すし 椿 池袋西口店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すし 椿 池袋西口店

住所 :

Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89877
Webサイト : http://www.royalshoji-food.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0021 Tokyo,Japan
小林由佳 on Google

祝日の18時半から予約で行きました。 オーダーしてから料理が提供されるまでが、とてもスムーズだったのが好印象です。 店員さんの感じも良く、居心地の良いお店だと思います。 芽ネギと蟹味噌のお寿司がとても美味しかったです!もちろん、ほかのネタも美味しいのでオススメです。
I made a reservation from 6:30 pm on a holiday. It was a good impression that the process from ordering to serving the food was very smooth. The clerk feels good and I think it's a cozy shop. The sushi of scallions and crab miso was very delicious! Of course, other ingredients are also delicious, so I recommend them.
m ksn on Google

It was better two years ago. I visited around 15:00 on a holiday for the first time in a long time, but the menu was reduced and the vinegared rice was a little sticky, so I thought the previous one was better. I used to recommend it to people, but I can't recommend it in the future.
遊大 on Google

池袋駅徒歩3分ほどにある地下にあるお店です。 店内は綺麗でカウンターとテーブルに分かれていてこの日はテーブルに案内されました。 その日はお酒も飲みたかったのでお酒と刺身や様々なお酒の肴を頼みました。 どの料理も美味しくお酒が進みました。 程よく落ち着いた頃にお寿司を頼みました。 いつも好きな分を好きなだけ食べてるのでこの日も迷わず好きなものを沢山頼みました。 やはり、いくら、雲丹は外せません。 印象的には中トロが特に美味しかったです。 池袋に美味しいお寿司屋さんは沢山ありますが間違いなくその一角に君臨します。 是非、ご賞味下さい!
It is a shop located in the basement located about a 3-minute walk from Ikebukuro Station. The shop was beautiful and divided into a counter and a table, and this day was guided to the table. I also wanted to drink alcohol on that day, so I asked for sake, sashimi and various sake bowls. All the dishes were delicious and the liquor went on. I asked for sushi when I was calm enough. I always eat as much as I like, so I asked for a lot of things I liked on this day. After all, how much can not remove the sea urchin. In an impressive way, Toro was particularly delicious. There are many delicious sushi restaurants in Ikebukuro, but I will definitely reign in that corner. Please enjoy it!
信原利行 on Google

It is a calm shop in the basement. The seats are a counter, a table, and a tatami room, and there are two entrances to the store: an elevator and stairs.
坂本浩 on Google

Mr. Tsubaki is in the basement, but it's in the building facing the roundabout in front of the station, so you can easily find it by searching. There are table seats and small lifts as well as counters, so even families can fully accommodate. The price is fixed for each ingredient, so you can enjoy it with confidence. There is also a wide selection of à la carte menus that are good value, so if you want to enjoy delicious sushi slowly, please try it.
佐々木S on Google

コロナのせいなのかもあって、 席は空いてました。 一貫当り100~1500と幅がありますが 100円のネタでもしっかりとした味付き、 重みがあって美味しかったです。 また、揚げ物系ではエビとタコの天ぷらを食べましたが 身がずっしりとしており、 エビはふっくら、タコはプリプリしており 食感、味申し分ないです。
Maybe it's because of the corona The seat was vacant. There is a range of 100 to 1500 per consistent Even with 100 yen coins, it has a strong flavor, It was heavy and delicious. Also, in the fried food system, I ate shrimp and octopus tempura. I'm heavy and I'm heavy The shrimp is plump and the octopus is pre-prepared The texture and taste are perfect.
竹石康晴 on Google

ランチで利用。 池袋でありながら清潔感のある店。 写真より少し小さめのものが出てくる感じがするが質は悪くない。 ランチは女性客が多い時もある。
Used for lunch. A clean shop in Ikebukuro. It feels like something a little smaller than the photo comes out, but the quality is not bad. There are times when there are many female customers for lunch.
TS TK on Google

ランチで利用してきました。 テーブルが5席、カウンターの小さなお店です。 ランチセットの椿セットと欅セットの2種類、追加でネギトロ巻きとトロタク巻きを注文しました。 セットはお味噌汁がついて2,000円ぐらいでした。 緊急事態宣言中だったのでお酒は自粛中ですw やっぱりビールがのみたいですね! お寿司はまあ普通でした。 ネタも別に悪くないし、かと言ってめちゃくちゃうまい!というほどでもなかったかなと思います。 可も不可もなく値段相応かと思います。
I used it for lunch. It is a small shop with 5 tables and a counter. I ordered two types of lunch set, camellia set and zelkova set, and additionally Negitoro roll and Torotaku roll. The set was about 2,000 yen with miso soup. Since I was in the state of emergency, I am refraining from drinking alcohol w After all it looks like beer! Sushi was pretty normal. The material isn't too bad, and it's messed up! I don't think it was so much. I think that it is suitable for the price, neither good nor bad.

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