Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University - Musashino

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University

住所 :

1 Chome-7-1 Kyonancho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-8602, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 180-8602
Webサイト :

1 Chome-7-1 Kyonancho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-8602, Japan
蒼井由依 on Google

勤務先の同僚が出身した大学です。 今後は出来れば日医大付属小金井獣医大学に名前を変えてほしいです。
This is the university where my colleague came from. If possible, I would like you to change the name to Koganei Veterinary University attached to Nippon Medical School.

11月3日 大学祭(医獣祭)に行って見ました。38年ぶりの母校は 素晴らしい近代的なキャンパスに生まれ変わっていましたね。 学生は皆さん、真面目そうでおおらかで、非常に好感が持てた、 昔よりかなり質が高い印象です。 模擬店も様々なものがあって、本当に変わった、時代の 流れを痛感した。
I went to the University Festival (Medical Beast Festival) on November 3rd. My first school in 38 years It was reborn as a wonderful modern campus. The students looked serious and broad and very positive. It's a much higher quality impression than before. There are a variety of mock shops, really changed, I felt the flow.
おてんばナナ(おてんばナナ) on Google

駐車場に入る所から、親切に対応して頂き、安心します。 待合室も広く、落ち着く場所を捜せます。 先生や看護士さんも、丁寧でわかりやすく話して下さり、納得して診察を受けられると思います。 我が家の娘も、最初は緊張して落ち着かなかったのですが、検査を終えて帰って来る頃には、すっかり先生に笑顔を向けておりました。 何か起きた時に、原因がわかったり、治療の方向性がはっきりするなど、今後も活用させて頂きたいと思っています。
You can rest assured that you will be kind to us from the place where you enter the parking lot. The waiting room is also large, so you can search for a calm place. I think that the teachers and nurses will be able to talk politely and in an easy-to-understand manner, and be convinced that they will be able to receive a medical examination. At first, my daughter was nervous and uncomfortable, but by the time she returned after the examination, she was completely smiling at her teacher. When something happens, I would like to continue to utilize it, such as understanding the cause and clarifying the direction of treatment.
ちびだんご on Google

We also have a veterinary clinic where you can receive a referral letter from your veterinarian. If your dog or cat becomes severely ill, or if you need a detailed examination, you should consult your veterinarian. I don't think I've seen birds. In the case of birds, we use the Mitaka Veterinary Group near the Musashino Post Office in the neighborhood.
懐古昭和 on Google

I don't care about other departments here, just in the veterinary department. It seems to be a group of Nippon Medical School, but that's it. After all, except for veterinarians, it is not as good as Tokyo University of Agriculture, which is the largest agricultural power in Japan. After all, the scale is too small. Too little name.
谷清司 on Google

わが母校です。???東京の街中にあるカレッジで、昔はバンカラな校風でしたが、近年は、女学生がかなり増加して、スマートな学校に変身したみたい。それでもやっぱり素敵な大学です。???☀️ 私が卒業したのは、1981年ですから今残っている建物は、入口のほんの一部でしかありません。? 獣医学科 畜産学科 食品工学科の3つが当時の学科でしたが、いまでは多分たいそう変わっているみたい。? 獣医学科も当時は4年制で授業料も30万円/年だったと思います。??? 卒業後は、開業する人も当然多かったのですが、畜産業界の飼料会社やハムソーメーカー、行政の公務員、人間の医療現場などへ進む人も多かったです☺️。??? その後、獣医学科は6年制になり、大学に入る女性の数が年々増えました。この結果、畜産業界や行政へ就職する人が激減し、加計学園問題につながったのではないかと思います。?
This is my alma mater. ??? A college in the city of Tokyo used to have a bunky school spirit, but in recent years, the number of female students has increased considerably, and it seems that it has transformed into a smart school. Still, it's a wonderful university. ???☀️ I graduated in 1981, so the remaining buildings are only a small part of the entrance. ? The three departments at that time were the Department of Veterinary Medicine, the Department of Animal Science, and the Department of Food Engineering, but it seems that they have changed a lot now. ? At that time, the veterinary department was a four-year system, and I think the tuition fee was 300,000 yen / year. ??? After graduation, there were of course many people who started their business, but there were also many people who went to feed companies and hamsaw makers in the livestock industry, government officials, and human medical practice ☺️. ??? After that, the veterinary department became a six-year system, and the number of women entering the university increased year by year. As a result, the number of people who find employment in the livestock industry and the government has decreased sharply, which may have led to the Kake Gakuen problem. ?
和光秀明 on Google

子供と学園祭に行きました。 知りませんでしたが、歴史のある大学なんですね。駅からも近くて便利そうです。歴史を感じさせる校舎がありました。中には、キリンの全身骨格の標本とか、他ではあまり見られないようなものが展示されていました。
I went to a school festival with my child. I didn't know, but it's a university with a long history. It seems convenient because it is close to the station. There was a school building that made us feel the history. Inside, specimens of the whole body skeleton of the giraffe and other things that are rarely seen elsewhere were exhibited.
Charles on Google

A shool in slow pace.

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