髪質改善ヘアエステサロン バランスヘアクリニック 南仙台駅前店

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 髪質改善ヘアエステサロン バランスヘアクリニック 南仙台駅前店

住所 :

Nishinakada, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒981-1105 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://balanceweb.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi

Nishinakada, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒981-1105 Miyagi,Japan
hime sakura on Google

Hair quality changed considerably at one time! The counseling was polite and the person in charge was kind and interesting, so I decided to go there in the future!
yoko hikari on Google

カウンセリングで詳しくお話しを聞いて頂き、説明もちゃんと教えてもらい良かったです。 お家でのお手入れの仕方も丁寧に教えて貰いました。 髪の毛のお悩みが多くてどこに行っても変わらなくて色々な美容室を探していました。 スタッフさんも穏やかな方で良かったです。 ずっと通いたくなる 良い美容室が見つかりました。 また次回も行こうと思います。
I am glad that you listened to the details in the counseling and gave me the explanation properly. He also carefully taught me how to care for it at home. I had a lot of problems with my hair and I was looking for various beauty salons wherever I went. It was good that the staff was also calm. I want to go forever I found a good dressing shop. I will go again next time.
ぽんず on Google

髪質改善で3年通ってます! 通い始めはアイロンしないと外に出れない状態だったけど、今では寝癖なおしだけで外に出れるようになりました♪県外に引っ越しない限りは通い続けます??
I've been going for 3 years to improve my hair quality! At the beginning of my trip, I couldn't go out without ironing, but now I can go out just by changing my sleeping habits ♪ I will continue to go unless I move out of the prefecture ??
メソポタミン on Google

ずっと気になっていた髪質改善サロン。 縮毛矯正やブリーチをして、毛先のダメージが酷い状態でした。 伸ばしていたのですが、結構切らないといけないなと覚悟してやってもらったんですが、ただドライしただけの状態でも手触りが格段に良くなり、期待以上の仕上がりにビックリしました。お陰様で、今回はそんなに切らなくても良くなりました。もっと髪の状態が良くなるように、定期的に通いたいと思います!
Hair quality improvement salon that I've always been interested in. I straightened my hair and bleached it, and the damage to my hair tips was terrible. I had stretched it, but I was prepared to cut it quite a bit, but even when it was just dry, the feel was much better, and I was surprised at the finish that exceeded my expectations. Thanks to you, I don't have to cut it so much this time. I would like to go regularly so that my hair is in better condition!
Sr A on Google

通い始めて半年です。回数を重ねる毎にウルツヤが増して、カラーの色もちもどんどん良くなってきてます!寝癖も付きづらくなりました。 担当者様も話しやすく、ヘアケア相談も楽しくさせて頂いてます。
It's been half a year since I started going. As the number of times increases, the urutsuya increases and the color is getting better and better! It's harder to get a sleep habit. The person in charge is also easy to talk to, and I am happy to have hair care consultations.
t takahashi on Google

It is a few minutes walk from Minami-Sendai Station. It's very close. I go there because it treats my hair carefully. Thanks to that, I'm glad that the luster has come out more than before. The staff is working hard with a few men and women, and they are working hard. Shampoo feels great ?
Wxyz Abcd on Google

カラーや縮毛で相当傷んだ髪の毛をなんとかしようと通い始めた。 さすが「ヘアエステ」だけあって、カウンセリングは事細かくしてもらい、施術もかなり丁寧で、気持ち良くなって何度も施術途中で寝そうになる。 施術の回数を重ねれば重ねるほど、髪の毛がどんどん綺麗になって質が良くなっていくのがわかる。 髪の毛のダメージがかなり気になる人は絶対行った方が良いです。 場所は少し分かりにくいところにあるけど、南仙台駅の近くのファミリーマートのところを曲がると覚えておくと、すぐ覚えられると思う。 店舗周辺は一方通行が多いので、車で行く人は帰る時に出る場所を間違えないように注意!
I started going to get rid of my hair that was damaged by color and curly hair. As expected, there is only "hair esthetics", and the counseling is detailed, the treatment is quite polite, it feels good and I feel like going to bed many times during the treatment. You can see that the more the treatments are repeated, the more beautiful the hair becomes and the better the quality. Those who are worried about hair damage should definitely go. The location is a bit confusing, but if you remember to turn around FamilyMart near Minami-Sendai Station, you'll remember it right away. There are many one-way streets around the store, so be careful not to make a mistake when returning by car!
ちるちる on Google

癖毛と傷みが気になっていて縮毛矯正とトリートメントを繰り返してましたが中々改善されず思い悩んでいる時に、髪がキレイな知人から紹介してもらって通い始めました。 とにかく毎回カウンセリングがとても丁寧で、今の髪の毛状態や縮毛矯正をするとどうなるのか等教えてくれて、これからキレイなヘアスタイルにするにはどうしたら良いかとことん相談に乗ってくれます。カラーも希望を聞いてくれるし、似合わせで提案もくれます。店内も清潔で、明るい雰囲気でオシャレだけど通いにくさの感じない暖かみが感じられて良いです。 ここに通い始めてから髪の毛を褒められる事が多くなりました。
I was worried about my hair and tears, and I repeated straightening and treatment, but when I was worried that it didn't improve, I got an introduction from an acquaintance with beautiful hair and started going. Anyway, the counseling is very polite every time, and he tells me about the current hair condition and what happens if I straighten my hair, and he will give me a thorough consultation on how to make a beautiful hair style from now on. They will ask you what you want for the color, and they will give you suggestions for matching. The inside of the store is also clean, and it is nice to feel the warmth that is fashionable in a bright atmosphere but does not feel difficult to go to. Since I started going here, I often get compliments on my hair.

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