源八船頭 小岩本店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 源八船頭 小岩本店

住所 :

Nishikoiwa, Edogawa City, 〒133-0057 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://genpachi.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10PM
Sunday 11:30AM–10PM
Monday 11:30AM–10PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–10PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishikoiwa, Edogawa City, 〒133-0057 Tokyo,Japan
廣田勇樹 on Google

今回は小岩の老舗の紹介です? 、源八さんです‼️ こちらの店は八丈島の郷土料理を扱うお店で、特に魚類に特化しております? 名物は、明日葉料理、島寿司、クサヤですね? こちらの店は週末は特に込み合って予約しないとなかなか入れません。 人気の秘密はボリュームの凄さですね?画像の1枚目の刺身盛り合わせは2人前です?刺身は厚切りだし、これだけでお腹いっぱい(笑) 色々と食べたいときは4~5人くらいで行くことをオススメします。2人とかだとすぐにお腹いっぱいになりますよ(笑) 店内も昭和の作りで音楽も昔の歌謡曲?何か落ち着くんだよなぁ? そんなこんなで、お腹いっぱい☺️今日もご馳走様でした。また伺います?
This time is an introduction of a long-established store in Koiwa ? , Genpachi-san! ️ This shop deals with Hachijojima's local cuisine and specializes in fish ? The specialties are Ashitaba cuisine, shima sushi, and Kusaya ? This shop is particularly crowded on weekends and you can't easily enter unless you make a reservation. The secret of popularity is the awesome volume ? The first sashimi platter in the image is for 2 people ? The sashimi is thickly sliced, and this alone is full (laugh) If you want to eat various things, we recommend that you go with about 4 to 5 people. If you are two people, you will soon be full (laughs) The inside of the store is also made in the Showa era, and the music is an old song ? Something calms down ? That's why I'm full ☺️ It was a treat today as well. I will visit again ?
大橋栄一(いけパパ) on Google

いいお店見つけました! ランチ利用! 定番の刺身定食!1070円 食べ応えあり、美味い?
I found a good shop! Use for lunch! Classic sashimi set meal! 1070 yen It's delicious and delicious ?
Don Chicchi (Tani Kazuki) on Google

It's delicious whenever you go. Sashimi is the best. The firefly squid pickled off the coast is the best. However, it's also great to eat squid pickled in the sea with your liver. After all, they are all the best.
坂本りゃま on Google

小岩本店・新小岩店と何度も通ったお店。しっかり漬かっている時の島寿司は格別に美味しい。コロナ禍になってからランチを始められたようで、リーズナブルな値段でお料理を楽しむ事が出来ます。 2021年6月の時点では、17時からのディナータイムでもランチメニューを頂く事が可能でした。
A store that I visited many times with the Koiwa main store and Shin-Koiwa store. Shima sushi is exceptionally delicious when it is well pickled. It seems that you started lunch after the corona was devastated, and you can enjoy cooking at a reasonable price. As of June 2021, it was possible to have a lunch menu even at dinner time from 17:00.
風来魔人 on Google

ランチ、島寿司1.5人前。1000円ちょい。 ランチ用のミニビール100円。 八丈島近海の魚3〜4種類、甘めの醤油タレが塗られていて、ワサビのかわりに和カラシが‼️マグロや白身魚のネタも大きくねっとりとした味でうまい。 小鉢豆腐に海の出汁の汁物。漬物。 コスパは高く、大満足のランチ。 昼飲みのお客さんや、テイクアウトの人も結構いて忙しそうだ。
Lunch, shima sushi for 1.5 servings. A little over 1000 yen. Mini beer for lunch 100 yen. 3-4 kinds of fish in the sea near Hachijojima, sweet soy sauce sauce is applied, and Japanese mustard instead of wasabi! ️The tuna and white fish ingredients are also big and delicious with a sticky taste. Small bowl tofu and sea soup stock. pickles. Cospa is expensive and a very satisfying lunch. It seems that the customers who drink lunch and the people who take out are quite busy.
T H on Google

ランチで行きました。 手頃な値段で海鮮を楽しめます。 量も多めで、丼は大盛りできます 寿司はネタが新鮮で脂乗ってます? あら汁がうますぎて感動しました?
I went for lunch. You can enjoy seafood at a reasonable price. The amount is also large, and you can make a large bowl The sushi is fresh and greasy ? I was impressed with the arajiru ?
H R on Google

リーズナブルな価格で美味しい島料理を提供してくれます。 何を食べても美味しくボリュームがあり、コスパがとても良いと思います。 中でもアシタバの天婦羅はお気に入りです。
It offers delicious island food at a reasonable price. No matter what you eat, it is delicious and voluminous, and I think the cost performance is very good. Among them, Ashitaba's tempura is my favorite.
JAE Joon KIM on Google

Very friendly and energetic staffs. Very reasonable price.

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