
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ボートン

住所 :

Nishiozu, Ozu, 〒795-0013 Ehime,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88977
街 : Ehime

Nishiozu, Ozu, 〒795-0013 Ehime,Japan
M M (さくら娘) on Google

疲れていたのでお茶をしました。 珈琲とチーズケーキ! 写真を撮るの忘れてた!いつもだけど… しっとりしたケーキで美味しかった… ランチをオーダーしている人もいた。遅くまでランチがあるんだ。
I was tired so I had tea. Coffee and cheesecake! I forgot to take a picture! As always ... The moist cake was delicious ... Some people ordered lunch. I have lunch until late.
aco on Google

いつ行っても落ち着く場所。 ごはんも珈琲も美味しいです✧‧˚
A place where you can relax whenever you go. Both rice and coffee are delicious ✧‧˚
遍路道 on Google

60代後半の御夫婦で営業中。 雰囲気がいいお店でした。
It is open for couples in their late 60s. It was a shop with a nice atmosphere.
爾凪 on Google

優しい雰囲気のカフェでずっと居たくなるようなカフェでした お皿もとても可愛くてお洒落でした♪ ご飯と飲み物付きで1000円くらいでした。
It was a cafe such that want to stay much in the friendly atmosphere cafe Dish was fashionable very cute ♪ It was about 1000 yen with rice and drinks.
u Y on Google

お店の外の雰囲気、中の雰囲気と、とても良かったです。 ランチもボリュームもしっかりあり味も満点でした。 お店からは大洲城が望めることができてとても良かったです。 駐車場は車4〜5台ほどのスペースでした
The atmosphere outside and inside of the store was very good. The lunch and volume were solid and the taste was perfect. It was very nice to see Ozu Castle from the store. The parking lot was about 4-5 cars
K on Google

味 →★★☆☆☆ 価格→★★☆☆☆ 接客→★★★☆☆ 雰囲気→★★★★★ お洒落でセンスの良いカフェです。 食べ物メニューは1,000円の日替わりランチと ホットサンドのみ ランチは家庭的な昼ごはんっていう感じです。 コーヒーはこだわっており、美味でした。
Taste → ★★ ☆☆☆ Price → ★★ ☆☆☆ Customer service → ★★★ ☆☆ Atmosphere → ★★★★★ It's a fashionable and tasteful cafe. The food menu is a daily lunch of 1,000 yen Hot sandwich only Lunch is like a homely lunch. I was particular about coffee and it was delicious.
かるしふぁ on Google

大洲カフェとインスタで検索… 素敵なカフェランチが掲載されていてすぐ決定 お店の外観は季節によって素敵な花がお店を包むような外観 とても物腰が柔らかな夫婦が2人でやられているようで、ランチタイムは少し混み2人ではとても忙しそうでした。 さあ、いよいよご飯!様々な食器に様々な食材でとても美味しく頂けました。
Search at Ozu Cafe and Instagram... A nice cafe lunch is posted and decided soon The appearance of the shop looks like a nice flower wrapped around the shop depending on the season. The couple seemed to be very tender, and the lunchtime was a bit crowded, so they seemed to be very busy. Now it's time to eat rice! It was delicious with various dishes and various ingredients.
S K on Google

Even a single small bowl thinks that everyone is carefully making it and feel it even more when you eat it. At first glance it seems to be home cooking, but I think that the freshness of the labor and material assortment is beyond that area. It is transmitted that it seems that cooking has been studied. It is a favorite shop that you can visit and have a happy feeling. Even one person can get it slowly.

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