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Contact 西新宿治療院

住所 :

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://ns-chiryouin.com/
街 : Tokyo

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0023 Tokyo,Japan
takeuchi yoshikazu on Google

ビルの4階にある整体院 院内は落ち着いた雰囲気で、駅から近いのと20時まで受け付けしてくれるため、仕事の帰りに通うことも可能。 ただ単に骨のゆがみを直すだけではなく、個人個人の骨がゆがむ原因や姿勢の悪さの原因等に着目し、その大元から治療することをモットーにしている。 凝りや関節の痛み等、姿勢の悪い自覚のある人は一度相談してみると良い。
Surgery on the fourth floor of the building The hospital has a calm atmosphere and accepts guests close to the station until 20:00, so you can go back to work. The motto is not only to correct bone distortion, but also to focus on the causes of individual bone distortion and poor posture, and to treat from the beginning. People with poor posture, such as stiffness and joint pain, should consult once.
ますぶんぶん on Google

When I finish the treatment, I can easily understand the ease of walking, the wide view, and the lightness of my body! However, my husband became dull immediately after receiving it and went to bed earlier that day. It seems to be refreshing the next morning. It is a clinic where you can go with confidence
hiroko yamamoto on Google

数年前からお世話になっています。 ご夫婦でされている治療院で、お二人ともとても丁寧に対応してくださいます。 ギックリ腰になりそうな腰に違和感を感じた時は、いつも先生に治療していただき、助けていただいています。 治療中も適度にお話をしながら、仕事で疲れた体とともに、心も整えてくれるようなとても信頼できる治療院です。
I've been taking care of it for several years. At the clinic where you are a couple, both of you are very polite. Whenever I feel uncomfortable with my waist that seems to be a gigantic waist, I always have my teacher treat me and help me. It is a very reliable clinic where you can talk moderately during the treatment and prepare your mind as well as your body tired from work.
佐藤祥子 on Google

何年も通っていますが、とても良い治療院です。 施術中は体の底から疲れが取れていく様で、気持ちよくウトウトしてしまいます。 その日の睡眠はとても深く、次の日の目覚めは爽快です。 応対も親切丁寧で、その時に調子の悪い部位など相談しながら施術してもらえます。 とても良い場所です。
It's been a good treatment clinic for many years. During the treatment, it seems that you get tired from the bottom of your body, and you feel comfortable. The sleep of the day is very deep and the next day's wake is refreshing. The reception is kind and attentive, and at that time you can have a treatment while consulting about the bad condition. A very good place.
清水さちこ on Google

普段は月に1 ~2回通院してます。痛くないので眠ってしまうこともしばしばです。私は肩から背中がガチガチに固くなってしまうのですが、施術が終わると体が軽くなり、視界も明るくなる気がします。 先生は誠実なお人柄で、質問にも丁寧に答えてくださいます。奥さまは底抜けに明るい方で毎回元気をもらってます!
I usually go to the hospital once or twice a month. It often sleeps because it doesn't hurt. My back is stiff from my shoulders, but I feel that my body becomes lighter and my vision becomes brighter after the treatment. The teacher is honest and will answer questions carefully. My wife is cheerful and cheerful every time!
Koko on Google

体を根本から整えてくださること、体調の向上が実感できること、 先生ご夫妻のお人柄のよさに惹かれて長くお世話になっています。 不調がダイレクトに顔や輪郭にでやすいのも悩みでしたが、 施術後は目がぱっちり、輪郭もすっきり。 座り仕事からくる体調不良で通い始めましたが、嬉しいおまけです! いろいろなところに行きましたが、 いちばん長く通っている治療院かもしれません^^
To be physically prepared, and to be able to feel the improvement in physical condition, I am very grateful for the personality of the teachers and their wife, and have been looking after me for a long time. I was also worried that the disorder could be directly on the face and outline, Eyes are clear and the contours are neat after the treatment. I started going because of my poor physical condition from sitting, which is a great bonus! I went to various places, It may be the longest-running clinic ^^
Yuki Mizuguchi on Google

I have been to the hospital for about two years since I was introduced to my family. I was suffering from autonomic nervous system symptoms such as tinnitus, dizziness, low-grade fever, and dull pain around my waist and abdomen. It goes without saying that the body becomes lighter, but in addition, the tension in the back of the eyes is relieved and the view is clear. Unlike ordinary manipulative treatment / massage, it uses an approach that naturally relaxes the body without pushing or stretching it strongly, and I feel that my body is improving steadily. Due to this difference in approach, it may be difficult to realize the effect at the beginning of hospital visit, but I think that such person can realize that the body improves steadily by visiting the hospital several times. . Considering the high level of manual treatment, this price is cheap.
ユーザーgoogle on Google

10年以上お世話になっているとても腕の良い治療院です。長年通っている理由として、 ① 施術は痛みがなくソフトなのですが、治療のレベルが高いこと(今でもほぼ週1回のペースで治療の自主勉強会に行かれて研鑽を積まれているとのことでした)。体調や身体の歪みを根本から治療することを信条とされており、終わると身体が温かく、かつ軽くなります。また、治療中もこちらが質問をすると丁寧に解説をしていただき、信頼感もあります。 ② 治療を担当するご夫妻のお人柄が明るく柔らかで、こちらの気持ちも楽しくかつ前向きになれること。とても話をしやすい雰囲気なので、治療や健康の話以外にも、新宿近辺のグルメ話などで盛り上がったりもします (^o^) ③ 院内は明るく清潔感があり、とてもリラックス出来ること。リラックスしすぎて、治療中に寝てしまうこともありました・・・。 が挙げられると思います。これからも通いたいと思います!
This is a very clever clinic that has been in use for over 10 years. As a reason I have been going for many years, (1) The treatment is painless and soft, but the treatment level is high (even though it is said that he is still going to study at the self-study workshop for treatment almost once a week). It is believed to be the fundamental treatment of physical condition and body distortion, and at the end it makes the body warm and light. Also, during treatment, if you ask a question, he will be kindly explained and there is a sense of trust. ② The husband and wife in charge of treatment should be bright and soft, and their feelings should be fun and positive. The atmosphere is very easy to talk to, so in addition to talking about treatment and health, it's also fun to talk about gourmet foods near Shinjuku (^ o ^). ③ The hospital should be bright and clean and very relaxing. I was too relaxed and sometimes fell asleep during treatment ... I think. I want to go there in the future!

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