クラフトハートトーカイ 岩田店 - Toyohashi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クラフトハートトーカイ 岩田店

住所 :

Nishiiwata, Toyohashi, 〒440-0831 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 440-0831
Webサイト : https://www.crafttown.jp/info/contact/realShopDetail.php%3Fid%3D1007
街 : Aichi

Nishiiwata, Toyohashi, 〒440-0831 Aichi,Japan
粕谷智絵子 on Google

店舗ごとある物は違うようです。 ミシン糸の種類も店舗で違う! 買った店舗で買い足す!それが安心です♪
It seems that every store has different things. The type of sewing thread is also different in the store! Buy at the store you bought! It is safe ♪
max FD on Google

The shop is on the 2nd floor, so it may be a little difficult for people with disabilities.
加地“マーミ”まゆみ on Google

I went to buy a set of threaders.
*C cocoa on Google

店員さんが、わりとフレンドリーです。 色々と忙しく動いてるので、じっくり品を選んでても気まずく感じたりしません。 最近は、型紙や作品サンプルも増えているし、キットもあるので初心者にも優しいお店です。
The clerk is relatively friendly. I'm busy working in various ways, so I don't feel awkward even if I carefully select the product. Recently, patterns and work samples are increasing, and kits are also available, so it is a store that is easy for beginners.
和音 on Google

It is a shop of handicraft supplies. There are various kinds of things in the store. The people at the shop seemed to be busy and I thought it was hard to talk to them.
しおちゃん1120 on Google

品揃えもなかなか良いので助かりますが、店員のおばちゃんたちはイマイチなことが多い。 まず、電話がなってるのに全く出ようとしない。 ずっと鳴り続けても無視してる。 私も何回か商品の問い合わせなどで電話したが出てもらえることはほぼなかった。 なるほど、納得。 接客はまぁまぁ。 同じTOKAIでもアピタの店舗と豊川店は接客よかったよ。ちなみに橋良はこことおなじぐらい。
Although the product lineup is quite good, it is helpful, but the aunts of the clerk are often not good at it. First, I don't try to answer the phone at all. Even if it keeps ringing, I ignore it. I also called the product several times to inquire about the product, but almost never received it. I see. The customer service is ok. Even at the same TOKAI, the Apita store and the Toyokawa store were nice to serve. By the way, Hashiyoshi is about the same as here.
大曲啓 on Google

2何時間居ても飽きが来ない品揃えです。 皮製のツマミを求めて訪れましたが、アクセサリーの小物の品揃えが多くてどんどん目移りしてしまいました。 この日はハーバリウム入門キットとUVレジンランプを購入しました。 工作が楽しくて仕方ないです。
2 Timeless will not come even if you stay for hours. I visited in search of leather knobs, but the accessories' accessories have a large selection of accessories and it has steadily gone. On this day I purchased Herbarium Introductory Kit and UV Resin Lamp. The work is fun and it can not be helped.
田中 on Google

急遽らくやきマーカーが必要だということで探しに行きました。 メーカー欠品で商品はなかったものの、店員さんがらくやきマーカーを取り扱っていそうなお店を候補にあげてくださってとても助かりました! 良い気持ちで買い物することができました。
I hurriedly went looking for a marker because I needed it. Although there was no product due to the manufacturer's shortage, it was very helpful for the clerk to select a store that seems to handle Raku ware markers! I was able to shop with a good feeling.

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