機能訓練型デイサービスタシマ 尾道

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 機能訓練型デイサービスタシマ 尾道

住所 :

Nishigoshocho, Onomichi, 〒722-0037 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://tashima-day.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Nishigoshocho, Onomichi, 〒722-0037 Hiroshima,Japan
坂本香奈恵 on Google

I think my mother is able to walk on her own feet until she is almost 90 years old because she is indebted to me. I look forward to working with you.
山本文子 on Google

I went to a facility tour. Since I was working at a hospital, I know some rehabilitation facilities, but I am very happy that both the users and staff are alive. I wanted my father, who needs long-term care and is messing around at home for a day, to go.
宮本一哉 on Google

My grandmother who did not change the movement even though exercising at a facility with many machines improved my movements when I unraveled the calves with this day service and said that I was delighted that more things I could do were to be happy.
yuki yoshimoto on Google

We went to see the parents together for day service. The service that relaxes the calf that other day services do not have was pleasant and good.
小島耕作 on Google

Seeing the water being distributed to the homes of nearby day service users during the water outage, I thought that society needed Mr. Tashima. Mr. Caremane also distributed water, but Mr. Tashima was encouraged by the quick response and frequent distribution of water.
橋本雅俊 on Google

タシマデイサービスセンターを利用した理由は、家族のすすめと医者のすすめとケアマネさん。 タシマデイサービスセンターを利用して良かったことは、デイサービスに行くことで仲間ができ、デイサービスに行ってどうだったかという家族との会話も増えたことが良かった。
The reasons for using the Tasima Day Service Center are family recommendations, doctor recommendations, and care managers. The good thing about using the Tasima Day Service Center was that I was able to make friends by going to the day service and to have more conversations with my family about how I went to the day service.
木村浩二 on Google

以前と比べ親が生き生きし始めて本当に良かったと感じて通っているタシマデイサービスのホームページを探してみた所、タシマデイサービスさんのエキテンを見つけたので他の人も私と同じ様な喜びを感じてほしいと思いコメントしました。Googleでも高評価が多いですね。 本当に親が元気になると自分まで元気になるんですね!今後ともよろしくお願いします!
When I searched for the homepage of Tashima Day Service, which I felt that my parents started living a lot better than before, I found Tashima Day Service's ekiten, so others felt the same joy as me I wanted it and commented. Google also has a high reputation. If the parents really get well, they will be fine! I look forward to working with you!
後藤まきこ on Google

デイサービスに通い半年は経過したと思いますが、母の姿勢がデイサービスに通う前と比べ明らかに良くなり、腰の痛みを訴える回数も減りびっくりしています。80歳を超えてからは姿勢が良くなるとは思っていなかったのでびっくりです。 これからも通って自分の事は自分でできるように頑張ってもらいたいです。
I think six months have passed since I went to day service, but my mother's posture has clearly improved compared to before going to day service, and the number of back pain complaints has decreased and I am surprised. I was surprised that I didn't expect my posture to improve after I was over 80. I want to continue doing my best so that I can do my own things.

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