おかしの卸屋さん (株)青葉食品

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おかしの卸屋さん (株)青葉食品

住所 :

Nishikaniya, Minami Ward, 〒732-0804 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.aobasyokuhin.sakura.ne.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Nishikaniya, Minami Ward, 〒732-0804 Hiroshima,Japan
加藤敏明 on Google

Although it is a wholesale store, it welcomes the general public. There are also old-fashioned sweets, and it's fun just to look at them.
濱本直樹 on Google

お菓子の種類が豊富で、安い。一定以上購入すると更に安く変えたりする また、ジュースなどや、祭りなどで見かけることのあるオモチャも販売している。
A wide variety of sweets and cheap. If you buy more than a certain amount, it will change even cheaper It also sells juices and toys that can be found at festivals.
_岸本 on Google

As the name of "Okashi no Wholesaler" suggests, many products such as sweets, sweets, snacks, and drinks are on display. You can buy bags at the store you bring to buy boxes, and you can also buy nostalgic sweets.
hi on Google

There are sweets, sweet bread, cup noodles, canned PET bottle beverages, snacks, etc. There are few bulk sales with basic bulk purchase. Recommended for adults who want to buy cheap sweets. It closes at 17:00 and is closed on Sundays and public holidays.
Makoto Kuratou on Google

お菓子の他にカップ麺等レトルト食品、ジュースやドレッシング等も売っています。 同じ種類のものを沢山買いたいときには、スーパーでバラで買うよりはお安いですが、驚くほど安いとは感じませんでした。 手頃な価格の駄菓子の詰め合わせも種類が多くて良かったです。 「このエリア内○個買えば割引」というコーナーが沢山あるのですが、対象のエリアが分かりにくいところがありました。 5つ買えば割引というのを買ったのですが、エリアが間違っていたようで、購入後レシートを見ると割引になっていませんでした(T-T)
Besides snacks, we also sell cup noodles and other retort foods, juices and dressings. When I wanted to buy a lot of things of the same kind, it was cheaper than buying in the supermarket, but I did not feel that it was surprisingly cheap. It was good that there were many kinds of assortment of affordable candy. There are a lot of corners saying "If you buy ○ in this area a discount," there were places where it was difficult to understand the target area. I bought a discount if I bought five, but the area seemed to be wrong, and it was not discounted when I saw the receipt after purchase (T-T)
tetsu on Google

いつも食べてる飴が133円めっちゃ安い、コンビニだと198円位 色んなお菓子、カップ麺、飲料有ります しかし残念5月31日で、閉店です 在庫限りですね、品物無くなれば5月31日前に閉めますよ 駐車場有り
The bowl I always eat is 133 yen, which is very cheap, and 198 yen at a convenience store There are various sweets, cup noodles, drinks But unfortunately on May 31, the store is closed It is as long as the stock, I will close before May 31 if there are no goods There is a parking lot
ぴんくぱせり on Google

先日友人に野球観戦に連れて行ってもらった時にここに停めたのでついでに少し買い物したけど、車を停める時も買い物の時も責任者らしき男の人の対応が愛想が悪くて最悪。 お菓子も本当に爆買い、大量買いするなら安いのかもしれないけど、そうでないなら断然ド◯キの方が安い。 いくら球場に近いからってそういう思いしてここに駐車代払って停めるくらいなら、周りにここより安い所が何箇所もあったのでこんな所二度と来るもんか、と思いました。
The other day, when my friend took me to a baseball game, I parked here, so I did some shopping, but when I parked my car and when I was shopping, the man who seemed to be the person in charge was unfriendly and the worst. It may be cheaper if you really buy sweets and buy them in bulk, but if not, it's definitely cheaper. No matter how close it is to the stadium, I thought that if I had to pay the parking fee and park here, there were many cheaper places around here, so I wondered if I would come to such a place again.
ni ta on Google

一つからではなく、大人買い(箱買い)するためのお店です。子供の頃に抱いたもっとほしい!を叶えられるお店です。 一部は小売りもしていて、複数買う事でお得にいただけます。 岡山の駄菓子屋までは行きませんが楽しくお買い物ができます!
It is a shop for adults (box buying), not from one. I want more of what I had when I was a kid! It is a shop that can fulfill. Some are also retail, and you can get a good deal by buying more than one. I don't go to the candy store in Okayama, but you can enjoy shopping!

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