からだの窓口niko 妙蓮寺店

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact からだの窓口niko 妙蓮寺店

住所 :

Kikuna, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.massage-niko.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kikuna, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
安藤剛 on Google

I visited the homepage. The customer service of the staff was also good according to the homepage, and I had a great time. I will come to the store again ?
井上星 on Google

マッサージがお上手でとても身体が軽くなりました。 気さくで優しい先生でした。 また受けに行きたいと思います。
I am good at massage and my body is very light. He was a friendly and kind teacher. I would like to go to receive it again.
とし on Google

He was very kind and consulted. After the operation, it became much easier. Thank you very much.
下河邊敦則 on Google

先生の人柄が、良いです! 腕も良し! 是非お身体辛く、近い方は行ってみて下さい!
Teacher's personality is good! A good arm! By all means your body is spicy, please go closer!
井上美奈子 on Google

とても調子が良くなりました。 また行かせていただきます。
I feel very well. I will go again.
setogchi eifuku on Google

日々変化する自分の体調に合わせた 施術を先生に親切、丁寧に施して頂き 以前より体の動きが改善しております。 皆様にも是非、おすすめです。?
It adapts to your own physical condition that changes day by day Treatment kindly to the teacher, please give it carefully The movement of the body has improved more than before. We also recommend it to everyone. A
糸井大河 on Google

I have a lot of desk work, so it's been a lot easier. I will go there regularly.
匿名希望 on Google

I went 4 times. The two men performed the treatment comfortably. The two women had a terrible massage the next day. Rubbing back was painful. I thought it would be nice to be close, but I should have made a reservation and nominated firmly.

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