障がい者就業・生活支援センター ハート

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Contact 障がい者就業・生活支援センター ハート

住所 :

Nishihonjoji, Sanjo, 〒955-0845 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:30PM
街 : Niigata

Nishihonjoji, Sanjo, 〒955-0845 Niigata,Japan
大瀧滋 on Google

Sylphie Verdir on Google

ある職員は理由も告げずに一方的な予定のキャンセルと適当な謝罪棒読みの電話対応で非常に印象が悪く、また別のある職員は支援してくれるように見えて実際は無神経。 私の担当となった職員は、私が健常者よりも不安が強い障害を持っている事を既に知りながらヘラヘラと笑ったまま無闇に不安を煽って空気を読まない上に、私の職業適正を考えず能力を過小評価してやる気を削ぐような事ばかりを素で言ってくるので余計に質が悪い。 それらの無神経な言動を受けても内向的なので何も言えずに黙っていたが、遂にストレスで肉体と精神に悪影響が出始めた。 真面目に障がい者用の支援センターの職員にあるまじき意識の低さと対応の悪さに疑問を抱かざるを得ない。 ここの支援センターは誰の為に何を支援しているのですか? こんな対応をされた利用者が支援センターの職員を信用し、安心して相談ができると思いますか? 現状ハローワークの障害者雇用を担当している職員の人達や職場体験実習で行っている会社の職員の人達の方が、肉体・精神的にも配慮してくれる上に建設的な提案と助言をもらえています。 もし手帳を持つ方で就活しようと思っている場合、なるべくハローワークの障害者雇用を担当する職員の方に相談する事を個人的にはオススメします。 いずれこの支援センターと連携するにしても必要最小限の範囲で事務的に利用する程度にとどめると、それだけで無駄に心を折られずに済みます。
One employee was very unimpressed by the one-sided cancellation of the schedule and the proper apology stick reading on the phone without telling the reason, and another employee seemed to support me and was actually insensitive. The staff I was in charge of did not read the air with anxiety while laughing and laughing, knowing that I had a disability that was more anxious than a healthy person, and my occupational suitability. The quality is even worse because he just says things that underestimate his ability and discourage him. Even if I received those insensitive words and actions, I was introverted, so I couldn't say anything and kept silent, but finally stress began to have an adverse effect on my body and mind. I have no choice but to question the low level of awareness and poor response of the staff of the support center for people with disabilities. For whom and what is the support center here supporting? Do you think that the users who responded in this way can trust the staff of the support center and can consult with confidence? Currently, the staff members who are in charge of hiring people with disabilities in Hello Work and the staff members of the company who are conducting work experience training give constructive suggestions and advice in addition to giving physical and mental consideration. I have received it. If you are planning to get a job with a notebook, I personally recommend that you consult with the staff in charge of hiring people with disabilities at Hello Work. Even if you cooperate with this support center, if you use it only for clerical work within the minimum necessary range, you will not be wasted.

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