
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 栄華

住所 :

Nishinakacho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, 〒232-0003 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nishinakacho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, 〒232-0003 Kanagawa,Japan
木曽善朗 on Google

I have been going there for 40 years. He is a master who trained at a famous store in Akasaka, so it is a bit different from Chinese in Yokohama. First of all, how about lunch? We recommend kaibeiku because it has a unique taste. Paikou fried rice comes out in a bowl. It may be more fun to share with two people. Spring rolls are also very delicious. The owner is also old, so why not try eating it before replacing it? My son's taste is good, but personally, it was 40 years since I was drawn to the taste of my husband. It is a recommended Chinese restaurant.
Toshio (Toshio) on Google

町『中華』の割にはチト高いですね? 味は悪くはないと思いますが、最低価格が850円~、定食も1000円です。 ご飯類の炒飯、中華丼、天津丼が950円とは一般の中華食堂と比べても150円~200円は高いと思います。 定食も上記ご飯類にスープ・お新香が付くのと内容は同じなのに50円の差は何のメリットも有りません。 *価格は税込みです。
It's expensive compared to the town "Chuka" ? I think the taste is not bad, but the lowest price is 850 yen and the set meal is 1000 yen. I think that fried rice, Chinese rice bowl, Tianjin rice bowl of 950 yen is 150 yen to 200 yen higher than general Chinese restaurant. The set meal is the same as the above rice with soup and incense, but the difference of 50 yen has no merit. *Prices include tax.
アキヒロ on Google

名店。 ご主人、かなりお歳を召してしまったけれど頑張ってお店続けて欲しいです。
Famous store. My husband, I've been quite old, but I'd like to work hard and keep the store.
松山ゆき子 on Google

The general of the kitchen will make it with all your heart. I love Hoikoro bowl and shrimp soba. Spring rolls and dumplings are also delicious than anywhere else.
ツヨセン on Google

ガキの頃から行ってる 最強の町中華、やらかい焼きそば、肉丼、肉そば、ホイコーロー、なんでも美味い
I've been going since I was a kid The Strongest Town Chinese, Yakikai Yakisoba, Meatballs, Meat Noodles, Hikooru, Everything is delicious
genocide0910 on Google

なぜ、こんな分かりにくい場所にあるのに、お客さんがどんどんくるのか? 食べたらわかった❗ 女将さんの接客も素晴らしい‼️
Why are customers coming and going in such a difficult place? I found out after eating The customer service of the landlady is wonderful ️
DR.キトー on Google

少しお値段高めかな。サンマーメンと餃子。味も普通かな。 今度は評判のホイコーローを食べてみよう。
Is it a little expensive? Sun mamen and dumplings. The taste is also normal. Next time, let's eat the popular Hoikoro.
RYUICHI on Google

黄金町から徒歩数分の裏通り沿いにある、年季の入った町中華屋さん。平日遅めの昼時に訪問すると、先客は一組のみ。クチコミで評判の回鍋肉(定食)と鍋貼(ギョーザ)を注文。ギョーザがメニュー上で「鍋貼」となっているお店は初めてかも。 回鍋肉は日本式で具の構成も特に変わったところはなく。味付けは思いのほか普通か少し薄めといった印象で、上品な味わい。あまり濃すぎない味付けの回鍋肉が好きな人には向いていると思う。少し深めの長皿は個人的にはとても食べやすい。ギョーザ・・・というか鍋貼は結構小ぶりだが肉の割合がとても高く、歯ごたえがあって食べてる感があった。よくある町中華のギョーザとはちょっと違った印象。 建物の外観等からは結構古くからあるお店のようで、遅い昼時でもパラパラと人が来ていて立地の割には繁盛しているお店なのかなと思う。麺類、ご飯類も豊富なので、また近くに来た際は寄ってみようと思う。
A seasoned Chinese restaurant located along a back street just a few minutes' walk from Koganecho. If you visit at noon late on weekdays, there is only one pair of customers. I ordered Twice-cooked meat (set meal) and Gyoza, which are popular in word of mouth. It may be the first time for Gyoza to have "Gyoza" on the menu. Twice-cooked meat is Japanese style and the composition of the ingredients has not changed. The seasoning is unexpectedly normal or slightly lighter, and it has an elegant taste. I think it is suitable for people who like twice-cooked meat that is not too thick. A slightly deeper plate is very easy to eat personally. Gyoza ... I mean, the pot paste is quite small, but the proportion of meat is very high, and it was chewy and I felt like I was eating it. Impression that is a little different from the usual Chinese gyoza. From the appearance of the building, it looks like a store that has been around for a long time, and I think it's a prosperous store for its location, with people coming in even at late noon. There are plenty of noodles and rice, so I'll try to stop by when I come near again.

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