
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 秋保大滝滝壺

住所 :

Nishimukai, Akiumachi Baba, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0244 Miyagi,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Miyagi

Nishimukai, Akiumachi Baba, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0244 Miyagi,Japan
suzu Can on Google

反対側の不動のある方から見えますし、歩いて行けますがきついので、車を滝の手前の駐車場に移動させてから下りていく事をオススメします。 道はちゃんと階段とか作られていますが、一番下まで来ると真正面の位置まで行かないと滝は見えません。なので、岩がゴロゴロしている感じのところをちょっと行くと、見れます。危険ではないですが、舗装されているわけではないので注意。 下りはそこまでキツくないですが、登りは息が切れました。ハードではないですが、スニーカーなどで行くべきです。足が悪い方は難しいかもしれない。
You can see it from the other side of the immobilizer and you can walk on foot, but it is recommended that you move the car to a parking lot in front of the waterfall and then go down. The road is well made stairs, but if you come to the bottom you will not see the waterfall unless you go straight ahead. So you can see if you go a bit like the rock is rumbling. It is not dangerous, but it is not paved. The descent was not so tight, but the climb was out of breath. It is not hard, but you should go with sneakers. People with bad feet may be difficult.
酒呑み蛙の戯れ言 on Google

It's about 800m from the back of Akiu Otaki Fudoson, but the height difference is so great that it feels like a long way to go. You can feel the magnificent view and negative ions that are worth the trouble.
masa 1020 on Google

2021.10.31 This is the current Otaki. Is there a little more autumn leaves ^^;
安積野 on Google

日光にある華厳の滝、那智勝浦の那智滝と並んで日本三名瀑とされる滝。但し、この三番目は茨城にある袋田の滝とか富山の称名滝とする場合もあって、チョット微妙な気がしないでもないw。というのは、秋保大滝のレビューにも書いた通り。 ただし、秋保大滝不動尊の対岸であるこちらからは滝壺に降りていくことが出来るので、ここは是非とも滝壺まで行くことをおススメする。実際に滝壺まで降りていけば、秋保大滝不動尊の展望台とは違い間近で滝を見られその迫力は全然違うものだ。さらに写真のように興味がある向きは岩場に登ってもっと滝に近づいてみるのもいいだろう。 また、橋の上からも眺めることは出来るが、こちらは新緑か紅葉以外の時期は木が生い茂って滝を遮ってしまうのが難点だ。 尚、橋の袂に駐車場が10台程度存在するが、まず止められないと思った方がいい。
Along with Kegon Falls in Nikko and Nachi Falls in Nachi Katsuura, the waterfall is considered to be one of the three famous waterfalls in Japan. However, this third is sometimes called Fukuroda Falls in Ibaraki or the famous waterfall in Toyama, so I don't feel a bit subtle. As I wrote in the review of Akiu Otaki. However, it is possible to go down to the waterfall from here, which is the opposite bank of Akiu Otaki Fudoson, so I definitely recommend going here. If you actually go down to the waterhole, you will be able to see the waterfall close to the observation deck of Akiu Otaki Fudoson and its power is completely different. In addition, if you are interested, as shown in the photo, you can try climbing up to a rocky place to get closer to the waterfall. You can also see it from the top of the bridge, but here it is a problem that trees are overgrown and block the waterfall except in the fresh green or autumn colors. There are about 10 parking lots on the side of the bridge, but it's best to think that you can't stop.
Takayuki OGI on Google

It will appear when you go down the steep stairs for about 10 minutes from the basin parking lot. It's more powerful than you can imagine.
R A on Google

雨の日に訪問。 駐車場から10分ほど山道を歩くと滝壺に到着。 大迫力の滝を望むことができます。上からの展望台も綺麗ですが、秋保大滝を訪れた際には是非立ち寄っていただきたいスポット。 雨の日は水量が多い為、注意が必要です。
Visit on a rainy day. If you walk the mountain road for about 10 minutes from the parking lot, you will arrive at the waterfall basin. You can see the powerful waterfall. The observatory from above is also beautiful, but it is a spot you should definitely stop by when you visit Akiu Otaki. Please note that there is a lot of water on rainy days.
rase on Google

橋の袂にある駐車場から10分ほどだが、階段の一段一段の落差が結構あり、小学生高学年くらいにならないと連れて行くには危ないのでやめたほうがよい 滝の雄大な美しさも良いのだが、反対側にも目を向けてほしい 豪快な流れとは打って変わり緩やかな流れとなり、また違った美しさを見せてくる 【紅葉】 11/1に再度来たがシーズン真っ盛りで平日にも関わらず人だらけだった。 秋保からこの辺までは最盛期だったが二口キャンプ場より上は色が抜け落ちて落葉間近だった為、二口峠の紅葉時期とは1週間程度ずれるっぽい。 滝の写真はあまり晴れ間の影響は受けなかったが、反対側の水鏡は日の当たり方で印象が変わりすぎるので夏の写真と比べてパッとしない物になってしまい残念。 【冬季】 さすがに水量が多いので完全に凍りつく事はないが見応えはある。 橋の袂にある駐車場はきっちり除雪されるが、滝に向かう通路は除雪されない。 私が行った時は氷点下6度の予報だったが、やはり滝壺だからか明らかに数字以上に寒い。防寒はやり過ぎるくらいでちょうどよい。 階段の雪が斜めに残っていて滑り台みたいになっているので、必須ではないがアイゼンがあったほうが良い。 下まで降りると本来なら巨大な岩が沢山あるはずが、雪で覆い隠されて境目が全くわからなくなっている。 足場だと思って踏みしめた途端に1m近く落ちる場所もあるので注意。
It's about 10 minutes from the parking lot on the bridge, but there are quite a few steps on the stairs, and it's dangerous to take them until the upper grades of elementary school, so it's better to stop. The magnificent beauty of the waterfall is good, but I want you to look at the other side as well. It is different from the dynamic flow and becomes a gentle flow, showing a different beauty. 【Autumn leaves】 I came back on 11/1, but it was full of people even though it was a weekday at the height of the season. It was at its peak from Akiu to this area, but the colors were missing above the Futakuchi campsite and the leaves were about to fall, so it seems that the autumn leaves season at Futakuchi Pass is about a week off. The photo of the waterfall wasn't affected much by the sunny days, but the impression of the water mirror on the other side changes too much depending on how the sun shines, so it's a shame that it's not as impressive as the summer photo. 【winter】 As expected, the amount of water is large, so it does not freeze completely, but it is spectacular. The parking lot on the side of the bridge is cleared of snow, but the passage leading to the waterfall is not cleared of snow. When I went, it was forecast to be 6 degrees below freezing, but it's obviously colder than the numbers, probably because it's a basin. It's just enough to protect yourself from the cold. The snow on the stairs remains diagonally and looks like a slide, so it's not essential, but it's better to have crampons. When you get down to the bottom, there should be a lot of huge rocks, but they are covered with snow and you can't see the boundaries at all. Be careful as there are places where you can drop nearly 1m as soon as you step on it as if it were a scaffold.
Urban Knight on Google

Really amazing, the hydraulic power generated by the waterfall is awesome and heart-pounding.

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