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Contact 東大阪市休日急病診療所

住所 :

Nishiiwata, Higashiosaka, 〒578-0947 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : https://www.city.higashiosaka.lg.jp/0000015859.html
街 : Osaka

Nishiiwata, Higashiosaka, 〒578-0947 Osaka,Japan
えり on Google

伴野真響 on Google

N. K on Google

インフルエンザにかかり受診しました。 休日診療所なので、インフルエンザの患者さんでいっぱいになっています。 10:00からだったのですが、少し早めに行きました。 それでも30分以上待ちました。 まず問診票を記入してから並んで受付をしないと行けません。 すごく混んでいるので早めに行って問診票を書いて並ぶ事をオススメします。 受診は早く、すぐに院内の薬局でインフルエンザの薬を処方してもらい助かりました。 飲み薬は1日分しか出ないので、後日かかりつけ医に行く必要があります。 そこが少し面倒なところですね。 付き添いの方は二次感染しないようにマスク対策をして注意しましょう。
I had the flu and had a medical examination. Since it is a holiday clinic, it is full of influenza patients. It was from 10:00, but I went a little earlier. Still I waited for more than 30 minutes. First of all, you must fill out the questionnaire and then line up for reception. It's very crowded, so I recommend that you go early and fill out the questionnaire to line up. The medical examination was early, and I was immediately saved by having a pharmacy in the hospital prescribe a drug for influenza. Since you can only take the medicine for one day, you need to go to your doctor at a later date. That's a little troublesome. If you are an attendant, please take precautions so that you do not get a secondary infection.
utako ide on Google

During the flu season, patients who are tired are flooding the waiting room and becoming a field hospital. I have to wait a long time.
かるにゃん on Google

とても待ちます。 午前の診察の状況によっては午後の診察開始がおそくなることごあります。 毎回問診票を書かないといけません。 (保育園の洗礼とかで頻繁に通う時期は問診票数部持ち帰って家で書いておくのが良いです。) キッズスペースはありません。 処方される薬は少ないです。1日分とか。 先生は日替りなので、失礼な言い方ですが当たり外れがあります。雑な先生や高圧的な先生もいます。看護師さんも荒い人がいます。 ただ、日祝に診てもらえるのは有難いです。 駐車場は広いです○ ですが、車で溢れることがあります。子どもを受診させるときは、付き添いと運転手の2名いるのが良いと思います。 経験談 子どもが1歳半の頃に、保育園の洗礼か中耳炎で毎週末発熱という時期があり、その時に先生に言われた言葉に惑わされました。 『お母さんの仕事にこだわる必要はないでしょう。中耳炎が長引くと慢性になったり難聴になりますよ。そうなってからは遅いから早いうちに決断すべきです。』と… お医者さんにそう言われたら仕事を辞める覚悟もしないといけないかと思いかかりつけの耳鼻科の先生に相談したら『この程度の中耳炎はよくあること。これで聴力に問題があるなら僕がもっと早い段階で伝えてます。』と。 子どもが体調不良で心配し、仕事を休んで気を遣い、心が疲れている状態でこんな事を言われたので混乱しました…
I will wait very much. Depending on the situation of the morning consultation, the start of the afternoon consultation may be delayed. I have to write a questionnaire every time. (When you go to the baptism of a nursery school frequently, it is better to take some questionnaires and write them down at home.) There is no kids space. There are few medicines prescribed. For one day. The teacher changes every day, so it's rude, but it's a mistake. There are also miscellaneous teachers and high-pressure teachers. Some nurses are also rough. However, I am grateful to have you see me on Sundays and holidays. The parking lot is large ○ However, it can be flooded with cars. When you see your child, I think it's best to have two people, an attendant and a driver. Experience When my child was one and a half years old, I had a fever every weekend due to baptism in a nursery school or otitis media, and I was confused by what the teacher said at that time. "You don't have to stick to your mom's work. Prolonged otitis media can lead to chronic hearing loss. After that, it's too late, so you should make a decision early. "When… When I consulted with an otolaryngologist who thought that I should be prepared to quit my job if the doctor told me that, "Otitis media of this degree is common. Now I If there is a problem with the hearing will not convey at an earlier stage. "When. I was confused because my child was worried because he was ill, took a break from work, was concerned, and was told this when he was tired.

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