
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社アールストーン

住所 :

Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89898
Webサイト : https://www.rstone-jp.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–9:30PM
Thursday 10AM–9:30PM
Friday 10AM–9:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0021 Tokyo,Japan
T K on Google

2019年6月利用 内定がでるまでの対応は非常に良かったです。 内定がでた後の対応が非常に悪いものでした。 利益をあげるため営業をしているので、入社させたい気持ちはわかりまが、強引に入社を進められたイメージがあります。 真夜中にメールが送られてくる、メールと電話のレスポンスが悪い等、不信感が非常に強かったです。
Use in June 2019 The response until the job offer was very good. The response after a job offer was very bad. Since I am doing business to make profits, I understand that I want to join the company, but there is an image of being forced to join the company. The distrust was very strong, such as mail being sent in the middle of the night and poor response to the mail and phone.
Kosuke Adachi on Google

With the support of a very enthusiastic person in charge, I was able to get a job offer. I think that the quality of the referral job offer and the support were solid.
wing cro on Google

No contact on a weekly basis. After confirming the situation, there was an apology from the boss, but the boss changed his charge but the situation did not change. I'm ignoring to stop using it. Eventually, the company's general contact point responded. Only the one who had the last correspondence was good.
ele ele on Google

今まであった一番雑なエージェントです。 エージェントとして、最低限のことはきちんと企業と求職者の間の情報伝達、その上は合う人に合う仕事を紹介すると思います。 ここは後者どころか、最低限のところもきちんとできていないのが現実です。 ダブルブッキングとか、間違えた個人情報伝達とか、企業名前の間違えとかはさておき、 ある企業の面接に参加する際に、時間の案内しかないです。頑張って調べてたどり着いたあと、担当者は誰か、誰に連絡すればよいのかが全くわからなかったです。 ほかのエージェントだったら、選考に落ちたら「〇〇の理由で落ちました」という連絡は絶対きます。それに対して、ここは一回も教えてくれたことがないです。 最初の面談だけが、エージェントが根拠もないデータで自分のことを素晴らしく言ってて、その後の対応本当に雑としか言えないです。 大きいところはそれなりに大きくなった理由はあると思います。それは長年企業や求職者からの信頼だと思います。 本当に大きなところはおすすめです。 (これは、悪意の中傷ではなく、個人的な観点とかも入れていないコメントだと思います。本当に全ては根拠の有る事実です。他の求職者は2度と同じような遭遇をしないようにしていただきたい所存だけです。)
It's the most sloppy agent I've ever had. As an agent, I think that the minimum thing is to properly communicate information between the company and the job seeker, and on top of that, I will introduce a job that suits the person who suits me. Far from the latter, the reality is that the minimum is not properly done. Aside from double booking, wrong personal information transmission, wrong company name, etc. When I attend an interview with a company, I only have time information. After working hard to find out, I had no idea who the person in charge was or who to contact. If you are another agent, if you fail the selection, you will definitely get a message saying "I failed for XX reasons". On the other hand, I have never taught you here. Only in the first interview, the agent says nicely about himself with unfounded data, and the subsequent response is really crude. I think there is a reason why the big part has grown to some extent. I think it has been the trust of companies and job seekers for many years. I recommend the really big ones. (I think this is a comment that doesn't include a personal point of view, not a malicious slander. It's really all a grounded fact. Don't let other job seekers encounter the same thing again. I just want you to do it.)
カニクマ on Google

From the job change site to the interview, the response was wonderful and quick, but there was no introduction of recruitment from there, even if it was past the deadline, if you do not contact me from here, you will not be contacted, there is no apology, there is a reminder Do not keep the promised date. I just decided to take the information and found that it wasn't possible and ignored it afterwards. Is Katano a guy? Really unreliable
梁雨 on Google

I think Mr. Katano is a quick and kind person who can talk to me easily. I was able to get in touch with them, such as sending me appropriate advice and job vacancies, and checking my situation each time. Through repeated conversations, I found what I was looking for and was doing a good job change.
Momoyo Tamagawa on Google

何が求職者にとってベストとなるか?を考えて対応いただいているのが伝わってきました。スケジュール調整もこちらの都合や体調を一番に考えていただき、交渉してもらえたので助かりました。他のレビューで紹介されている方とは違う方でしたが、同じく熱心で丁寧なサポートでしたので、会社全体でそのような方針なのかと思います。 初回ヒアリングで、しっかり今後の道筋を整理していただけたので、迷走することなく転職活動に専念することができました。初めて転職活動される方には特におすすめの会社です。
What is best for job seekers? I was told that you are responding by thinking about. I was grateful that I was able to negotiate with the schedule adjustment, considering my convenience and physical condition first. He was different from the one introduced in other reviews, but he was also enthusiastic and polite, so I think that the company as a whole has such a policy. At the first hearing, I was able to clearly organize my future path, so I was able to concentrate on my career change activities without getting lost. This company is especially recommended for those who are changing jobs for the first time.
highton goodjob on Google

入社さえさせてしまえばいいと考えている。 入社までのサポートは手厚い。その後は酷いの一言。 私利私欲の為に他人の人生狂わせないで欲しい。 有名大手企業の内定を貰うが、募集要項と面接時の話しに違和感が強く、望まない内定であったので辞退したが、言いくるめられ強引に入社させられた。 予想は的中。想像以上に劣悪な環境であった。 社員のほとんどが不倫、逮捕者が出るほどであったし、会社の商品を知人に売りさばかないとペナルティとして、自己買取が発生するというノルマが課せられた。その額は数十万に渡るものであった。 クレームを入れたところ、アールストーンの野村という幹部から謝罪があり、その後の将来的な責任を取る約束したものの、なしのつぶて。しらばっくれ通され何年も連絡はない。 当初、おかげで人生が大きく狂った。 職歴に大きな傷がつき、転職に煮え湯を飲んだ。 長期間生活も苦しくなった。恋人も失った。 誰もが知る知名度のある大手であった為、短期間の退職が悪いイメージとなり、自身の信頼を大幅に損なうものとなってしまったからからだ。 他のエージェント関係者から聞いた話しだが、このエージェントは、いわゆる『囲い込み』があることが有名で、この人らの実績の為に、『辞退させない』と言うことをしているそうだ。 エビデンスは全て揃ってる。
I think it's okay if I even join the company. The support until joining the company is generous. After that, a terrible word. Don't let someone else's life go crazy for your own self-interest. I received a job offer from a well-known major company, but I declined because it was an undesired job offer because I felt uncomfortable with the recruitment guidelines and the interview, but I was forced to join the company. The expectation is correct. The environment was worse than I had imagined. Most of the employees had an affair and were arrested, and a quota was imposed that self-purchase would occur as a penalty if the company's products were not sold to acquaintances. The amount was in the hundreds of thousands. When I made a complaint, there was an apology from an executive named Nomura of Earl Stone, and I promised to take responsibility for the future, but nothing was done. I've been rushed through and haven't been contacted for years. At first, it made my life go crazy. My work history was seriously damaged, and I drank boiling water when I changed jobs. Life has become difficult for a long time. I lost my lover. Because he was a well-known major company that everyone knows, his short-term retirement was a bad image, and his trust was greatly damaged. As I heard from other agents, this agent is famous for having so-called "enclosure", and because of their achievements, they say "don't decline". All the evidence is complete.

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