文教堂書店 岩槻店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 文教堂書店 岩槻店

住所 :

Nishimachi, Iwatsuki Ward, 〒339-0067 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88797
Webサイト : http://www.bunkyodo.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Saitama

Nishimachi, Iwatsuki Ward, 〒339-0067 Saitama,Japan
electro peti on Google

仕事で訪れたが、店員の中にはにこやかに接してくれる一方、目も合わせない人もいる。 マイナーな本もあり購入できたので品揃えはよかった。
I visited there for work, but some of the clerk smiled at me, but some of them didn't even look at me. There was also a minor book and I was able to purchase it, so the product lineup was good.
上山京一 on Google

店員さんの接客対応のよさ、店舗なので限度はあれど品数豊富 ネット通販サイトの普及に伴い減少傾向にある書店なので厳しい状況だけれどなんとかこれからも残って欲しい。
Good customer service of the clerk, because it is a store, there is a limit, but there are a lot of items The number of bookstores is decreasing with the spread of online shopping sites, so it's a difficult situation, but I hope it will remain.
丈志増田 on Google

I bought a lot of quo cards, but they did not dislike it politely and responded.
masahiro iizuka on Google

It was helpful for the clerk to be kind and look for me
さり on Google

いつも利用させてもらってます! 人によりますが店員さんの対応がいいです。 特に女性の店員さん! 本の場所を聞いても、レジを頼んでもとても気持ちの良い対応です。 店内は広い方で、見て回るだけでも楽しめます。 本以外には、文具があり 小さい子向けから中高生、大人でも使える物が揃っています。 最近、文具売り場が綺麗になってとても見やすいです✨ ただ、CD売り場が無くなったのはとても残念です(TT) これからも利用させてもらいます!
I always use it! It depends on the person, but the clerk's response is good. Especially a female clerk! Whether you ask for the location of the book or ask for a cash register, it's a very pleasant response. The inside of the store is large and you can enjoy it just by looking around. In addition to books, there are stationery items that can be used by small children, middle and high school students, and adults. Recently, the stationery department has become beautiful and it is very easy to see. However, it is a pity that the CD section has disappeared (TT). I will continue to use it!
研ぎ師孫八 on Google

It is a bookstore on the 2nd floor in Yaoco, which I often use, there is a wide selection of items, the store is beautiful, and stationery is also available.
Atsuko Ogawa on Google

このあたりでは比較的大きな本屋さんです。文房具もあるので必要なものが揃います。 棚が低めなので取りやすいです。
It's a relatively large bookstore around here. We also have stationery, so you will have everything you need. The shelves are low so it is easy to take.
ヒカル“ヒカル”ノリキチ on Google

スーパーヤオコーの二階に有ります。 そんなに広くは、有りません。文具コーナーが小さいですが有ります。 でも文具を買う方は、隣のDAISOに行くでしょう。品揃えが今一つだと思われます。 文具コーナーを整理すれば、もう少し何とかなると思います。 店員さんは、レジ前で精算する時は、『いらっしゃいませ』位の挨拶は コロナ禍とはいえ、落ち着いて来ているのですから、言っても良いと思います。
Located on the second floor of Super Yaoko. Not so wide. There is a small stationery corner. But those who buy stationery will go to DAISO next door. It seems that the assortment is not good enough. If you organize the stationery corner, I think it will be a little better. When paying in front of the cash register, the clerk says "Welcome". Even though it's a corona wreck, it's calming down, so I think it's okay to say it.

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