
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コルテプレミオ倉敷店

住所 :

Nishiachicho, Kurashiki, 〒710-0807 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://corte-premio.com/
街 : Okayama

Nishiachicho, Kurashiki, 〒710-0807 Okayama,Japan
To Tes on Google

水流添仁美 on Google

Your hair will become smooth and come back to life!
K N on Google

Playo Store ️ Good hair shine & moisture. I was very satisfied.
タマルミチコ on Google

The space is a private room, it is comfortable, and the customer service is consistently the same from the beginning to the end, so you can leave it with peace of mind
鴨井瞳 on Google

髪の毛の癖、パサつき、うねり、等々悩んでいましたが、トリートメントのおかげでツルツルしっとりを実感できました★*゚ 通い続けようと思います!
I was worried about the habit of hair, dryness, swelling, etc., but thanks to the treatment I was able to realize the smoothness and moistness * * I want to keep going!
小林由美乃 on Google

若い頃からクセ毛に悩んでいましたが、先月 初めてこちらにお世話になってから、髪のお手入れが楽になりました。ポストに入っていたチラシで、プレミオさんに出逢えて良かったです。今後もよろしくお願いいたします。
I was worried about the habit since I was young, but last month After taking care of me for the first time, hair care has become easier. It was nice to meet Premio with the flyer that was in the post. Thank you in the future.
キャロル on Google

Corte-san goes from the glass shop before the move, but this premio store has a hair esthetic firmly and the same person will do it one-on-one, even if it does not move in a private room, the place where everything ends I was able to relax! Thank you again!
ふじわらめぐみ on Google

早い時間からopenしているし、店内の雰囲気も落ち着いてて良い感じです。 カットも、細かく相談しながら決めていくコトができて、スタイリストさんが丁寧にアドバイスしてくれます(^-^)v カラーは特にオススメです!アッシュ系のカラーをとってもキレイにいれてもらいました☆
It's been open from an early time, and the atmosphere inside the store is calm and it feels good. I can make a decision about the cut while consulting in detail, and the stylist will carefully advise (^-^)v The color is especially recommended! I asked the ash color to be very beautiful☆

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