稲葉自動車整備(株) 草加営業所

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 稲葉自動車整備(株) 草加営業所

住所 :

Nishicho, Sōka, 〒340-0035 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889877
Webサイト : https://www.holiday-fc.co.jp/shop/saitama/soka
街 : Saitama

Nishicho, Sōka, 〒340-0035 Saitama,Japan
井口勝 on Google

ビジネスパートナーなんですが社長さんが良い感じですよ 技術も問題ありません
It is a business partner, but the president feels good. There is no problem with technology.
papa Reon on Google

There seems to be no problem in handling domestic cars, but when it comes to imported cars...
広田百恵 on Google

挨拶が丁寧で印象が良いです。 車を修理しましたが、より良くなって返ってきました。
Greetings are polite and good impression. I fixed my car but it got better and returned.
ひらのあいこ on Google

Also, the car wasn't working well, so I asked him to take a look and fix it carefully. Thank you ☺️
ぽふみん on Google

It is a so-called car factory in town. President? Although it was a little unfriendly, the response was good and the staff on the spot was also very kind. We used at car inspection, but wanted to use in check.
ブルーオーシャン on Google

車検で利用させていただきましたが 実直に仕事をこなしてくれる 安心して依頼できる修理工場だと思います
I used it for vehicle inspection, but I will do my job honestly I think it is a repair shop that you can request with confidence
カモミール on Google

ディーラーに修理代見積りをお願いしたら車両保険の額を上回っていたので、こちらにきいてみました。 時間はかかりましたが、部品を遠くから取寄せて保険の範囲で修理していただきました! 助かりました?
When I asked the dealer for a repair cost estimate, it exceeded the amount of vehicle insurance, so I asked here. It took a while, but I ordered the parts from a distance and had them repaired within the scope of insurance! It was saved ?
ken japan on Google

It will maintain the old temperament seriously. Recommended for those who want to take good care of their car. We have been indebted for more than 15 years, but there is no over-maintenance and cost. As an aircraft mechanic, I also take a look at the work as a reference. I don't tell the shop about my profession.

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