魚旬酒場 穂の家 - Toyohashi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚旬酒場 穂の家

住所 :

Nishiodakano, Toyohashi, 〒440-0013 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 440-0013
街 : Aichi

Nishiodakano, Toyohashi, 〒440-0013 Aichi,Japan
なば on Google

I wonder how about no-mask customer service in this age
鈴木浩之 on Google

正直ガッカリでした。二人で16000円は高過ぎ ‼️価格に見合う味、サービスとはとても思いません。日曜日の夕方に利用しましたが、客は最後まで私達二人だけでした。
I was disappointed. 16000 yen is too expensive for two people !! I do not think that it is the taste and service that match the price of salmon. We used on Sunday evening, but the customer was only two of us until the end.
星カービー on Google

豊橋市でしかも近所で こだわり魚料理を堪能できるのは 希少です!焼津市の寿司屋は2人で3万円だったから、 むしろ良心価格だと思います。ありがとうございます?
The only thing you can enjoy in Toyohashi City It is rare! Because the sushi restaurant in Yaizu City was 30,000 yen for two people, I think it is rather a conscience price. Thank you
山本晃 on Google

気さくな大将と美味しい料理を堪能出来ます☺️ ですが値段設定は高めです?
You can enjoy friendly generals and delicious dishes ☺️ but the price is high ?
fumi fumi on Google

頼んだもの全て美味しかったです。 取り皿も料理ごとに変えてくれてとても良かったです。
Everything I ordered was delicious. It was very nice that the plate was changed for each dish.
貴也 on Google

It's a seafood izakaya and it's fresh and very delicious, so it's fun to drink, but I'm very surprised at the time of accounting, so please enjoy it when you have enough wallet.
りゅうラブ on Google

ランチ頂きましたー。 お刺身、煮魚最高! 奥様、ご主人の人柄も良かったです
I had lunch. The best sashimi and boiled fish! The personality of his wife and husband was also good.
ブラックマンブラックマン on Google

初めて利用したがでアットホームで居心地が良かった。 平日の夜に来店した事もあり貸し切り状態で贅沢な時間を過ごせた。 夫婦でやってらっしゃる?のかご主人も奥さんもとても気さくで優しかったので常連客が多そうなお店。 魚料理が自慢でメニューも豊富にあり選ぶのに迷うほど。 駐車場が5台分程で店内は座敷が2つとテーブルが3つ程度なので行く前は混雑確認してから行く方が良い。 貝類や魚が好きな人はお勧め。
I used it for the first time, but it was cozy and cozy. Since I visited the store on weekday nights, I was able to spend a luxurious time in a chartered state. Are you a married couple? The owner and wife were very friendly and kind, so it seems that there are many regular customers. We are proud of our fish dishes and the menu is abundant, so it's hard to choose. There are about 5 parking lots, and there are 2 tatami rooms and 3 tables in the store, so it is better to check the congestion before going. Recommended for those who like shellfish and fish.

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