まえだ薬局 西原店

4.4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact まえだ薬局 西原店

住所 :

Nishihara, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0113 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://kusurishop.com/shop/
街 : Hiroshima

Nishihara, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0113 Hiroshima,Japan
晴琉 on Google

You can rest assured that you will be kind and listen to us!
gasuparu risa on Google

Since it is open until 18:30, I am saved because I go back to work.
うさぴよ on Google

先日、薬をもらいに行ったんですが、その時にお茶を出していただきました! とても美味しいお茶でうれしかったです。
The other day, I went to get some medicine and at that time I had a cup of tea! I was very happy with the delicious tea.
yuki saya on Google

初めて利用しました。 無い薬もありましたが、すぐ手配していただき、薬の説明も丁寧でした。 今後も利用したいと思う。
I used it for the first time. There were no medicines, but they were arranged immediately and the explanation of the medicine was polite. I want to use it in the future.
tomato95yen on Google

If the parking lot was full and I was in trouble, he showed me a parking lot that was supposed to be for staff. It was helpful.
びーびにっと on Google

I asked for the medicine that my child takes every day on the line. It was helpful to be able to go get it when there were no children.
れいれい on Google

PCR検査のキットをもらいに行った際に、薬局での検査が中止になっており困っていたのですが、別の検査ができるところを教えてくれました。 対応が丁寧で良かったです!
When I went to get a PCR test kit, I was in trouble because the test at the pharmacy was canceled, but he told me where I could do another test. It was good that the correspondence was polite!

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