Nishimatsuya - Yachiyo

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nishimatsuya

住所 :

111-1 Owada Shinden, Yachiyo, Chiba 276-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 276-0046
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

111-1 Owada Shinden, Yachiyo, Chiba 276-0046, Japan
石引雅人 on Google

There is also a large parking lot and there is a nursing room inside, so you can bring your baby with you.
H K on Google

駐車場が広く、トイレもキレイ。 品物も豊富で利用しやすいお店です。
The parking lot is large and the toilets are clean. It is a shop with abundant items and easy to use.
kurosuke on Google

For cars. Be careful of steps at the doorway.
aya on Google

昨年、おもちゃを買ったら、部品が足らず、交換に行った際にも、店員に「私達は中身まで確認できませんので」と言われた。 今年はDVD付きの本が映らず。店員の対応もパートの人だけで、どうしたらよいか分かっていない様子で、すみませんの一言のみ。 毎回交換に行く手間と時間を返して欲しい。
When I bought a toy last year, there were not enough parts, and when I went to replace it, the store clerk told me, “We can't confirm the contents.” This year, a book with a DVD will not be shown. The staff is only part-timers, and I do n’t know what to do, so I ’m sorry. We want you to return time and effort to go for exchange every time.
わこうA on Google

週末は混んでいます。駐車場も結構な台数が停められますが、店舗から子供が走って出てきたりするので奥に駐車する時は気を付けた方がいいです。 店内は広く、品揃えも豊富なのでゆっくり見て回る事ができます。
It's crowded on weekends. There are quite a few parking lots, but you should be careful when parking in the back as children may run out of the store. The store is large and has a wide selection of items, so you can take a leisurely look around.
とろむそ on Google

マタニティグッズや乳児~子供用品が比較的安価で販売されています。 いいな、と思ったのが子供の水筒を買いに行ったときに2つの商品で悩み、中身を確認してもらったところ子供目線の助言をしてもらい満足いく購入ができました。
Maternity goods and baby-children's products are sold at relatively low prices. When I went to buy a water bottle for my child, I was worried about two products, and when I asked him to check the contents, he gave me advice from a child's perspective and I was satisfied with the purchase.
じゃーじ on Google

A sixth grandchild was born in November. It's a healthy boy ?. Baby clothes are always cute! I get lost because of various things.
ぽにょぽにょ on Google

駐車場が広く車での利用に最適です。 子供の衣服が真っ先に思い浮かぶ西松屋さんですが、某ECサイトスーパーセールに負けないぐらいマタニティグッズや乳児用品等の値引きも素晴らしいです。 他にも似たようなお店はありますが、安さは業界随一で、衣類のデザインも有名キャラクターのものも数多いのでとてもお買い得感があります!
The parking lot is large and ideal for use by car. Nishimatsuya is the first person to think of children's clothes, but the discounts on maternity goods and baby products are as great as the super sale on a certain EC site. There are other similar shops, but they are the cheapest in the industry, and there are many clothing designs and famous characters, so it is very affordable!

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