丸中 横山町店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丸中 横山町店

住所 :

Nihonbashiyokoyamacho, Chuo City, 〒103-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.kimonom.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashiyokoyamacho, Chuo City, 〒103-0003 Tokyo,Japan
とみぃ on Google

Kimono accessories are available in stores at reasonable prices
at C on Google

Because it is a wholesale street, the price of a retail store is more cost-effective.
永井晶子 on Google

A good kimono is reasonably priced. More than that, I'm glad that the price is reasonable for tailoring ?
miri miri on Google

こちらのお店では、畳みの近くに置いてある手当たり次第の反物を進めてきます。 だけど、反物にいくら、仕立てにいくらかかるとは言ってはくれません。 明朗会計ではありません。 買えば買うほど安くすると店員さんは言います。 反物の数は余りないです。 色を大切にする反物なのに3色しかない。 コレが似合う、コレが似合う!とお祭り状態の中いつの間にか買っていました。 帰りがけに、あっと思いだしたように長襦袢を勧めてきましたが、こちらでは正絹では洗えるタイプはないとの事。 全てにおいて、種類が少なすぎる。 洗えるタイプでないと困りますから!と言ったけど、ここには切らしてないし、安くクリーニングするからの言葉に負けてしまった。 この度は良いお勉強をさせて戴きました。 翌日百貨店に行ったけど、似たような物がお仕立代込で半分以下で売ってました。半分以下でした。 もう二度とここのお店に行くことはないでしょう。
In this shop, you will find random pieces of cloth that are placed near the tatami mat. However, it does not say how much it will cost to tailor it to tailor it. It is not a bright accounting. The clerk says that the more you buy, the cheaper you buy. There are not many fabrics. There are only three colors, though the color is important. This looks good, this looks good! I bought it sometime during the festival. On my way home, I suggested Nagajuban, as I had imagined, but there is no washable silk type here. In all, there are too few types. I need to be a washable type! But I didn't run out here and lost the words of cleaning cheaply. This time, I had a good study. The next day, I went to a department store, but a similar thing was sold for less than half with a tailoring fee. It was less than half. I will never go to a shop here again.
Blacky & whity on Google

展示会の案内状申込はWebでできるが、解除が問合せメールやWeb上でできず不便。 停止の電話を入れないと永遠と送られてくるが、停止の電話をいれる身にもなって欲しい。
You can apply for an exhibition invitation on the Web, but it is inconvenient because you cannot cancel it via an inquiry email or the Web. If you don't make a stop call, it will be sent forever, but I want you to be able to make a stop call.
高橋託子 on Google

Nearly 4 stores are all the same store. Dressing accessories are cheap. You can also order catalogues that are not on the storefront. The best products at the time of the exhibition are advantageous. Cleaning and pearlton processing is also half price. It is recommended that you wear a kimono for the first time as it is kind and correct.
山田ハナコ on Google

店員さんの感じが良いです。 足袋を購入しましたが手頃な価格でした。
The clerk feels good. I bought socks but it was reasonably priced.
Linda Endow Hall on Google

I was able to find all the clothing I wanted at this store, and the clerks were very helpful.

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