
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 李さんの中華屋

住所 :

Nishishinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://risannooishiichukaya.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishishinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0003 Tokyo,Japan
流人 on Google

2021/3/16 訪問 あんかけ焼きそばが食べたくなって、どこかに良い店はないかしら?と探して見たところ、こちらがヒット。 店の前のランチメニューで、角煮定食にもすごく惹かれつつ、初志貫徹で五目あんかけ焼きそばを注文。 出てきてビックリするのは、その具材の量。 麺が一切見えないほどにたっぷり具材が入った餡掛け。 具材は、エビ、イカ、豚肉、白菜、ニンジン、ヤングコーン、クワイ、フクロタケ、キクラゲ、マッシュルーム、ウズラの卵とかなり色々入っている。 具材を掻き分けないと麺が出てこないと言うのは中々素晴らしい。 もっとも、『焼きそば』と言うには麺の炒め具合が少し残念かなと-1 とは言え、中もそこそこ広く、安心して食事が出来る。 次回は角煮定食かな?
2021/3/16 visit I wonder if there is a good restaurant somewhere because I want to eat ankake fried noodles? When I looked for it, this was a hit. At the lunch menu in front of the store, I was very attracted to the Kakuni set meal and ordered Gomoku Ankake Yakisoba with Toru Hatsushi. What surprises me when it comes out is the amount of ingredients. Ankake with plenty of ingredients so that you can't see the noodles at all. The ingredients include shrimp, squid, pork, Chinese cabbage, carrots, young corn, kwai, straw mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms, mushrooms, and quail eggs. It's wonderful to say that the noodles don't come out unless the ingredients are squeezed out. However, I wonder if the stir-fried noodles are a little disappointing to say "yakisoba" -1 However, the inside is fairly large and you can eat with confidence. Is it a kakuni set meal next time?
前島宣秀 on Google

新橋中華ではかなり値段高い。 味は普通。
The price is quite high in Shimbashi Chinese. The taste is normal.
F on Google

店名「李さんのおいしい中華屋」を信じ、人気の坦々麺注文。 本当に美味しかった…! ここの坦々麺はなかなか良い味。 シェフの拘りを感じました。 坦々麺好きの方は、一度行ってみるべし。 次回は違うのを頼もうかなー。
Believing in the store name "Lee's delicious Chinese restaurant", we ordered popular dandan noodles. It was really delicious ...! The dandan noodles here have a very good taste. I felt the chef's insistence. If you like dandan noodles, you should go there once. I wonder if I'll ask for a different one next time.
yuji saito on Google

13時半過ぎに行ったので空いてました。 ランチメニューの写真をみて青椒肉絲を注文。 メイン、ご飯、サラダ、スープ、デザートだと思ったら、運ばれてきた料理にはサラダがなくて変わりに漬け物があった。地味にショック。。。 今日だけなのか?いつもなのか? また行く機会あれば行ってみて確認するかも。 味としては至って普通です。
I went there after 13:30, so it was vacant. Look at the picture of the lunch menu and order the green pepper steak. I thought it was a main course, rice, salad, soup, and dessert, but the food that was brought in had no salad and instead had pickles. Soberly shocked. .. .. Is it just today? Is it always? If I have a chance to go again, I might go and check it. The taste is quite normal.
小3男子 on Google

It is a Chinese restaurant run by Chinese people. The taste is ok. My favorite Twice-cooked meat is not local, but it tastes good. The almond tofu is exquisite. Unfortunately, it's lunch, but smoking is allowed. It smells like cigarettes overall. Oh, you can use PayPay.
たかさん on Google

ランチしか利用したことありません。⭐️は2.5です。 日替わり以外は、ALL800円と普通。 味はまぁまぁの場合と、あまり美味しくない場合があります。 スープは味薄いというか、甘いというか。 マーボー豆腐美味しいのに、麻婆麺はあんまり。私が好きなのは、黒酢酢豚 、麻婆茄子、麻婆豆腐、ニラレバです。 スープ&ライスはお代わりできます。あと、ミニ杏仁豆腐が付いてます。 会社の近所なので、時々利用します。
I've only used lunch. ⭐️ is 2.5. Except for daily changes, ALL is 800 yen, which is normal. The taste may be ok or not very good. The soup has a light taste or is sweet. Marbo tofu is delicious, but mapo tofu is not so good. I like black vinegar vinegar pork , Mapo eggplant, Mapo tofu, Nirareba. Soup and rice can be replaced. Also, it comes with mini almond tofu. I use it from time to time because it's near my office.
デューク東郷 on Google

3月24日(木)ランチで訪問。 結構中国で食べる中華の味が再現されてます。もっともリョウリ人からフロアの方皆さんちゅうごくの方の様でした。 豚の角煮定食、名物と謳ってましたが本当、美味しゅうございました♪
Visited for lunch on Thursday, March 24th. The taste of Chinese food eaten in China is reproduced. However, everyone from Ryori to the floor was like a lot of people. It was said that the pork kakuni set meal was a specialty, but it was really delicious ♪
淀祐輔 on Google

The state of emergency has been lifted, and today we have 8 Chinese dishes with all-you-can-drink and a perfect price of 3000 yen including tax to open up a new store. First of all, I ordered draft beer and Premol came out. This is the rule today. I drank 6 mugs. Three kinds of cold chicken, pork, and beef came out. It goes well with beer snacks. Next is a delicious sweet and sour pork with a sense of quality. Stir-fried bean sprouts come out and are lightly fragrant. And the juicy dumplings are voluminous and delicious. Also, the green pepper steak is really good. Egg soup is also available. The amount of fried rice is too much to eat. Finally, it will heal with almond tofu. There is also an all-you-can-eat plan, but this is quite satisfactory.

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