
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コーコク商事(株)

住所 :

Nishikanonmachi, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0037 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Hiroshima

Nishikanonmachi, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0037 Hiroshima,Japan
y f.O on Google

Privately run real estate agent. Not only the intermediary but also the owner, but nowadays no deposit is returned at the time of cancellation, there is no statement and no explanation for the breakdown.
足羽一樹 on Google

5年間ありがとうございました。 とても住みやすい部屋でした。
Thank you for 5 years. It was a very comfortable room to live in.
ヒガンバナ on Google

駐車場の管理と掃除をお金を出して依頼していますが、お金を取るだけで、全く掃除をされていない 草が数ヶ月?と思うほど伸びて酷い状態 借り主からの依頼を放置 しびれを切らした借り主からの電話で発覚、数ヶ月経っていた 今回も管理の事で連絡したが、面倒なのか、今出ていると言われ、それから返答はない 全く信用できない会社だ 信用せず確認する事をお勧めします
I'm asking for money to manage and clean the parking lot, but I'm just taking the money and it's not cleaned at all Is the grass a few months? It stretches as much as I think and is in a terrible state Leave the request from the borrower It's been several months since I was discovered by a phone call from a borrower who had run out of numbness. I contacted about management this time as well, but it is said that it is out now, maybe it is troublesome, and then there is no reply It ’s a company I ca n’t trust at all. It is recommended to check without trusting
和美 on Google

My son has been indebted to me for three years as a student. I moved in in April, but I was able to move in early March. I was concerned about getting used to my new life. Since the first floor is real estate, every time I meet, I get a greeting and say, "Are you in trouble? Please be sure to call out. It was an environment where children could easily talk. Since I am familiar with both the name and room number, I was relieved as a parent because individual correspondence was smooth. The move-out was scheduled for the end of March, but it was changed to the middle of the month at the request of the real estate. The reason was that the next person would be able to move earlier and prepare an environment for a new life. I was very grateful for the early move-in when I was a son, so I kindly agreed. It was very conscientious that the rent for March when moving in was not required and the rent for March when moving out was halved. When I moved out, I checked the indoor condition together and told me the amount after deducting the minimum required amount such as cleaning from the security deposit. I'm back more than I expected. It was a very conscientious and kind real estate. I am grateful. Thank you very much.
松21 on Google

息子の一人暮らしで1年間お世話になりました。オーナーがとても親切で安心して過ごせたそうです。 こちらの急なお願いにも、迅速に対応していただき感謝しております。ありがとうございました。
I have been indebted to my son for a year living alone. The owner was very kind and he was able to spend his time with peace of mind. We are grateful for your prompt response to this urgent request. Thank you very much.
Kei Man on Google

I was introduced to a clean and budgeted room near the school as I wanted. You can rest assured that you will not be charged a renewal fee and will be informed of the cost of moving out in advance. It was a kind and polite response. Thank you in advance.
魁魁 on Google

近くの広島工業大学専門学校に3年間通いましたが、学校まで徒歩3分。最寄りの駅まで徒歩5分。1階には大家さんが常駐されているので、もしもの時の緊急の連絡も取りやすく親御さんも安心だと思います。 角部屋は風通しがよく、すごく快適でした! ありがとうございました!!
I attended the nearby Hiroshima Institute of Technology College for 3 years, but it is a 3-minute walk to the school. 5 minutes walk to the nearest station. Since the landlord is resident on the 1st floor, it is easy to make emergency contact in case of emergency, and I think that parents can feel at ease. The corner room was well ventilated and very comfortable! thank you! !!
かめ on Google

学生の時から今まで八年間住んでいましたが更新料も掛からず家の事や駐車場を借りる時また家の解約する際も丁寧に対応して頂きました。 とても信頼出来る不動産だと思います。 八年間ありがとうございました。
I have lived for eight years since I was a student, but there was no renewal fee, and I was kind enough to take care of my house, rent a parking lot, and cancel my house. I think it's a very reliable real estate. Thank you for eight years.

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