ろばた 旬菜 ねぶ家

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ろばた 旬菜 ねぶ家

住所 :

Niizo, Toda, 〒335-0021 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88988
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/nebuya.0106/%3Ffref%3Dpb%26hc_location%3Dprofile_browser
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Saitama

Niizo, Toda, 〒335-0021 Saitama,Japan
結城和美 on Google

I'll ask you for lunch. There are only 3 lunches, I have never eaten Oyako-don, Tendon, luxury lunch and Oyako-don, but Tendon and luxury lunch were the best. There were nine kinds of tempura bowls, and the ingredients were very crispy and delicious. For lavish people, three daily sashimi, grilled or boiled fish, fish of the day, tempura, small bowl, pickles, miso soup are a little expensive for lunch, but it is very delicious that you want to have a luxurious lunch. Lunch may be limited in quantity ⁉️ It may be a bit difficult to understand, but it's definitely delicious so please go.
村上誠 on Google

I am a resident of Toda. "Nebuya-san" stands out in this area. Not only the deliciousness of the fish, but also the deliciousness of the pottery is exquisite. The husband is humbled that the charcoal is delicious, but you can get a glimpse of the technique by sitting at the counter. By the way, tonight I fell asleep with "Nodoguro" grilled with salt ☺️
k&R hiro8625 on Google

It was a weekday, so it wasn't crowded and the atmosphere was good. I entered without reservation
Mac Come on Google

Today's salad is delicious with various ingredients such as chicken and potato salad. I was satisfied with the careful making from the through to the pottery.
cb xsn on Google

ランチで通わせていただいてます(^^) おいしいです~(・∀・) 天丼の天ぷらは日によって種類ががらりと変わり、数えてみたら12種類の天ぷらが乗っていて1000円以下は別格ですw
I will go there for lunch (^^) It's delicious ~ (・ ∀ ・) The types of tempura in the tempura change dramatically depending on the day, and if you count it, there are 12 types of tempura on board, and 1000 yen or less is exceptional.
Jun Ishikawa (yxgo) on Google

戸田で一番の居酒屋です。日本酒のチョイスもハイボールの割合もちょうど良いですが、何よりも魚。秋の秋刀魚は最高でした。天ぷらもうまい。そして、全く期待してなかったデザートが唸るほど美味しかったです。 2回目は二件目で蕎麦だけ頂きましたが、美味しかった。また行きます。
It is the best izakaya in Toda. The choice of sake and the proportion of highball are just right, but above all, fish. Autumn saury was the best. Tempura is also good. And the dessert I didn't expect at all was so delicious. The second time, I got only soba in the second case, but it was delicious. I will go again.
Tomonori Ozawa on Google

21年10月17日(日)13時訪問:初訪問 天丼(980円) 先客1組で、カウンターに案内されました。ランチは3種、親子丼と天丼と御膳。天丼を注文。 10分後くらいに提供。旬の野菜が盛り沢山、茗荷(1番感動)、茄子、かぼちゃ、コーン、練り物、海老、太刀魚、舞茸など、様々な味を楽しめます。衣も厚くなく、サクサク楽しめました。 夜は、ボトルも入れられて串盛りもあるので、気軽に通えそうな雰囲気です。 カウンターだったので、キッチンから気遣ってもらいネタについて教えていただきました。気軽に会話も楽しめそうですね。ごちそうさまでした^_^
Visited at 13:00 on Sunday, October 17, 2009: First visit Tendon (980 yen) One pair of customers was guided to the counter. There are 3 types of lunch, Oyakodon, Tendon and Gozen. I ordered a bowl of tendon. Served in about 10 minutes. You can enjoy a variety of seasonal vegetables such as Japanese ginger (the most impressive), eggplant, pumpkin, corn, paste, shrimp, cutlass fish, and maitake mushrooms. The clothes were not thick and I enjoyed it crisply. At night, there are bottles and skewers, so it's an atmosphere that you can easily go to. It was a counter, so I asked them to take care of me from the kitchen and told me about the material. It seems that you can easily enjoy conversation. Thank you for your feast ^ _ ^
YOKO H. on Google

確かSNSで美味しそうな親子丼を発見し、よく調べたところ自宅からもそれほど離れていてない場所だったでブックマークをしておいたお店です。場所はJR埼京線戸田駅から歩いて数分のところにありますが、そもそも戸田駅近辺ってあまり飲食店がないのでほぼ来たことがないんですよね。しかもこちらのお店は駅から近いとはいえメイン道路から少し入った場所にあるので分かりにくく、かつ看板やのぼりなどもないので通りすがりにはいるような感じではないですね。 駐車場はお店の近くに駐車場があるのうですが、どうやら今時のコインを入れてロックを解除するようなタイプではなく、ビニール袋にお金をいれて、案内版に書いてある不動屋さんの郵便BOXに入れておくタイプのようです。ただ、400円/1日なので、激安かとおもいきや、1時間程度のランチタイムで使う分はこの近辺だと割り高ではないか?まあ、仕方ないのでそちらに駐車をして店内に入店。 店内はカウンター席とテーブル席があり、大きなテーブル席には団体さんが食事をされていたのでわたしたちはカウンター席に座らせていただきました。カウンター席には焼酎のボトルキープなんかがたくさん並んでいるのでディナーでお酒をいただくかたがメインなのでしょうが、グランドメニューを見てみると、天ぷらや刺身など種類が豊富なので夜のんびり飲みに来たくなますね。 さて、注文したのは親子丼(880円)です。連れは天丼(980円)にするか迷っていたようですが贅沢ランチ(1380円)を注文。 カウンター席に座ったので厨房内がよく見えますが、厨房内は男性の方が2名でとても丁寧に調理をされているのがよくわかります。贅沢ランチを作っていますが、刺身を切って天ぷらを揚げて魚を炙ってと一つ一つに作りたてを提供されているのですね。これは期待が高まりますよ。 最初に贅沢ランチが到着し、その後すぐに親子丼が到着。親子丼単品かと思いきや。味噌汁、サラダ、漬物、ポテサラがついています。これでこの値段はコスパ良いですね。 さっそく親子丼をいただいてみますが、とろっとろの半熟卵にしっかり出汁がきいていてとてもいい味わい。鶏肉もやわらかいし、たっぷりの量がはいっているので食べごたえもあります。上に乗った黄身を混ぜ混ぜしながら食べると素晴らしく美味しい。こんなおいしい親子丼食べたのはいつ以来でしょうか。ご飯の量も男性でも満足できる量なのは嬉しい限り。 連れの贅沢セットはたくさんの小鉢がのった文字通り贅沢なセット。刺身と天ぷらが絶品とのことでした。ただ、贅沢とはいってもこれで1380円なんて、都内ではこの値段では絶対に食べることができないですよね。しかも贅沢セットには食後のドリンクとデザート(ババロア)がつくようです。これは素晴らしい。 大満足してごちそうさま。次回は夜に来てみたいですね。
Certainly, I found a delicious Oyakodon on SNS, and when I looked it up, it was a place not far from my home, so I bookmarked it. The place is a few minutes walk from Toda Station on the JR Saikyo Line, but since there aren't many restaurants near Toda Station in the first place, I haven't come there. Moreover, although this shop is close to the station, it's a little far from the main road, so it's difficult to understand, and there are no signs or banners, so it doesn't feel like you're passing by. It seems that there is a parking lot near the shop, but apparently it is not the type that puts coins and unlocks it, but puts money in a plastic bag and the Fudoya written in the guide version It seems to be the type to put in the mail box of. However, it's 400 yen / day, so I think it's cheap, but isn't it expensive to spend about an hour at lunch time around here? Well, it can't be helped, so I parked there and entered the store. There are counter seats and table seats in the store, and the large table seats were eaten by groups, so we sat at the counter seats. There are a lot of ginger bottle keeps lined up at the counter seats, so it's probably the main person to have a drink at dinner, but if you look at the grand menu, there are a lot of types such as tempura and sashimi, so I want to come for a leisurely drink at night. I'm sorry. By the way, I ordered the Oyakodon (880 yen). It seems that my companion was wondering whether to make a tendon bowl (980 yen), but I ordered a luxury lunch (1380 yen). Since I sat at the counter seat, I can see the inside of the kitchen well, but I can see that two men are cooking very carefully in the kitchen. You are making a luxurious lunch, but you are offered freshly made sashimi, fried tempura, and roasted fish. This raises expectations. The luxury lunch arrived first, and soon after that the oyakodon arrived. I think it's a single Oyakodon. Comes with miso soup, salad, pickles and potato salad. With this, this price is good for cospa. I'm going to have a parent-child bowl right away, but the soft-boiled egg has a good soup stock and it tastes very good. The chicken is also tender and has plenty of it, so it's also delicious. It is wonderfully delicious to eat while mixing the yolks on top. Since when have you eaten such a delicious oyakodon? As long as I am happy that the amount of rice is enough for men. The luxury set with you is literally a luxury set with many small bowls. It was said that the sashimi and tempura were excellent. However, even though it is a luxury, it costs 1380 yen, which you can never eat at this price in Tokyo. Moreover, it seems that after-meal drinks and desserts (bavarois) are included in the luxury set. This is fantastic. Very satisfied and feast. Next time I would like to come at night.

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