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Contact まつみだい歯科診療所アネックス古町

住所 :

Nishiboridori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8061 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://matsumidai-dc.com/furumachi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Niigata

Nishiboridori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8061 Niigata,Japan
阿部和聖 on Google

VIII December on Google

総合的なデンタルケアを考えて、予防歯科を学びながら、治療を考えて下さるので、 その場しのぎの治療ではなく、生涯で残せる歯を増やせるケアを指導してもらえます。 全室個室で開店したばかりですし、清潔です。
Considering comprehensive dental care, while studying preventive dentistry, we will consider treatment, so Instead of a makeshift treatment, you will be taught a care that will increase the number of teeth you can leave in your lifetime. All the rooms have just opened and are clean.
cndjdjxjs fjdjd on Google

虫歯一つの治療でしかないのに、唾液検査だの、食事アンケートだの、異常に直接関係のない事に時間が取られた。通常一ヶ月で終わる治療が、何だ、かんだして、三ヶ月過ぎても終わらなかった。 他の歯医者に変えたくて、紹介状を頼もうと電話をすれば、3回掛けても担当に繋げてもらえず、おまけに受付の女性の方が7分間平気で保留状態にしたままにするし、一言で言うと、常識が無い。皆さん、場所や名前に惑わされてはいけません
Even though it was only one treatment for cavities, it took time for saliva tests, dietary questionnaires, and things that were not directly related to the abnormality. The treatment, which usually ends in one month, didn't end in three months. If I call to ask for a letter of introduction because I want to change to another dentist, I will not be able to connect to the person in charge even if I call it three times, and in addition, the lady at the reception will keep it on hold for 7 minutes. But in a nutshell, there is no common sense. Don't be fooled by the place or name, everyone
すみ on Google

自由診療の根幹治療、失敗されました。 「保険診療では失敗する恐れがあります」と言うから高いお金払ったのに……。 別の歯科医院で抗菌薬を貰って落ち着きましたが、度々ぶり返すようなら再治療するしかないとのことです。
The basic treatment of free medical treatment was unsuccessful. I paid a lot of money because I said, "There is a risk of failure in insurance medical treatment." I got an antibacterial drug at another dentist's office and calmed down, but if I often come back, I have no choice but to re-treat.
JPO on Google

【注】以下の条件にひとつでも当てはまるなら、おススメできない。 ・虫歯や詰め物治しなど、歯の治療をしてもらう目的の人 ・なるべく早く治療してもらって、何度も通院したくない ・サラリーマンなどの勤め人で、平日遅くか土日祝日しか行けない 当診療所は、歯科医メインというより歯科衛生士中心の診療所のため、治療自体は可能であるものの、当日の急な治療は受け付けてもらえない可能性が高いです。 また、治療というよりも寧ろ口腔内の衛生状態の改善(口臭の解消、歯茎の健康、歯周病予防)に重きを置いているため、その分野については通常の歯医者よりやたらと丁寧です。 最大のネックは、平日日中以外の予約がとりづらく、勤め人の場合は次回の予約が来月、再来月はザラにあるので、気が長い人でなければ近くの小規模なクリニックの方を強くお勧めしたい。 全席が個室であること、衛生士さんが丁寧な対応なので、口腔ケアに関心のある専業主婦や自営業の方なら合うかもしれません。
[Note] If any of the following conditions are met, we cannot recommend it. ・ People who want to have dental treatment such as cavities and fillings ・ I don't want to go to the hospital many times to get treatment as soon as possible ・ Working people such as office workers can only go late on weekdays or on weekends and holidays. Since our clinic is centered on dental hygienists rather than dentists, it is possible that treatment itself is possible, but there is a high possibility that sudden treatment on the day will not be accepted. In addition, since the emphasis is on improving oral hygiene (eliminating bad breath, gum health, and preventing periodontal disease) rather than treatment, the field is much more polite than a normal dentist. The biggest bottleneck is that it is difficult to make reservations other than during the daytime on weekdays, and if you are a worker, the next reservation will be in Zara next month and next month, so if you are not a long-suffering person, you should strongly recommend a small clinic nearby. I want to recommend it. All seats are private rooms, and hygienists are polite, so it may be suitable for full-time housewives and self-employed people who are interested in oral care.
A A on Google

多分、口コミでここを低くしてる方は虫歯が出来て痛くなるまで放っておいて、また歯が痛くなったら歯医者に行くを繰り返してる方みたいですね。 ここは根本的に改善したい方向けだと思うので、そういう方は向いてません。 そもそも、歯を大事にしようと思ってない方は昔ながらの歯を削って銀歯を被せるような所に行ったら良いと思います。 ここは、衛生士さんがキチンと管理してそもそも虫歯にさせない事を目指してる予防歯科なので、歯を大事にしたいと思ってる方向きです。
Perhaps the person who lowers this area by word of mouth seems to be the one who leaves it until it hurts due to tooth decay and goes to the dentist repeatedly when the tooth hurts. I think this is for people who want to make fundamental improvements, so it's not suitable for those people. In the first place, if you don't want to take good care of your teeth, you should go to a place where you can sharpen your old-fashioned teeth and cover them with silver teeth. This is a preventive dentistry that the hygienist manages with chitin and aims to prevent tooth decay in the first place, so it is for those who want to take good care of their teeth.

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