新横浜 板金加工 有限会社 武蔵工業

3.8/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact 新横浜 板金加工 有限会社 武蔵工業

住所 :

Nippacho, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒230-0001 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.musasikougyou.co.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nippacho, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒230-0001 Kanagawa,Japan
黒田信夫 on Google

We have the latest machines in place and have responded to our requests.
mayu cercle du sucre on Google

It was very helpful for us to respond very quickly!
C. A on Google

The production conditions I had told in advance were wrong, and after requesting production, I canceled it at the last minute, and I couldn't get in touch with the person in charge, and I didn't get a reply. This was the worst with cancellation after a very dishonest response even though the customer was waiting. You should ask another person.
吉田昌弘 on Google

ステンレスの寸胴の蓋の取っ手が取れてしまいネットで調べて事前連絡してお願いしました 当日伺うと5分も掛からず溶接して頂きました また何かあったらこちらでお世話になりたいと思います とても親切で丁寧な対応でした
The handle of the stainless steel lid has come off, so I checked it on the net and contacted me in advance. When I visited on the day, it took less than 5 minutes to weld. If something happens again, I would like to take care of you here. It was a very kind and polite response

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