Nishimachihachiman Shrine - Ogaki

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nishimachihachiman Shrine

住所 :

Sunomatachō Sunomata, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0102, Japan

Postal code : 503-0102
Webサイト :

Sunomatachō Sunomata, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0102, Japan
休石 on Google

In the precincts, there is a treasure tower with a 6th year anniversary of Kansei, and stone shrines such as Tenmei 2 and Marshal 15 next to the shrine. The main hall sculpture is carefully carved with spears and twelve branches.
新井あずき on Google

It is said that before Hachimangu Shrine, it was Shikiuchi Arakata Shrine. Oguri's legendary palace. Here is Oguri Judge and Teruhime in the nearby Yujin Shrine.
yu16 Y on Google

There is a drum bridge, a dragon chozuya, and a pond, so it feels good.
Ryochi Hirata on Google

A shrine associated with Justice Oguri is located along the Minoji road at the northern end of Sumamata Town.
いっぷくぽんちゃん on Google

ぽんちゃんです。 ひっそりと建っている神社。結構、由緒ある神社です。 美濃国安八郡式内社の荒方神社の論社の一つ。もう一つの論社は白鬚神社 。 説経節をぐりによると、小栗判官が現人神として祀られているといいます。 是非 どうぞ!
It is Pon-chan. A shrine that is quietly built. It is quite a historical shrine. Mino Kuniyasu Hachigun Shichiuchi-sha's one of the theory company of Arata Shrine. Another theory is Shirahata Shrine. According to the narrative, Oguri judge is being scolded as a present man. Come on!
おだ天狗 on Google

八幡神社(はちまんじんじゃ)は、岐阜県大垣市(旧安八郡墨俣町)にある神社。美濃路沿いにある。西町八幡神社ともいう。美濃国安八郡式内社の荒方神社(荒方明神)の論社の一つである。 墨俣の北の堤外地を荒方と言い、荒地であつたが要地として生活圏を開いたと見てよい。荒方神社はこの地域に鎭座し、郡境と治水の焦点として荒地に立ち、その地名が社名になつたものと思われる。この地を開拓した和邇氏は墨俣町北部を拠点とし、荒方神社を祖神として奉祀し、社名が地名になつて行つたものと推察できる。中世からはその由緒が忘失され、祭神・所在も転変して行つたようである。元々の位置は現在地の北(犀川河川敷)であり、本巣郡と安八郡の境に存在したという。もう一つの論社は白鬚神社 。 小栗判官は、熊野・湯の峰温泉の薬効にて49日の湯治の末、業病は完治し元の体に戻ることができる。その後、京に戻り天皇により死からの帰還は珍事であると称えられ、常陸・駿河・美濃の国を賜ることになる。また、車を引いてくれた小萩を訪ね彼女が照手姫であることを知り、姫とともに都に上った。やがて小栗は横山を滅ぼし、死後は一度死んで蘇生する英雄として美濃墨俣の正八幡(八幡神社)に祀られ、照手姫も結びの神として結神社に祀られた。
Hachiman Jinja is a shrine located in Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture (formerly Sunomata Town, Anpachi District). Located along Minoji. Also known as Nishimachi Hachiman Shrine. It is one of the theories of Arakata Shrine (Arakata Myojin) of Mino Kuniyakori Yakori Shikinaisha. The area outside the bank north of Sunomata is called the rough land, and it can be said that the wasteland opened the living area as a key point. Arakata Shrine sits in this area and stands in the wasteland as the focal point of the county border and hydraulic control, and it is thought that the place name became the company name. It can be inferred that Mr. Wanabe, who pioneered this area, was based in the northern part of Sunomata-cho and dedicated Arakata Shrine as the ancestral god, and the company name was used as the place name. From the Middle Ages, its history has been forgotten, and it seems that the deity and whereabouts have changed. The original location is north of the current location (Saigawa riverbed), and it is said that it existed on the border between Motosu-gun and Anpachi-gun. Another theory company is Shirahige Shrine. Judge Oguri is able to recover from his illness after 49 days of hot spring treatment due to the medicinal properties of Kumano and Yunomine Onsen. After that, he returned to Kyo and was praised by the emperor for returning from death, and was given the land of Hitachi, Suruga, and Mino. Also, when I visited Kohagi who pulled the car and learned that she was Terutehime, I went up to the city with the princess. Eventually, Oguri destroyed Yokoyama, and after his death he was enshrined at Shohachiman (Hachiman Shrine) in Mino Sunomata as a hero who died and revived once, and Princess Terute was also enshrined at Musubu Shrine as the god of knots.
快弥 on Google

小栗判官ゆかりの神社。判官は伝説の人らしくここに来るまで知りませんでした。お相手の照手姫 (てるてひめ)は結神社にお祭りされてます。 境内にいくつかの社や池がありました。
A shrine associated with Justice Oguri. The judge didn't know like a legend until he came here. The other party, Terutehime, is held at the Yujin Shrine. There were several companies and ponds in the precincts.
Roz's Cycling Adventures on Google

One of rhe shrines I visited during my cycling trip to Ogaki.

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