嵐の湯 伊勢崎店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 嵐の湯 伊勢崎店

住所 :

Nirazukamachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0813 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.arashi-yu.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–11PM
Sunday 10AM–11PM
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday 10AM–11PM
Friday 10AM–11PM
街 : Gunma

Nirazukamachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0813 Gunma,Japan
t s on Google

短時間で汗が滝のように出る。 シャワーを浴びて汗を流すと肌の調子が段違いです!
In a short time, sweat comes out like a waterfall. If you take a shower and sweat, your skin condition will be uneven!
田川貴業 on Google

夫婦二人で2時間コースを利用させて頂きました。LINE登録すると利用料値引+同伴者無料と半額以上のサービスも超お得に♬ 心地よい温度に温められた玉砂利状の15種類の天然鉱石に源泉100%の温泉水をかけると天然ミネラルを豊富に含んだ水蒸気が発生し室内を満たされ、45℃に保たれた室内で玉砂利の上に横たわると、温度からは想像も出来ないくらいの大量発汗に肩こりやストレス発散に満足しました。
Two couples used the 2-hour course. If you register on LINE, you can get a discount on the usage fee + free companion and more than half price service ♬ When 15 kinds of gravel-like natural ore warmed to a comfortable temperature are sprinkled with 100% hot spring water, steam containing abundant natural minerals is generated to fill the room, and the gravel is kept at 45 ° C. When I lay down, I was satisfied with the stiff shoulders and stress release due to the large amount of sweating that I could not imagine from the temperature.
ミルル on Google

バスタオルとフェイスタオルは必ず持参しましょう。 流れ的にはシャワー(全身洗う化粧も落とす)→岩盤浴→シャワーのみ お水と塩は自由に貰えます。 岩盤浴は何箇所か行ったことがありましたがここは他の岩盤浴とは全然違う。 ぜひ体験してほしいと思うくらい良い。 気持ちよく岩盤浴ができ、滝のように汗をかき体が軽くなった。 乾燥肌も少し良くなった。体の芯まで温まり翌日も快適 肌だけではなく、髪の毛も艶が出てサラサラになった。
Be sure to bring bath towels and face towels. In terms of flow, shower (remove makeup to wash the whole body) → bedrock bath → shower only You can get water and salt freely. I've been to several bedrock baths, but this one is completely different from other bedrock baths. It's so good that I want you to experience it. I was able to comfortably take a bedrock bath, sweating like a waterfall, and my body became lighter. My dry skin has improved a little. It warms up to the core of the body and is comfortable the next day Not only the skin but also the hair became glossy and smooth.
。。 on Google

レディースディがなくなったのは残念。 以前みたいな回数券キャンペーンをやって欲しいです! 今回は出るたびに温泉水をかけてくれたので、とても温まってよかった!スタッフさんもいい人でした! ただ、自分のマイボトル持ち込めないのが謎でした。ペットボトルではなくなりカップになり、カップは最後捨てて、蓋は再利用のようだったので蓋は使わず。マイボトル可にして欲しいです。
It's a pity that Ladies Day is gone. I want you to do a coupon campaign like before! This time, every time I went out, he sprinkled hot spring water, so I'm glad it was very warm! The staff was also a nice person! However, it was a mystery that I couldn't bring my own bottle. It wasn't a PET bottle, it became a cup, the cup was thrown away at the end, and the lid seemed to be reused, so I didn't use the lid. I want my bottle to be acceptable.
かんこん on Google

一回の金額が少し高いかなぁ〜とは思うのですが 2時間入った後のスッキリ感がたまらないので 満足です! LINEの友達になると、 時々抽選をやってくれるので (当たったことはないですが) 当たるといいなぁと思って行ってます! まぁでも、 一回1500円くらいになると嬉しいかなとは思います?
I wonder if the amount of one time is a little expensive. I can't help feeling refreshed after 2 hours. I'm satisfied! When you become a LINE friend, Because they sometimes draw lots (I have never hit it) I wish I could win! Well, I think it would be nice if it costs about 1500 yen at a time ?
Yu on Google

不快・不満だった点を書きます。(長文です) ①サウナの石が乾燥して熱い。途中の石畳を歩く際足裏が熱く、痛くなった おそらく温泉水を頻繁にまいていないのだと思います。1時間20分ほど入浴しましたが、その間自分が確認したかぎりでは撒いたのは1回でした。撒く水の量自体も少ないように感じます。自分がそう思うだけか?と思い後で他の人の口コミを見たところ、他にも温泉水を撒く回数が少ないと書いてる人がいました。温泉水を撒いた後は快適でしたが、少しだったのですぐカラッカラになりました。 ②小さい紙コップで水を飲む 説明を受けましたが、この小さい紙コップでぬるくなった水をサウナ内で飲むの??という感じでした。サウナ内は結構な汗をかくので、途中給水したいときに紙コップでは足らず、いちいち外に出なければなりません。非常に不便です。 また説明の際に『なるべく同じコップを使ってください』と言われました。サウナ内に持っていくと紙コップがシナシナになり、とてもじゃないけれども同じのを使う気にはなれません。 しかも水吸った紙コップ臭いです。初めて知りました。 休憩所(給水所)にも、他の客が使った紙コップのゴミの山が目につきます…人手足りないのか。 ③外の休憩所、ウッドデッキの部分に髪の毛ぱらぱら もう…良く見ると髪の毛めっちゃ落っこってました…これはデッキだから仕方ないと考えるべきか…室内の休憩所は大丈夫です。 ④ポイント制度が常連や近所の人向け ポイントはLINEのショップカードを利用しますが、50ポイント(計10万円使用)で『14日間利用し放題』。14日使用できる、ではなく『利用し放題だよ、ただし14日間ね』という内容。(もし間違えてたらご指摘ください。消します)まあ、こういう制度を見ると近場の常連向けの店なんだろうなぁと思います。 大まかには、こんな感じです。 ・ちなみに、パートナーと2人で平日の午後入店しました。他のお客は3人程度。 他の温泉施設や、同じ値段を払った系列店を知っていると…これだけ不満が出ました。温泉水があまり撒かれていない(隣に匂いキツい人がいると地獄)、紙コップの点で鼻が良い人は覚悟して下さい。 星1つなのは、脱衣所は普通に清潔だった点ですかね… あと、どの店でもそうですが①に関しては従業員の対応に差があるかもしれません。そういえば従業員は外履きのサンダルのようなものを履いて水を撒いてましたが、それで石畳の熱さが分からないのでは…?と思いました。我々は素足なんですが。良い口コミもあるので、他の日だと良い従業員がいるのかもしれません。 しかし紙コップの時点で来訪はやめます。 マイボトルはありなのか?聞くの忘れました。 残念な気持ちで帰宅です。 安くない金額も残念な気持ちに追い討ちをかけました。2時間2千円…損しました。
Write down the points that were unpleasant or dissatisfied. (It's a long sentence) ① The stones in the sauna are dry and hot. When I walked on the stone pavement on the way, the soles of my feet became hot and hurt. I think it's probably because I don't sprinkle hot spring water often. I took a bath for about 1 hour and 20 minutes, but as far as I could confirm, I only sprinkled it once. I feel that the amount of water to sprinkle is also small. Do you just think so? After thinking about it, when I looked at other people's reviews, there was another person who wrote that the number of times to sprinkle hot spring water was small. It was comfortable after sprinkling the hot spring water, but it was a little so it soon became empty. ② Drink water with a small paper cup I received an explanation, but do you drink the lukewarm water in this small paper cup in the sauna? ?? It was that kind of feeling. I sweat a lot in the sauna, so when I want to supply water on the way, a paper cup is not enough and I have to go out one by one. It's very inconvenient. Also, at the time of the explanation, he said, "Please use the same cup as much as possible." If you bring it into the sauna, the paper cup will turn into a sina-sina, and although it's not very, I don't feel like using the same. Moreover, it smells like a paper cup that has absorbed water. I did not know that. At the rest area (water supply station), you can see a pile of paper cup garbage used by other customers ... Isn't there enough people? ③ Hair fluttering on the outside rest area and the wooden deck Already ... If you look closely, your hair has fallen ... Should I think it can't be helped because this is a deck ... The rest area in the room is okay. ④ The point system is for regulars and neighbors You can use the LINE shop card for points, but with 50 points (using a total of 100,000 yen), you can use it for 14 days as much as you want. It can be used for 14 days, but it says "You can use it as much as you want, but for 14 days." (If you make a mistake, please point it out. I'll erase it.) Well, if you look at this kind of system, I think it's a store for regular customers nearby. Roughly, it looks like this. ・ By the way, I entered the store on weekday afternoons with my partner. There are about 3 other customers. When I knew about other hot spring facilities and affiliated stores that paid the same price ... I was so dissatisfied. If the hot spring water isn't sprinkled very much (hell if there is a person with a bad smell next to you), and if you have a good nose in terms of paper cups, be prepared. The one star is that the dressing room was normally clean ... Also, as with any store, there may be differences in employee response regarding (1). Speaking of which, the employees wore something like sandals that they wore outside and sprinkled water, but I wonder if they couldn't understand the heat of the stone pavement ...? I thought. We are barefoot. There are good reviews, so maybe there are good employees on other days. However, I will stop visiting at the time of the paper cup. Do you have my bottle? I forgot to ask. I'm sorry to go home. The amount of money that wasn't cheap was also a regrettable feeling. 2,000 yen for 2 hours ... I lost.
A T on Google

It was my first experience of bedrock bathing. I had a good experience with a polite explanation. Unlike a normal sauna, I felt that I was able to detox firmly without having to put up with sweat. The effect is different, but I want to improve my throat and nose and use it again. Please note that the stone pavement in the bedrock bath is slippery.
福田豊 on Google

久々に行ったら、ペットボトルから紙コップになってた。かなり面倒くさい。 置き石置いてるのに、途中で他の客に寝る場所を取られる。まだ他に寝る場所あるのに。同じ場所使うルール変わった?よくわからん。 その日の店員によって居心地の良さが変わる店。 値段2時間二千円は変わらずです。
When I went there after a long time, it turned from a PET bottle to a paper cup. It's quite annoying. Even though I put stones on the way, I was taken a place to sleep by other guests on the way. I still have another place to sleep. Did the rules for using the same place change? Well I do not know. A store where the comfort changes depending on the clerk of the day. The price of 2,000 yen for 2 hours remains the same.

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