
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 第一整骨院鍼灸院

住所 :

Nishiichinoe, Edogawa City, 〒132-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://ami.gr.jp/store-search/da/
街 : Tokyo

Nishiichinoe, Edogawa City, 〒132-0023 Tokyo,Japan
颯真三浦 on Google

とても優しい先生たちばっかりでとても話しやすいです。 しかも治療券として置き針やお灸などが出来るのでとても嬉しいです。
Very kind teachers are all easy to talk to. Moreover, I am very happy because I can use a needle or a bowl as a treatment ticket.
河田香緒里 on Google

いつもアットホームな ご対応に感謝致します。 これからも宜しくお願い致します。
Always home Thank you for your response. Thank you in advance.
hinn naka on Google

猫背の治療を、してもらいました。 痛くも、辛くもなく、これで改善するの?って思っていたが、見事です‼️改善してました。結構、持続しています満足。
I had a stoop treatment. It doesn't hurt or hurt, does this improve it? I thought, but it's wonderful! ️ It has improved. Quite lasting satisfaction.
どすこい!!あら丸TV on Google

A year ago I came to this institute! I still attend this hospital on days when it hurts and hurts! The teachers didn't talk at first, but when I talked to them, it was nice and easy to talk with! I want to keep going as much as I can!
倉持妙子 on Google

適切な処置とアドバイスいただき良くなってきました。ありがとございます 他の患者さんたちとの信頼関係が感じられます。 通いたくなる雰囲気です。また行きたいです。
I am getting better with proper treatment and advice. Thank you I feel a relationship of trust with other patients. It is an atmosphere that makes you want to go. I want to go again.
ギャンブルキング on Google

I went to various needles and had almost no effect. I had a pain for about 9 months, and when I searched for a nearby needle again, I went to try this needle and after hitting the needle. After a whole day, there is no pain and my head feels refreshed.
小林 on Google

The osteopathic clinic I used to go to was unable to attend due to a transfer, and I was introduced to the hospital because there was a group clinic at the transfer destination. It was helpful because I was able to share the medical record information and continue to see what I had received at the previous hospital.
爽健美茶 on Google

紹介でこの院にきてみましたが、いろんな施術があり、頼もしいです。 また、気さくな先生が多く、楽しく通ってます。
I came to this hospital for an introduction, but there are various treatments and it is reliable. Also, there are many friendly teachers, and I enjoy going there.

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