パーソナルトレーニングジム かたぎり塾 日暮里店

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パーソナルトレーニングジム かたぎり塾 日暮里店

住所 :

Nishinippori, Arakawa City, 〒116-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://katagirijuku.jp/gyms/nippori
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–9PM
Sunday 8AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishinippori, Arakawa City, 〒116-0013 Tokyo,Japan
kaori ogushi on Google

ムキムキにはなりたくないけど筋肉をある程度つけたい、疲れにくい身体を作りたい等、私のわがままな要望をしっかりヒアリングして、私に合ったメニューを毎日考えてくださいます。 30歳、まだまだ若く在りたいので頑張ってます!
I don't want to be muscular, but I want to build muscle to some extent, I want to build a body that does not get tired, etc. Please listen carefully to my selfish requests and think about a menu that suits me every day. I'm 30 years old and I want to be young, so I'm doing my best!
加藤由希子 on Google

With strict but warm encouragement, I was able to continue for a month with my kintore 3 days. I make you laugh every time and have a good time. I am grateful for the health counseling not only for me but also for my family. I look forward to working with you.
はちこ on Google

ジムに通い始めて約一ヶ月経ちましたが、1.3㎏くらい減り、以前通っていたところよりも目に見えて痩せています。コリも減り、背筋が伸びるようになりました。 食事内容も話を聞くことができて、自分でも改善することができるようになりました。 料金も通いやすい金額なのがありがたいです。
It's been about a month since I started going to the gym, but I've lost about 1.3 kg and I'm visibly thinner than I used to go to. The stiffness has also decreased, and the spine has become stretched. I was able to listen to the meal contents and improve myself. I am grateful that the price is easy to go to.
yukiko on Google

I was allowed to go for a free trial and thought that I could do it here, so I joined immediately. First of all, I was very surprised that the waist was minus 4 cm after 2 weeks with only 2 trainings a week under the guidance of the trainer because the body line and diet, which are the biggest problems near my home, were all done in my own way. .. I am very grateful that you can answer any questions and it is easy to talk. I will keep trying my best!
Masahide Kobayashi on Google

コロナ太りに悩む中、自身でのトレーニング方法もわからなかったため 試しに無料体験で行ってみました。 初めてのパーソナルトレーニングで緊張していましたが、気さくで明るいトレーナーさんだったため、とても楽しくトレーニング出来ました。 また、トレーニング方法以外にも普段の食生活などもアドバイスいただけストレスなく続けられそうです。 駅からも近く、ジム内も広々としていて楽しくトレーニングが出来る環境なので、 初めてパーソナルを始める方にもとてもおすすめです!
I was worried about getting fat, but I didn't know how to train myself. I tried it for free. I was nervous during my first personal training, but I enjoyed training because I was a friendly and cheerful trainer. In addition to training methods, you can also give advice on your usual eating habits, and it seems that you can continue without stress. It's close to the station, and the gym is spacious, so you can enjoy training. It is also highly recommended for those who are starting personal for the first time!
益本直樹 on Google

スポーツジムが続かず、思いきってはじめてのパーソナルジムへ。 個人のペースにあわせて、トレーニングをしてくださるので挫折せずに続けやすいのがよいです! トレーニング継続して、筋肉質な体を目指していきたいので、今後ともよろしくお願いします!
The sports gym didn't continue, so I went to the personal gym for the first time. The training will be done at your own pace, so it's good to be able to continue without frustration! I would like to continue training and aim for a muscular body, so I look forward to working with you in the future!
Sayaka on Google

The interior is very beautiful, and hair elastics, clothes, and shoes are available for rent, so even women can easily go there! The trainer is also a very good person and the price is reasonable and it seems that he can continue ^ ^! !!
竹内太郎 on Google

チラシをみて無料体験案内に惹かれていきました。日暮里駅からすぐでアクセスが良く、人生初のパーソナルトレーニングを。 トレーナーさんが優しく丁寧に教えてくれました。機材をすぐに使わずに、チューブを使ったトレーニングや、マットを使ったトレーニングなど初めての体験でした。 また、トレーニングだけでなく、体の状態によってはストレッチやマッサージもしてくれて、無理することなく充実したトレーニングできました。ウエア上下と靴も毎回用意してくれるのでてぶらで行けるのも楽ちんで助かります。
Looking at the leaflets, I was attracted to the free trial guide. Easy access from Nippori station, the first personal training in your life. The trainer taught me kindly and politely. It was my first experience of training with a tube and training with a mat without using the equipment immediately. In addition to training, he also stretched and massaged depending on my physical condition, so I was able to do a fulfilling training without overdoing it. The top and bottom of the clothes and shoes will be prepared every time, so it's fun and helpful to be able to go hanging out.

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