The assortment is minimal but well-balanced (maybe a little grandma-like assortment). For some reason, bacon and sweets may be separated into two parts, or there may be a habit of arranging products.
mochi on Google

レジの若い女性の態度が悪かった。 他の人には〜円になりますとかきちんと言ってるのに私の時だけ終始無言で最後セルフレジにカゴをすっとやって無言でお終い。たまたまかもしれないけどなんかほんと気分悪かった。
The attitude of the young woman at the cash register was bad. I told other people that it would be a circle, but only when I was silent, I just put the basket in the self-registration and ended silently. It may happen, but I felt really sick.
TheHiroyk on Google

すっきりした店内で清潔感があります。 通路も広いのでベビーカーでの買い物も楽々かと思います。 品物も生鮮食品、加工品含めて全体的に安くて、近所にあったら通ってしまいそうです。 向かいには八百屋さんがあるので、野菜果物もこちらで手に入ります。
There is a feeling of cleanliness in the clean store. The aisle is wide, so shopping with a stroller is easy. Goods, including fresh foods and processed foods, are generally cheap, and if you are in the neighborhood, you will probably go there. There is a greengrocer across the street, so you can get vegetables and fruits here.
h kazu on Google

Devendra Tiwari on Google

Nice place to visit.

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